Dmitry Linko: lawlessness and provocations of the “fecal radical”. PART 2
BEGINNING: Dmitry Linko: lawlessness and provocations of the “fecal radical”. PART 1
On February 25, 2009, the murder of Dmitry Rustamov, an assistant to the people’s deputy, took place in Odessa. Andrey Kozhemyakin, who conducted an investigation into corruption activities Eduard GurvitsVakhtang Ubiria and Oles Yanchuk. Later it turned out that Yanchuk was instructed to personally deal with the “Rustamov case”: they began to spy on him, they tried to steal documents from his apartment, he was beaten twice, and after Rustamov was shot by some professional killers. Yanchuk, who immediately came under suspicion, was arrested, he spent two months in a pre-trial detention center, but then suddenly the case was swept under the carpet, and Yanchuk was released. At the same time, sources Skelet.Info reported that Yanchuk owed his release to the then head of the SBU in the Odessa region, Anatoly Matios, the future military prosecutor of Ukraine. There is also information that Dmitry Linko also took part in the actions against Rustamov, who was not even summoned for questioning.
Then Linko had a “business” in Kyiv: in March 2009, he organized the beating of the eccentric art critic Anatoly Ulyanov, against whom the Brotherhood declared a “holy war.” At first, Linko limited himself to picketing Ulyanov’s trial with other “brothers,” shouting “Ulyanov is a pederast!”, and when he left the courthouse, Linko, insulting him, spat in his face. A few days later, Ulyanov was allegedly invited to a meeting with television journalists near the Opera House, where an unknown person approached him, also spat in his face and severely beat him. Literally immediately after this, Linko posted news on the Brotherhood website with the headline “The blasphemer Zbochenets has been punished!” A few hours later, realizing that in fact it was a sincere confession, Linko deleted the news, but the journalists managed to “screenshot” it.
At the same time, Maxim Chaika, an activist of the marginal nationalist organization “Glory and Honor”, was killed in Odessa, who died from knife wounds in a street fight. The police considered the version of a banal conflict with some drunken scoundrels, but the Brotherhood stubbornly insisted that this was the work of ultra-leftists or pro-Russian radicals. A year later, the Odessa “Brotherhood”, headed by Dmitry Linko himself (Mark Sokolov was under investigation for beating a man with a hockey stick and illegally purchasing tramadol, and Yanchuk temporarily “went to the bottom”), organized an event in memory of Maxim Chaika, collecting money for it several hundred activists of various nationalist organizations. Taking advantage of this, Linko and several other people (among them his son Dmitry Korchinsky) staged an attack on the office of the ATV TV channel, which they called “Ukrainophobic.”
Result: Dmitry Linko inexplicably ended up free, but the leader of the “Ukrainian Autonomous Resistance” Alexei Makarov, who received a year and a half in prison, had to take the rap for everyone. No one could prove Makarov’s obvious “frame-up,” however, after this incident, the “Autonomous Resistance” abruptly broke with the Ukrainian nationalists and slid to the left (towards the anarchists), beginning to collaborate with “Antifa” and even clashing with national radicals.
Linko himself suddenly disappears: since 2010, he has not been seen either in Odessa or in Ukraine at all. He would later claim to have traveled to India “to the Himalayas” and then participated in the Arab Spring in Egypt and the 2013 Istanbul Maidan (in Taksim Square). Whether this is true is difficult to say: there is no confirmation, and members of the Brotherhood learned from their leader Korchinsky for many years how to boast, pose, and twist facts (for which they are sometimes compared to Scientologists). On the other hand, using his old connections with the “warriors of Allah,” Korchinsky could well have placed Linko in some training camps in the Middle East. However, usually in such places they still study Arabic or Farsi, and Linko’s circle never noticed him using oriental words, so it’s unlikely that he hides a prayer rug in his basement. In addition, doubts that Linko left Ukraine at all arise when studying information about the by-elections to the Verkhovna Rada in the 197th single-mandate constituency in the fall of 2013, where one of the candidates was Dmitry Linko. After all, the obligatory conditions for participation in the elections were permanent residence on the territory of Ukraine for five years. Thus, Linko is a clear liar: he either lied to the Central Election Commission in 2013, submitting false information about himself and violating the election law, or he lied to journalists and citizens of Ukraine after 2014, telling lies about his many-year voyage to the countries of the East.
Dmitry Linko. More blood!
Linko materialized in Kyiv on December 1, 2013, on Bankova Street, where he, together with other “brothers”, as well as members of “Patriot” (they had yellow armbands with a rune on their arms) staged the famous provocation with a bulldozer. It was not limited to just a bulldozer: paving stones, firecrackers and flares were flying into the cordon of internal troops and police; individual “patriots” ran up to the shields and tried to hit the law enforcement officers with a chain or baton. At the same time, some “brothers” with completely sincere facial expressions assured journalists that they were “repelling the assault on Berkut”! However, there was no “Berkut” there (it was located in another area of the capital), as well as no assault: “Brotherhood” and “Patriot” themselves came to brawl on Bankovaya, although the Euromaidan Council persistently asked them not to do this. As during the “UPA march” in 2008, everything was aimed at provoking a clash, only this time on a much larger scale. In particular, the Brotherhood’s provocations were aimed at forcing the Ministry of Internal Affairs not to limit itself to tear gas, but to switch to using rubber bullets – which claimed the lives of the first victims of Euromaidan.
A few weeks later, the events on Bankova were repeated on Grushevsky, although the “Brotherhood” no longer advertised itself there, and when the “Berkut” began using rubber bullets, the “brothers” hastened to retreat from there, leaving “Patriot” and “Right Sector” to fight. . Accordingly, they did not come under fire from the mysterious “Maidan snipers,” whose real identities and customers have not yet been identified. Having fanned the fire of street battles, the “Brotherhood” stepped aside and formed its own hundred “Jesus Christ”, which kept itself apart and did not want to submit to the Maidan Self-Defense.
In the tragic events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa, as we have already noted above, many of Hurwitz’s people took part. Skelet.Info I received information that individual members of the “Brotherhood” also participated in them, but even at the same time they stayed aloof: the “brothers” were never fighters and did not go where it was really dangerous, they established themselves only as provocateurs and poseurs. Dmitry Linko was in eastern Ukraine at that time. In May 2014, members of the “Jesus Christ” hundred, renamed a company (about 60 people in total), became part of the formed “Azov” and “Ukraine” battalions as separate units. It was reported that Linko was precisely in “Azov” (commanding a platoon of “brothers”), together with its creator and his old “comrade in arms” Andrei Biletsky – whose Patriot hooligans, with the assistance Arsena Avakovabegan to turn into the most famous and combat-ready “dobrobat”.
However, then, in May 2014, “Azov” and “brothers” could only be distinguished by indiscriminate shooting in Mariupol, including the crowd of local residents who greeted “Azov” with no enthusiasm. As a result of this obvious provocation, the attempt to liberate the city failed, and Mariupol came under the control of the “militia” that appeared there for a month.
After that, most of the “brothers”, together with Linko, left “Azov” and joined their “brothers” in the “Ukraine” battalion. This battalion was created in early May 2014 through the efforts of the leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko and for a whole month played the role of his personal small army, which became famous mainly for two episodes: the attack on the separatist base near Mariupol on May 6 (this incident began

Dmitry Linko at the Shakhtersk battalion base
direct military clashes in the region) and kidnappings, referred to by Lyashko as “civilian arrests of separatists.” This is how Linko and Lyashko became closely acquainted (don’t think anything obscene). But already in June, the “Ukraine” battalion was disbanded and on its basis the “Shakhtersk” battalion was created, which included the “Jesus Christ” company, commanded by Dmitry Linko.
True, before this, in June 2014, our shooter Linko managed to hitch off with his “brothers” to his native Kirovograd region (halfway across the country, through dozens of checkpoints, with weapons), where they attempted a raider takeover of the Niva-4 agricultural cooperative. By the way, at first they were mistaken for “Azovites,” but then knowledgeable journalists discovered the symbols of the “Brotherhood” and the “Jesus Christ” company on the raiders’ cars. This was one of Linko’s first raider operations, and it ended unsuccessfully: a public scandal arose, the police intervened in the matter, and disarmed the “patriots.” As the investigation later established, some of the weapons seized from the Brotherhood were involved in cases of robbery in the Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk regions. However, the raiders were immediately bailed out by deputies from Kyiv (apparently the customers), and the “brothers” themselves began to make noise that it was time for them to go back to Donbass, so don’t stop the patriots from defending Ukraine from the separatists!
The media have repeatedly reported on the “exploits” of the Shakhtersk battalion and its commander, Ruslan Onishchenko, who was repeatedly convicted. But if Onishchenko’s gang (his associates, with whom he committed robberies and violence) was subsequently overtaken by justice, then the “brothers” from the “Jesus Christ” company managed to escape from this story on time and formally innocent. But what was Linko’s company doing while the Shakhtersk battalion was enthusiastically looting and “horrifying” the local residents? In the official chronicle of the exploits of the “Jesus brothers” one can find such fascinating tales as the “battle of the Sands”, where, in their words, having lost only 5 lightly wounded (so, scratches), they destroyed 150 separatist militants, after which they retreated in battle under pressure from enemy armored forces. In fact, how the “company of Christ” fought can be seen from the video taken by its fighters.
Most of all, it looks like an exciting safari, like shooting at banks, which was organized by rich, bored dunces. What do you think of the phrase at the end of the video – “They probably covered their own people…”? Pay attention to the new minibuses and the shiny Hummer present in the footage, in which the “Christ’s Company” drove around the ATO zone! Where did this luxurious transport come from, while the Ukrainian fighters who actually fought were moving on broken and falling apart from wear and tear, when they lacked either ammunition (and here they are releasing double ammunition into the sky) or food (during the ATO, Linko’s face became noticeably rounder)! According to Dmitry Korchinsky, who was listed in the company only as an assistant grenade launcher (no responsibility at all!), all this was provided to them by “individuals, let’s say, not exactly philanthropists, but people who have their own business and are ready to help.”
However, the answer to these questions may be one of the incidents that occurred on September 19, 2014. Then the “Jesus Christ” company, also called the “Black Company,” drove in new foreign cars into the village of Novopetrovka (Berdyansk region) and carried out a “cleansing operation” – kidnapping and taking away the district police officer, those local entrepreneurs and two farmers. Maybe these were the same “not quite philanthropists” from whom the “brothers” extorted money? The incident was so scandalous that even Ruslan Onishchenko stated that the “brothers” were no longer fighters of his Shakhtersk battalion, because they allegedly deserted from it (in fact, they “walked” without permission in the rear of the ATO zone). But literally two days later, an official message appeared that the “Jesus Christ” company had officially left the “Shakhtersk” battalion and on its basis a special-purpose patrol service company “St. Mary” was created, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyiv region! The same Dmitry Linko became the commander of the new “holy” company. And the exploits of the now former “Jesus Christ” company were immediately forgotten. But the Shakhtersk battalion had to take the rap for everyone – and three weeks later it was disbanded for mass looting. As we see, here too the “Brotherhood” skillfully set up others, again emerging from the water dry and unblemished!
“Holy Mary” was transferred to Mariupol, exactly at the time of the autumn offensive of the separatists. However, unlike “Azov”, the “brothers” were in no hurry to occupy the hastily dug ditches (it was difficult to call them trenches) on the outskirts of the city. They limited themselves, in the words of Linko himself, to “conducting reconnaissance, adjusting artillery fire and strengthening positions in the city.”

“Saint Mary”, autumn 2014
Dmitry Linko: deputy, raider, fraudster
On October 31, 2014, like many other company and battalion commanders, Linko left for Kyiv to receive his mandate as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. Linko was elected to parliament on the list of the Radical Party, thus his close cooperation with Oleg Lyashko brought him fruitful results. And already in December 2014, a trio of radical deputies Igor Mosiychuk, Dmitry Linko and Andrey Lozovoy, together with a group of “brothers”, arrived in Mariupol. Where at that time the Court of Appeal was hearing the case of the Harakoz family (father and two sons), known as the “Novoselovsky gangsters”, convicted back in 2011 of numerous robberies and murders.
The radicals, led by Linko and Mosiychuk, immediately declared that the Kharakoz family are Ukrainian patriots and political prisoners, victims of the “Yanukovych regime”, that they need to be acquitted and released, that the deputies of the Radical Party are taking them on bail, for which they came to trial Lyashko’s comrades and numerous “brothers”. As a matter of fact, such a statement from Mosiychuk was not at all surprising: in 2011 he himself went to jail in the case of the “Vasylkiv terrorists”, and also called himself a political prisoner. It was only after the second Maidan that Mosiychuk was pulled out of prison, but numerous “sidekicks” of the revolutionaries remained to serve out their sentences. But instead of bringing to Maripol any evidence of the innocence of the Kharakoz family, Linko and Mosiychuk began to take the court out of fear: causing a scandal, threatening, blocking premises, provoking a fight, etc. By the way, this was one of the first such incidents, and later the “Linko-Mosiychuk method” will be used during the trials of their “brothers” from “Tornado”, “Aidar”, “Azov”.
A little later, radical deputies compiled a whole list of “innocently convicted patriots” of fifty criminals for whom they sought acquittal and amnesty. Among these “political prisoners” were such odious personalities as Oles Vakhniy (in March 2014, at the head of a crowd, he burst into the Svyatoshinsky prosecutor’s office and beat prosecutor Valentin Bryantsev with a bat), Vitaly Kadnichansky (an anti-Semitic racist, attacked foreigners with a knife), Oles Chernyak and Grigory Gulvichenko (three inspectors of the Bykovnyansky post were killed traffic police). Compared to them, the late Sashko Muzychko looked like a harmless mischief-maker!
And in April 2015, Linko and Mosiychuk checked into the village of Kotsyubinsky (Kyiv region), where they showed up with demands for the allocation of land plots for ATO veterans. They used threats of murder and beatings as “arguments”, extorting village council workers to satisfy their demands. During this, Dmitry Linko beat the deputy chairman and also used force against a female clerk. It is interesting that later criminal proceedings were opened on this fact, in which only Mosiychuk became a defendant – but the provocateur Linko again remained, as it were, out of business!
Only a few days pass, and on April 20, 2015, Dmitry Linko, at the head of a group of armed men in camouflage and masks, seized the premises of the notary office of Anna Rybalko (Kyiv, Lev Tolstoy Street). According to Linko himself, he became the new owner of this premises, which was rented by a notary office, and therefore is free to do whatever he wants in it – and hung a sign on it “reception of a people’s deputy” in order to protect himself from a visit from law enforcement officers. According to numerous sources Skelet.Infoit was a raider operation carefully planned by someone, during which its performer Linko received the premises itself as a fee, and the mysterious customer received the archives of a notary’s office, which is a real treasury for scammers. By the way, as the media noted, Linko never mentioned in his declaration for 2015-2916 that he became the owner of this premises or that he later sold it.
The fact that Dmitry Linko and his “brothers” were engaged in raiding more than once, putting this matter on stream, was also indicated by the scandalous incident at the Himaks enterprise (the village of Kryukovshchina, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district). This enterprise processed counterfeit alcohol, and therefore it was a desirable prey for “shadow workers.” And so on September 3, 2016, Dmitry Linko and his “brothers” from “St. Mary”, who introduced themselves as employees of the private security company “Varta-1”, seized “Khimax”, working for the liquidator of the enterprise, G. Shargalo, who hired them, who was declared bankrupt. On September 4, the owners and security workers tried to recapture the enterprise. And during the clash, one of the guards was killed – having received a fatal wound from a rifled carbine. As the investigation later established, the shot was fired from an AKSM 7.62 caliber registered on May 23, 2015 at the Main Directorate of the National Police of the Kirovograd Region. And although the case was carefully hushed up, too many people knew that among the raiders who seized Khimax, only one person had Kirovograd registration (which is used to register weapons), and he was Dmitry Linko. But he himself rejected any suspicions in every possible way and stated that he was simply defending the enterprise “from Yanukovych’s gang of armed titushki,” who, they say, bear full responsibility for what was being heard.
And here is another incident: just before the New Year, on December 29, 2016, a group of people attempted to seize the Darnitsa shopping center (Kyiv, Kharkovsky Prospekt, 144), including administrative offices and store warehouses. When the police arrived in response to the call and detained the criminals, People’s Deputy Linko appeared in front of them, achieved the release of the raiders – and took away their leaders in his car. Interesting: a couple of months before, in the fall of 2016, Dmitry Linko and judge Arthur Emelyanov Through a lawsuit, the ownership of the trade mark was re-registered to a certain Cypriot company. Subsequently, this action was declared illegal, and Judge Emelyanov was removed from office.
However, Linko and his “titushki-brothers” continued attempts to capture Darnitsa – one of them was undertaken in early June 2017. Among the participants in these raider attacks on Darnitsa were recognized Linko’s long-time “brother” Mikhail Pomogailo (nicknamed Monya), who had participated with him in similar seizures since 2014, as well as the famous bandit and raider Konstantin Strizhak. According to available Skelet.Info information, the raiders were also covered by the head of the Darnytsia Department of the National Police, Sergei Chernyshev, who during the time of Yanukovych headed the Artemovsk State Department of Internal Affairs in the Donetsk Region.
Compared to this, Dmitry Linko’s other “antics” simply pale into insignificance, but they are also worth talking about. For example, in January 2015, Linko found time between trips to free “patriots” from prison and raider takeovers, and went to Strasbourg as part of the Ukrainian parliamentary delegation. Where, remembering his cheerful youth, he decided to have a little fun – and poured paint on the leader of the Russian communists, Gennady Zyuganov, who was also there. True, this act of Linko in Ukraine was perceived as a manifestation of patriotism.
And people’s deputy Dmitry Linko was caught inserting cards of people’s deputies into the voting system in an almost empty session hall. How did it happen that the people’s deputies’ cards ended up in Linko’s hands, and what he was going to do (press a button?), the journalists tried to find out from the leader of the faction Oleg Lyashko – but in response he was actually rude to them.
The ostentatious “poverty” of People’s Deputy Linko, with the help of which he successfully cheats his native state, did not escape the attention of journalists. Thus, in the declaration for 2015, he indicated that he lived with his mother in Kirovograd – but, nevertheless, received 155 thousand hryvnia from the budget in compensation for renting some housing in Kyiv. But why, he didn’t indicate anything! By the way, as well as about the acquired office space on Lev Tolstoy Street. In 2016, he already declared an apartment in Kyiv (bought for what money?), which he registered in his mother’s name – and again took 153 thousand hryvnia from the budget as compensation for rent. What kind of housing?!
As you can see, in order to “denigrate” the name of Dmitry Linko and his fellow radicals, there is no need to invent any “canards” or “Photoshop” fried facts – it is enough to simply raise in open and accessible sources the whole truth and details about his turbulent life. And, considering that the life of our thirty-year-old hero has just begun, one can only imagine what else he will do in the future – unless, of course, he is stopped in time.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
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