*For sports*: for Kostin, for Rotenberg?

Who helps the successful designer Anastasia Zadorina to receive multi-million state contracts from the budget?

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Zasport LLC, owned by Anastasia Zadorina, received a state contract worth 664 million rubles from the Moscow Metro for sewing workwear. And this is not her first major contract. For almost ten years, her company has been almost the key for tailoring clothes for domestic agencies.

How Ms. Zadorina ended up in the world of big fashion and fat government contracts, the correspondent of The Moscow Post found out.

The correspondent found out how Zadorina began to set fashion trends, and who stands behind the back of a young business woman.

By leaps and bounds

Anastasia Zadorina identified herself as one of the leading designers and suppliers of clothes for the Kremlin back in 2011. Then she presented her debut collection under the brand name anastasiAZadorina. Later, in 2014, her provocative T-shirts with the inscriptions: “Poplar is not afraid of sanctions” and “Sanctions? Don’t make my Iskanders laugh” were also fired – just to the accompaniment of the sanctions pressure on our country that had begun.

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / “RIA Novosti

However, for a long time “Zasport” remained in the shadow of Bosco di Ciliegi Bosco Mikhail Kusnirovich, who supplied clothes for Russian Olympians. But in 2017, the entrepreneur, apparently quarreling with one of the influential people, gave way to the young, which Zadorina suddenly took advantage of.

In 2017, her company became the official outfitter of the Russian Olympic team for the period 2017-2024, they chose the company of Anastasia Zadorina “Zasport”.

The decision that the patriarch of the Russian fashion business Mikhail Kusnirovich lost the right to dress Olympians surprised many, because the Bosco Sport brand has been in this “game” for 15 years. The departure almost coincided with the dismissal of the post of Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko (October 2016).

Regarding “For Sport”, the Olympic Committee explained that the new counterparty offered more favorable conditions. However, Za Sport LLC, which owns the Zasport trademark, was registered on December 1, 2016.

The founders are only Zadorina. This raises questions, how did the company have production bases in several countries of the world in just a year and such conditions that they are replacing Bosco Sport? Did no one help?

By the way, Kusnirovich said that the committee requested 650 million rubles from him for the extension of cooperation. in year. It is unlikely that a one-year-old firm could afford such sums.

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Fashion Subway

After the Olympic champions, Zadorin decided to dress the employees of the Moscow metro. In 2019, the parties entered into a deal for the first time for 433 million rubles.

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

And in 2022, the situation repeats itself. This time, they will spend decently more on clothes – 664 million rubles.

The current Zasport company, which was officially registered in 2019, is doing great. Revenue for 2021 amounted to 958 million rubles.

The organization has 13 government contracts worth 1.5 billion. The main customer is the Moscow subway – there are 4 contracts worth 1.4 billion rubles.

business friends

You won’t be full of clothes alone, as they say, so Zadorina is listed as the founder in 14 more companies. Half of them are bankrupt.

The business lady also has a share in Kosta LLC, which manages a hunting farm in the Yaroslavl Region, and the same business lady has a partner in Muflon LLC.

And here the thread led us to the head of VTB Andrei Kostin, it is he who owns Mouflon. Yes, and the general director of the firms mentioned above they have one for two. It must be assumed that Zadorina’s success in government contracts could not have done without the help of a Russian banker.

Perhaps the connection is quite indirect. But then the company “Taels” pops up, the founder of which is unexpectedly the “Mouflon” already familiar to us and … Zadorina’s sister Yulia Tikhomirova. It turns out that the whole family is definitely connected by Mr. Kostin.

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

And recently, in January, Zadorina’s partner in another of her companies, Stacey LLC, became Regional Investment Company JSC, this company is headed by Nadezhda Emelyanova, she is also a director at SZ Kometa LLC, as well as a co-owner and director of SZ LLC Investment in the future”.

"for sport": for kostin, for rotenberg?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Both of these companies are owned by Trnasstroyinvest LLC, where Sberbank Investments LLC has a stake, as well as by structures owned by Arkady Rotenberg.

Let’s go back a little. Remember Zadorina’s most famous design campaign – the release of T-shirts with patriotic inscriptions like “Sanctions? Don’t make my Iskanders laugh” or “Poplar is not afraid of sanctions”?

Among their sponsors was a certain PJSC Concern “Baikal”. The society was established in 2014, it brought together the children of high-ranking security officials and businessmen who worked with Gazprom contracts.

Zadorina owned 30% of the company in the company, she also headed the board of directors. It also included, in particular, Roman Zolotov, the son of the former head of the Security Service of the President of Russia, and now the head of the National Guard, Viktor Zolotov.

And by pure “accident”, the only asset of Baikal was a 90% stake in Stroygazservis (SGS), created in 2009 by Alexei Snegirev, Arkady Rotenberg’s former head of procurement and logistics at Stroygazmontazh.

But not only good friends with Zadorina. The family played an important role in this whole story. The father of Anastasia Mikhailovna is none other than the president of the Dynamo men’s volleyball club (Moscow), Mikhail Shekin, who also comes from law enforcement agencies with obviously great influence. By the way, now Zadorina has only a part of the share in the Zasport company, the rest belongs to Flagman LLC, which is owned by ANO SK Dynamo.

In 2015, as part of the development of socially significant facilities in Moscow, a subsidiary of VTB Bank – VTB Project – began construction of the Match Point international sports volleyball arena. The complex consists of apartments and a volleyball arena of the sports society “Dynamo”.

Here and again the same companies and characters flicker. However, the chain does not end there; in 2019, VTB and the Rotenberg Foundation became the owners of the Dynamo hockey club.

As a result, it turns out that dad is connected with one of the main cubes of the country, and even with law enforcement agencies. Kostin and Rotenberg flicker nearby, who also benefit from such a “friendship”. Is this why the unknown Zadorina suddenly became so popular?

Anastasia Zadorina herself does not hide the fact that someone helped her in many ways, she told about this in her interview to Lenta.ru.

“Yes, connections helped me in my work: the institute, friends, family, parents. I can’t even advise a short way. No money, no acquaintances,” the designer shared.

Of course, good friends and family support are important. However, does this cross the line when it comes to multi-million government contracts? How does it happen that Anastasia Zadorina abruptly breaks into the world of fashion and immediately captures an untouched niche by anyone for so many years?

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