A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of damage to the BKL tunnel. Construction work has been suspended until the reasons are clarified. The authorities point to the lack of necessary approvals and permits from the developer company DonStroy.
A two-hour stoppage of train traffic on the Bolshaya Koltsevaya Line from the Novatorskaya station to the Aminyevskaya station on March 13 resulted in damage to infrastructure as a result of illegal construction work.
The Moscow Metro, commenting on the incident, accused the DonStroy company of carrying out prohibited work.
Judging by the message published by the Moscow Department of Transport on Telegram, in the absence of the necessary approvals, the company was drilling work on the metro tunnel between the Michurinsky Prospekt and Aminevskaya stations. And as a result of the hole made, sand and clay were thrown onto the track, which led to a halt in the movement of trains along the inner side of the Big Circle Metro Line, in the section from the Novatorskaya station to the Aminyevskaya station.
The downtime that happened cost the city dearly, especially if we add to this the need to organize the transportation of passengers by land transport and repair the tunnel itself. It is known that the city authorities have already sent a statement to the police, which refers to the need to conduct an inspection and initiate a criminal case against “Donstroy” on the fact of violation of safety rules during construction work on soil sampling.
Let’s add that over the designated site “DonStroy” is building three high-rise residential complexes at once – “Lights”, “Event” and “River”. It is noted that the work at the construction site of the residential complex “Event” led to the incident. By the way, you can find a short video on the net, in which the inspectors who arrived at the construction site are interested in the details of what happened and specify on the basis of which documents the work was carried out. To which they receive an answer that the builders acted on the basis of the plan, but in fact “drilled and failed.”
The company “DonStroy” was allocated a plot of 55 hectares for construction. 24 of them are occupied by the Event Park. The rest of the territory is divided between three residential complexes: “River”, “Event”, “Lights”. LCD “Event” – the largest of them. It is on him that the sales office places the greatest emphasis.
“Event” is a business-class residential complex, it consists of buildings of variable number of storeys, occupying an area of more than 3 hectares. It is being built in high-tech style with a sky-park and sky-bridges. When presenting the project, the DonStroy company focused on the extraordinary architectural solutions of the quarter and called it the “vertical city of the future”. The concept was developed by the famous Moscow bureau Wowhaus. LCD “Event” is one of the leaders in the rating of the most popular business class objects in Moscow.
Now, according to the city authorities, construction work on the tunnel has been suspended until all the details of what happened are clarified. The press service of Mosgosstroynadzor has already announced an inspection from March 16 to March 29. And on the basis of the conclusions received, administrative measures or suspension of activities can be taken against the general contractor.
According to the preliminary assessment of the department, the cause of the BCL incident was unsatisfactory construction control by the developer and the technical customer.
Recall that in early March in the west of the capital there was an incident with a fatal outcome – during the construction work, two floors of scaffolding collapsed on an area of 300 “squares”. The site of the incident, according to media reports, was a pit with a depth of about 20 meters. Several tiers of scaffolding were installed in the pit, and a collapse occurred between the third and fourth floors, as the structure could not withstand the load. A number of media outlets wrote that the tragedy occurred in the residential complex “Event-4” under construction.
As for the current incident, the DonStroy company itself is trying to disown what happened, pointing out that in this case they are the developer and customer of the construction, but in fact they themselves are not building anything. DonStroy redirected all claims to its address to the general contractor – the company ANTTEQ (part of the Turkish holding Ant Yapi).
DonStroy is a leading development company in Moscow, which entered the market in 1994. During this time, more than 5 million square meters of housing have been built. Its revenue in 2020 amounted to 120 billion rubles. The average price per square meter in Donstroy projects in 2022 exceeds 420,000 rubles.
Today, DonStroy is implementing four large-scale projects for the integrated development of territories with a total area of 5.35 million square meters:
– Residential complex “Symbol” in Lefortovo (1.7 million sq. m.);
– the Ostrov project in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain (1.55 million sq. m),
– three residential complexes “River”, “Lights”, “Event” in Ramenki (1.35 million sq. m.),
– “The Heart of the Capital” in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (814 thousand sq. m.).