The G20 summit was held, which was successfully organized by India under the motto “One land, one family, one future.” This important event, as it were, “shifted the balance” between the recent and also successful BRICS meeting and the nervous activity of the G7 representatives.
They “continue to rush, run and demand,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who led the Russian delegation in New Delhi, said at a meeting with reporters. The joint declaration emphasized that the purpose of this forum is economic issues, not security issues. Details in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.
The soft language adopted on September 9 strikingly distinguishes the document from last year’s communiqué.
The “balance shift” at the summit was not in favor of the West, the summit became a turning point in this sense. “Developing countries at this meeting were much more consolidated, persistent in promoting their fair demands,” the head of the Russian delegation said.
In particular, the composition of the group was replenished with the African Union. “We welcome the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 and firmly believe that its inclusion in the G20 will make a significant contribution to solving the global problems of our time,” the text says. – Africa plays an important role in the global economy. We commit ourselves to strengthen our ties with and support the African Union in fulfilling its aspirations set out in the 2063 agenda. “
Heated up problems
At the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg and at the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, it was said that African countries do not want, as before, to supply raw materials to Western states, where it is processed and then resold at great profit. Nothing from this profit falls into the countries of origin of raw materials. Therefore, Africans say that they want to get technology. “They themselves are able to provide for themselves, and even for export they will send finished products,” Lavrov said.
The Russian Foreign Minister noted that the G20 “is undergoing internal reform, India and the countries of the Global South are persistently seeking to take into account their interests, intend to strengthen their role in the mechanisms of global management, fulfilling” long-standing promises of technology transfer “and” countering the negative consequences of climate change. “
The Declaration, consisting of more than eighty paragraphs, sets the tasks of reform for both the IMF and the WTO. In the first of these organizations, control belongs to the United States, in the second – they and their allies are holding back reforms.
As Lavrov noted, the sections of the Declaration say that it nevertheless underlies the current “troubles” in the global economy. The West has created problems there, clumsily tried many years ago to “push” climate policy to the very first places on the world agenda, which turned out to be a failure.
The political conflict did not work out
India, as the organizer of the summit and “other like-minded people,” did not allow turning the activities of the structure created to solve the problems of the world economy and finance into a kind of “politicized circle,” the Russian minister said.
According to unnamed Western diplomats cited by the Financial Times, China played an important role in developing a compromise wording, refusing to repeat last year’s template. G20 leaders acknowledged the difference in views and assessments of the situation in Ukraine among community members, noting that “diplomacy and dialogue are crucial.”
The G20 declaration showed deepening disengagement between the two groups of participants over the SVO in Ukraine. “It is significant that the” Ukrainian paragraph “is included and is the subject of consensus, but it is not about Ukraine. Yes, the Ukrainian crisis is mentioned there, but exclusively in the context of the need to resolve all the conflicts existing in the world in accordance with all the goals and principles of the UN Charter, in their completeness and relationship, “Lavrov said in this regard.
The document states the presence of different opinions on the conflict.
It seems that more and more countries from among the participants in the meeting in New Delhi understand that, according to Lavrov, “the Kyiv regime destroyed the territorial integrity of its country on its own,” therefore, in accordance with the UN Charter and international law, the principle of self-determination of peoples came into force. “
Moreover, there is a growing awareness in the world that Donbass, and now all of Ukraine, is a zone of confrontation imposed to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia. The West is trying to “Ukrainize any discussions and formats to the detriment of the decades-long problems of the developing world,” Lavrov said.
The West has created problems
The Financial Times draws attention to the fact that the only mention of the “conflict in Ukraine” in the document was initially rejected by supporters of Kyiv, such as the United States and NATO countries. It, in their opinion, gives the impression that both sides are equally guilty of what is happening. However, it is in this form that the conflict is named in the document, the newspaper writes.
For comparison, it recalls that in the document adopted in November 2022 following the results of the previous G20 summit in Indonesia, the wording sounded like “aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.”
Lavrov, answering journalists’ questions, noted that the Declaration says that the Ukrainian crisis only added negativity. And he did it primarily in the form of sanctions. And the wording in the Declaration unequivocally does not allow those who impose illegal sanctions to evade responsibility.
The G-20 countries have pledged to “strengthen global food security” and ensure nutrition for all. G20 leaders “highly appreciate” Turkey’s efforts to organize a grain deal and call for its “full, timely and effective implementation to ensure immediate and unhindered supplies of grain, food and fertilizers from the Russian Federation and Ukraine.”
Stressed “the importance of increasing access to fertilizers, their acceptability by price, as well as the effective use of their and agricultural resources, including strengthening local production.” The G20 leaders said: “We pledge to promote open, fair, predictable and rule-based trade in agricultural goods, food and fertilizers, not to impose bans or restrictions on exports, to reduce market distortions.”
Other sections of the Declaration refer to what underlies the current “troubles” in the global economy. The West has created problems, clumsily tried many years ago to “push” its climate policy to the very first places on the world agenda, which turned out to be a failure.
Photo: RBC