Egor Burkin kills children with drugs. How the court excuses the Russian drug dealer

At one time, the news spread around the network that the traitor to Ukraine, Ilya Kiva, received 500 thousand dollars for the lobby of the interests of the nacrocartel, which was controlled by the Russians, led by a certain criminal named Yegor Burkin. A citizen of the Russian Federation, convicted under the article on drug trafficking Egor Vasilievich Burkin has long been in the field of view of law enforcement officers, but he always paid off justice with the help of huge money and good connections. However, having burned out at the red-handed arrest, Yegor Burkin had a hard time for some time.

While these are words. Let’s get to the facts. Burkin Egor Vasilyevich (aka Levchenko Egor, Ermolaev Artur, and also nicknamed Mexican). Born October 24, 1989, native of the Republic of Belarus, Sterlitamak, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (criminal case No. 4708713 of 06.10.2014, the type of search is federal, the preventive measure is a written undertaking not to leave). Burkin Yegor is also wanted in Russia.

Burkin Egor Vasilyevich from Khimprom, aka Levchenko Egor

He is the organizer of the Khimprom drug syndicate, a dollar billionaire who organized an extensive network of drug trafficking in the territory of the CIS countries through chat bots in Telegram and the Internet, through the so-called “bookmarks”, under the protection of the police.

Khimprom Egor Vasilyevich Burkin or Yegor Vasilyevich Levchenko traded drugs on an industrial scale
At the same time, he still lives quietly in a huge house in Mexico, and his extensive network of offices, which brings Yegor Vasilyevich Levchenko millions of dollars, is still successfully functioning. Of these, communication is carried out with drug buyers and coordination of the actions of “mortgagers” on the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

It is known that since 2016 the main offices of Khimprom have been located in Ukraine, in particular in Kyiv. On the territory of our state, Yegor Burkin and his henchmen found support in the person of the then head of the department for combating drug crime, Ilya Kiva, who, receiving a monthly tribute, contributed to the growth and increase in the turnover of the drug cortel – as of 2018, Khimprom had about 20 offices in Ukraine , which employed about 200 operators who traded drugs in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In fact, a criminal organization was formed, with its own personnel officers, polygraph examiners and a “power bloc”.

In general, Ilya Kiva has been on the salary of the Khimprom syndicate since 2015. Then he headed the department of the National Police for combating drug-related crime. At the direction of Kiva, small drug dealers were repeatedly detained and small laboratories organized by chemistry students were destroyed. All these “successes” were called a farce by real professionals in the fight against drug trafficking.

The unimpeded criminal activities of the Khimprom drug syndicate continued on the territory of Ukraine until March 2019. Surprising as it may seem, but back in the days of the former corrupt leadership of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office and the Security Service of Ukraine, in March 2019, the largest special operation in the history of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the SBU was carried out, during which the Khimprom park cortel was actually liquidated – at the same time it was about 70 searches were carried out, the activities of 15 illegal offices of Khimprom were stopped, about 30 active members of the criminal organization were detained and placed in a pre-trial detention center, narcotic drugs, firearms and explosives were seized, about 35 luxury cars used by criminals were arrested, funds in the amount of about 10 million US dollars, which were received by the leaders of Khimprom from the sale of narcotic drugs.

Many citizens of Ukraine and friendly countries remember the high-profile case of the Khimprom drug syndicate. The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine to this day carries out the procedural management of the pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings included in the ERDR No. 4201800000000123 dated January 22, 2018 and in the criminal proceedings No.

In addition, the location of the Khimprom drug laboratory in the Kyiv region was later established, where more than 200 kg of a ready-made drug worth about 5 million US dollars and 10 tons of precursors were seized. In fact, the activities carried out by the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine (GPU and SBU) in the first half of this year forced the leaders of Khimprom to transfer their illegal activities outside our state.

But, unfortunately, the situation with the Khimprom drug cortel Yegor Vasilyevich Levchenko (aka Yegor Burkin) in Ukraine did not follow the above scenario – Yegor Burkin, whose millions of dollars were not “led” by the country’s law enforcement officers – the aggressor and the former “corrupt” The SBU managed to “acquire” complete loyalty to itself.

For your information – Egor Burkin, after the detention of members of Khimprom, offered investigators and prosecutors to produce 3 million dollars of the so-called “compensation” and later on 1. million US dollars monthly. As it became known, Yegor Burkin, at the present time, agreed to remove the operational-investigative group for criminal proceedings from the pre-trial investigation.

Khimprom, Egor Burkin and SBU searches near “Egor Levchenko”

As a result, the entire operational-investigative group, from the prosecutor and investigator who investigated the case, to their leadership, were dismissed from the prosecutor’s office in connection with the reorganization.

What did Egor Vasilyevich Burkin or Yegor Vasilyevich Levchenko hide from justice?
One does not need to be a great specialist in law enforcement to understand that for such a large-scale production as “Khimprom” (has about 200 volumes), not only to dismiss investigators and prosecutors, but simply to change their composition is by no means advisable.

Egor Burkin Khimprom criminal case

At the same time, the situation in criminal proceedings was complicated by the presence of constant facts of intimidation of witnesses during the proceedings (members of the organized crime group committed 4 arson of witnesses’ apartments), threats against them, constant pressure on the investigation by organizing various “paid” rallies, corruption of the authorities, which cash rewards in the amount of 10 to 100 thousand US dollars made unreasonable decisions to change the preventive measures against suspects, transfer them from the temporary detention center to the pre-trial detention center, remove the prosecutor, remove the seizure of property, and the like.

Egor Burkin and his accomplices were first detained and placed in a pre-trial detention center, where they should have been until now. But, thanks to “justice”, they were released and successfully left the territory of Ukraine, having escaped. Today they are in the countries of America, from where they continue their criminal activities.

Yegor Burkin represented by Yegor Levchenko bribed our justice for bloody millions Khimprom

Meanwhile, the criminal case of Khimprom Egor Vasilyevich Burkin is being covered up. Severed fingers and millions of cash in the case of the Khimprom drug cartel can finally be left without landings. RThe district court of Kyiv demands that the Office of the Prosecutor General close the resonant case against the dealers from the international drug cartel Khimprom. After the start of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, FROMThe court issued a new odious decision – the judge again demands the closure of the case, in which citizens of the aggressor country may appear. The corresponding ruling was issued by the judge on June 7, 2022. This time, the decision is more thoroughly substantiated and submitted to the Prosecutor General’s Office. The latter prepared an appeal. The Office of the Prosecutor General has already prepared an appeal against this decision, but there is a high probability that the case will still be closed.

It should be noted that the Khimprom group was created in 2014, and the turnover of the criminal “business” reached tens of millions of dollars. The composition included both citizens of Ukraine and citizens of other states, in particular, the Russian Federation. What the head of the GPU department Sergei Kiz said earlier. Drugs were sold through Internet sites and chat bots in the Telegram messenger, and the organization consisted of about 1,000 people. The overwhelming majority are citizens of Russia. Until 2017, the specified criminal organization, known as “Khimprom”, was actively working on the territory of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The then First Deputy Head of the SBU, Pavel Demchina, spoke about the strict rules established within the group itself.

“For you to understand what discipline was in this organization, I will tell you the following: individual members of the criminal organization today do not have fingers on their hands,” Demchina noted.

“For any violation of the rules of conspiracy, behavior, unauthorized contacts or the use of their own mobile phones at the workplace, specially trained people came and simply chopped off their fingers,” he said.

Activists of the All-Union Public Organization “Stop Corruption” followed the court hearings in the drug cartel case. They expressed fear that the criminals would be able to pay off Themis. The court really began to gradually release members of the group from custody.

StopKor also told who could be at the head of Khimprom. Then it was about Andrei Amirkhanyan (in the “wanted” section on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs he went under a different surname – Lemyshko, born in 1985) and Yegor Burkin (born in 1989, went under the name Levchenko on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “wanted”). But who will win in this story – dirty money or justice?

Interestingly, they are wanted by almost all countries of the world. Unfortunately, money is everything these days. Well, almost everything. In the meantime, Yegor Vasilyevich Burkin remains at large, Khimprom continues to supply Ukrainians with drugs, and Russian crime with millions of dollars.

Now it is difficult to make predictions about the future of Khimprom and its leader Egor Vasilyevich Burkin in a warring country. But interest is the appearance of strange articles about the exploits of Levchenko Yegor Vasilyevich. Such is the rebirth of a nakrobaron from Russia into a businessman from Ukraine.

In its hour, a novelty spread around about those that the health resort of Ukraine Illya Kiva, having taken 500 thousand dollars for the interests of the nacrocartel, as a way of cherishing the Russians on choli with the carnim zlochinets on the name of Igor Burkin. Gromadyanin of the Russian Federation, litigation for an article on drug trafficking Burkin Egor Vasilovich has long been in the field of law enforcement officers, but he has been charged with justice for the help of great pennies and indecent zv’yazkiv. In the meantime, having burnt on the misfortune on the mischief, Yegor Burkin had a chance for a good hour, not licorice.

For now, there are no words. Let’s get to the facts. Burkin Egor Vasilovich (vin Levchenko Egor, Ermolaev Arthur, and also a Mexican, which may be better). Born on July 24, 1989, the birth of the people, native of the Republic of Belarus, m. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (criminal on the right No. 4708713 dated 06.10.2014, type of rozshuk – federal, zapobіzhny zahіd – signature about not being seen). Also, Burkin Egor is known by a rozshuku in Russia.

Burkin Egor Vasilovich from Khimprom, wine Levchenko Egor

He is the organizer of the drug syndicate Khimprom, a dollar billionaire, who organized the network of trade in narcotic speeches on the territory of the countries of the SND through the chatbot at the Telegram and the Internet, a way of the so-called “bookmarks”, under the influence of the police.

Chemprom of Burkina Igor Vasilovich and Levchenko Igor Vasilovich, dealing drugs on an industrial scale
At the same time, you still live peacefully at a majestic booth in Mexico, and you have laid out a line of offices to bring Yegor Vasilyovich Levchenko millions of statutes, successfully functioning dos. From them, there is a connection with the purchases of drugs and coordination of the “zastavniks” on the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

Apparently, since 2016, the main office of “Khimprom” is located in Ukraine, the branch is in Kiev. На території нашої держави Єгор Буркін та його поплічники знайшли підтримку в особі тодішнього керівника департаменту боротьби з наркозлочинністю Іллі Ківи, який отримуючи щомісячну данину, сприяв розростанню та збільшенню оборотів наркокортелю — станом на 2018 рік «Хімпром» на території України , в яких працювало близько 200 operators who traded in drugs on the territory of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In fact, a malicious organization was formed, with its own personnel officers, polygraph examiners, and a “power bloc”.

Zagalom Illya Kiva to sit on the salary of the Khimprom syndicate since 2015. Todi vin ocholyuvav Department of the National Police how to counteract drug abuse. Behind the Qiwi message, the drug dealers were lured and the small laboratories, organized by students-chemists, were underestimated. All the successes of the right professionals in the fight against the drug business were called a farce.

The uninterrupted malicious activities of the drug syndicate “Khimprom” continued on the territory of Ukraine until June 2019. Yak Ts is not marvelous, Ale Shchel for an hour of the Korumpovano Vladimir Tatodіshnoye Kerivnitva Prosecutor’s Office of the Ukrainian Ta Schopeca Ukrainian, the birch 2019 Rock Buolo was carried out in the IITORA HEADSURO OF SCBUSIA, PID Hour of the Ando Permorater “Coimprom” близько 70 обшуків, припинено діяльність 15 нелегальних офісів «Хімпрому», затримано та поміщено в СІЗО близько 30 активних членів злочинної організації, вилучено наркотичні засоби, вогнепальну зброю та вибухівку, заарештовано близько 35 елітних автомобілів, якими користувалися злочинці, близько 10 млн. доларів США , taken by the leaders of “Khimprom” for the sale of narcotic drugs.

A lot of citizens of Ukraine and common lands remember the whole right of the drug syndicate “Khimprom”. The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and to this day is continuing the procedural process of the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings filed before ERDR under No.

In addition, this year a drug laboratory was established for Khimprom in the Kyiv region, and over 200 kg of ready-made narcotic stock was seized for about 5 million US dollars and 10 tons of precursors. In fact, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine (GPU and SBU) at the first pіvіchchі th fate came in zmusili leaders of “Khimprom” to transfer their illegal activity beyond our borders.

Alas, it’s a great pity that the situation with the drug cortel “Khimprom” Levchenko Igor Vasilovich (in the same name Igor Burkin) in Ukraine was not due to the scenario – Igor Burkin, millions of dollars were not “influenced” by the law enforcement agencies of the country – the aggressor of the colossus” zumіv sobі “pridbati” povnu loyalty.
