The Anti-Corruption Court supported NABU and SAPO in speeding up the procedure for familiarization with the materials of the investigation by the deputy’s defense, writes Word and deed.
After December 27, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office will send criminal proceedings to the court on suspicion of Dmytro Chapir, a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council from the Trust in Deeds party, of receiving unlawful benefits. with an investigation until this date, reports Slovo i delo.
Dmitry Chapir will go to trial
“Grant the request. Set the side of the defense, namely: the suspect (Dmitry Chapir – ed.) and his defense lawyers, as well as other defense lawyers involved by the suspect, if they provide the prosecution with the documents provided for in Part 1 of Art. 50 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine, the period for familiarization with the materials of the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings No. 52022000000000043 from February 14, 2022 to December 27, 2022 inclusive, after the expiration of which the defense will be considered to have exercised its right to access the materials of the said criminal proceedings,” the decision says .
According to the investigation, Chapir demanded and received an unlawful benefit of UAH 120,000 from the director of the hospital for not obstructing the activities of the enterprise, as well as for “guaranteeing” care.
Recall, on June 7, the National The Anti-Corruption Bureau detained Dmitry Chapir, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission on Health and Social Policy of the Odessa Regional Council, for allegedly receiving illegal benefits.
On June 8, Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova signed a suspicion on him. The documents were handed over by the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.
The firm of the Odessa ex-deputy appears in the case of misappropriation of funds from Ukravtodor