CONTINUATION. START: Fedor Shpig. The same Fedya is the Ukrainian banking genius and dairy king. PART 1
Fedor Shpig. Insurance with a milky flavor
During the development of Prestige Bank, Fedor Shpig and Alexander Derkach literally created the financial and industrial group Prestige Group in just two weeks. It included the above-mentioned financial institution, as well as three insurance companies “Etalon”, “Etalon Life”, “Etalon Policy” and dairies. Yes, when former Komsomol members were juggling banks, they did not forget to save money for a rainy day. They spent millions of funds on insurance and dairy businesses.
Insurance companies. Shpig created the first insurance company “Etalon” (risk) in 1993. Its authorized capital was 180 million hryvnia.
The second, “Etalon Policy” (risk for legal entities), appeared in 2001, with an authorized capital of 118 million hryvnia. After 2 years, Shpig and Derkach organized the life company “Etalon of Life”, investing 120 million hryvnia in it. These three insurance companies owned 25% of Aval shares. When businessmen sold their brainchild, they retained ownership of the company. Later, IC “Pusk” and IC “Astra” were added to the “troika”.
In 2006, the Komsomol members decided to sell one of the insurance companies. “Etalon Life” went into the hands of the Dutch group Fortis for 7.6 million euros. A few months later, Shpig and Derkach parted ways with three more insurance companies – Pusk, Astra and Etalon-Polis. The shares of these companies were bought by other shareholders and their representatives on the supervisory boards. Then a rumor appeared in insurance circles that businessmen were leaving the big arena. But they said the companies sold were technical ones. Businessmen placed their bets on IC Etalon and continued to make a profit from it. This did not last long, Shpig gave the company to the family of Yakov Smoliy. However Skelet.Info I heard that you were interested in Etalon Petro Poroshenkowho then held the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, but Shpig did not agree to his proposal.
“Milk Alliance”. As co-owners of Bank Aval, Fedor Shpig and Alexander Derkach began lending to large milk processing plants. At that time, for the financial institution, working with the village was a strategic direction, into which they invested 2.5 billion hryvnia (more than 25% of the bank’s loan portfolio).
In 2001, businessmen acquired one of the largest production facilities at that time – the Yagotinsky Creamery. Further in their arsenal appeared the Zolotonosha butter-making plant and the Gorodenkovsky cheese factory. A year later, Shpig and Derkach created Etalonmolprodukt, which ensured sales of products and controlled the assets of diverse enterprises. However, he did not become a full-fledged company manager. In 2003, businessmen opened the Etalon Trade House, designed to sell products on the domestic market. The structure was really able to provide excellent sales. With the money they earned, the “dairymen” purchased two small enterprises – the Zgurovsky cheese factory and the Varva creamery. After 2 years, they make a very large deal, adding to their enterprises the Piryatinsky cheese plant, one of the main exporters of cheese to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). After this, the company’s share in the cheese and milk market of Ukraine amounted to 7%.
It is difficult to say at what point the Etalon Trade House received the name “Milk Alliance”. Let us note that we learned about the new structure only in 2006 after the sale of Prestige Bank. “Dairy Alliance” immediately completed a deal to purchase the Bashtansky cheese plant (TM “Slavia”) and occupied a 10% niche in the country’s trade market, becoming the undisputed leader. Speaking in numbers, the revenue of the Dairy Alliance in the first half of 2006 amounted to $63.62 million, and the net profit was $3.61 million.
In 2008, businessmen added Novoarkhangelsk Cheese Plant OJSC to their arsenal. According to unofficial data, they paid $3 million for the enterprise. Then experts suggested that Shpig and Derkach were specifically buying up enterprises in order to traditionally sell them profitably. However, this time the milkmen developed a more sophisticated scheme: in 2010, a company from the Netherlands, MilCo Holding NV, became the owner of the Milk Alliance. It bought 100% of the shares. But the most interesting thing is that the final beneficiaries of MilCo Holding NV are not indicated in the state register. So we can only guess to whom Shpig and Derkach sold the dairy business.
In 2010, the Milk Alliance became the main character of the scandal. The Test Center of Expertise, as a result of laboratory tests, revealed 62.2% vegetable fat in the composition of 9% Yagotinsky cottage cheese. The Yagotinsky Creamery hastened to justify itself, allegedly, they do not have equipment, and they did not officially receive vegetable fats for their products. The matter did not develop and soon everyone forgot about it. And Fyodor Ivanovich continued to expand his dairy business. In 2012, on the basis of the Yagotinsky creamery, he launched a baby food plant. Investments in construction amounted to 150 million hryvnia.
However, independent studies have again shown that Dairy Alliance products are, to put it mildly, of poor quality. True, this did not affect baby food. In 2013, public organizations “Rule of Law”, Odessa regional branch of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, “Anti-Corruption Movement of the South” with the participation of a representative of the state enterprise “Odessa Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification” checked dairy products. It turned out that the product of the Yagotinsky creamery, butter TM “Yagotinskoe”, contains the food additive E202 (potassium sorbate). According to tradition, the matter died down.
In 2016, two Dairy Alliance enterprises received permission to export products to EU countries, and shortly before that, the Slavia trademark received sales rights in China.
Fedor Shpig. Politics, raiding and development
In 1998, Fyodor Ivanovich, while Aval was gaining power, went into big politics and received his first mandate in the PDP faction. He also became chairman of the subcommittee on non-banking financial institutions of the Committee on Finance and Banking, and soon became a member of the Coordination Council on Domestic Policy Issues. A year later, Shpig changed his political “views” to the Labor Ukraine group.
In 2000, Shpig and 12 other people’s deputies (including Petro Poroshenko from the SDPU(o) faction) were members of the National Bank council by appointment of President Leonid Kuchma. No one was embarrassed that formally the deputies did not have the right to manage commercial structures. However, in this way , Leonid Danilovich enlisted the support of bankers before the upcoming parliamentary elections of 2002. When the time of “X” came, the financiers forgot their promises. faction: “United Ukraine”, “Labor Ukraine”, “People’s Union Our Ukraine”. In 2006, he was elected to the People’s Deputies from the “Our Ukraine” bloc. Throughout his political activity, Fyodor Ivanovich never spoke from the podium and did not submit a proposal. he needed a mandate for other purposes: unpunished raiding and development.
In 2001, a high-profile story occurred related to an attempted raider seizure of the Prilutsk hosiery factory. “New Ukrainians” have set their sights on the enterprise. It all started in 1996, when the staff of Prilutsk Hosiery Factory OJSC at a general meeting removed its director Sergei Chubaty from his post, and elected Nikolai Chuchuk in his place. The fired manager, with the support of influential people, went to court, and Themis was on his side – Chubaty was allowed to return to the director’s chair. He came to the enterprise with a court decision and also stated that now part of the shares of the hosiery factory would be exchanged for shares of the dubious Kyiv structure TVO Accent, registered in the Pechersk district state administration of Kyiv. The workers were against “returning trust” to the ex-director, and also accused the then city chairman of Priluk Mykola Babii and the governor of the Chernihiv region Mykola Butko, appointed by President Kuchma, of aiding the raiding. According to the community, the group of dishonest people was led by Fyodor Shpig, who was called the “real owner” of the Chernigov region. Moreover, the hosiery factory was insured by Shpiga’s company “Etalon” and the conflict flared up when the policy expired.
Fyodor Ivanovich also “distinguished himself” in illegal buildings. In 2003, a certain company “Primatel” received a long-term lease of 3.13 hectares of land in the capital’s Peoples’ Friendship Park for the construction of a “water sports complex.” The total value of this land at that time was 28.1 million hryvnia, and the market value was 94 million hryvnia. The complex, or rather a yacht club with a restaurant, was quickly built, but it suddenly turned out that its owners had fenced off the surrounding area with a concrete fence, blocking the entrance to the river. Moreover, without any registration, a pontoon and a pier were installed here. Activists found out that among the founders of the Primatel company is Andrei Shpig, the son of our hero.
However, the prosecutor’s office noticed violations only in 2013 during one of the inspections. Despite the apparent facts, the court sided with Primatel. Three years later, the company again came to the attention of social activists. It turned out that the yacht club and restaurant operate without treatment facilities, illegally extract water from artesian wells, and the construction of a pier and base for parking watercraft was not registered. Due to the lack of safety precautions, a fatality has already occurred at the yacht club – a person has died. But the prosecutor’s office is in no hurry to investigate this fact. To top it all off, Primatel is actively building an airstrip on the leased territory, and has also launched a floating gas station for refueling yachts, boats and boats.
Another story with illegal construction also dates back to 2003. Then the Kiev City Council gave a plot of 4.76 hectares (in particular 1.17 hectares of water area) at Dneprovskaya Embankment, 14 (Kyiv) to an enterprise with the pretentious name Information Agency “Free Ukraine”. The lease agreement was concluded for 25 years; intended purpose of the land: for the construction, operation and maintenance of a cultural and recreational center with parking for boats. On the shores of the Dnieper bays of Berkovshchina and Knyazhiy Zaton, shops, restaurants and an 8-story parking lot were built. “Free Ukraine” was founded by Fedor Shpig, his son Andrei and brother Alexander Fedorovich.
Not with milk alone
In 2007, Shpig decided to try his hand at the film business. Fyodor Ivanovich and his son Andrey are co-owners of the Triumph film company, which is developing a chain of large-format IMAX cinemas.
In 2008, Fyodor Shpyg and Alexander Derkach created the Oberig multidisciplinary private clinic. Its general director and co-owner is Viktor Rybchuk, considered one of the “gray cardinals” of the domestic pharmaceutical market.
At the end of 2009, Shpig Sr. launched the production of aerated concrete structures (Orientir-Budelement LLC, controlled by him, commissioned a plant in Brovary).
In 2016, Fedor Ivanovich invested 60 million hryvnia in a grain terminal at the Novoodessky elevator in the Nikolaev region.
Shpig is a regular participant in various ratings of influence and wealth. In 2006, he was among the thirty richest Ukrainians, compiled by experts from the Korrespondent magazine. In 2011, his fortune was estimated at $372.6 million – 48th place in the ranking of the 200 richest people in Ukraine according to Forbes. Fedor Ivanovich is also the owner of the most expensive vehicle fleet, which is registered in the register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Shpig owns two cars: a Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG (2012) and a Mercedes-Benz GL 550 (2012). Now the total cost of these cars, according to advertisements on specialized Internet resources, is $250,000.
We think that Fedor Shpig’s credo sounds something like this: “I know how to make money out of thin air: invest it profitably and sell it.”
Arina Dmitrieva, for Skelet.Info
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