As they say, it’s September 24 again, and in Irkutsk, heat hasn’t been turned on everywhere in the houses. Is it the mayor’s karma? Ruslana Bolotova such that any organization of liquid does not work for him, and this same liquid always ends up in some kind of dope-cup?
Feeling his dependence on the dark water element, Ruslan Nikolaevich also expresses himself in a managerial manner accordingly.
So, last autumn the mayor loaded the barrel organ with the endless project “Pure Happiness” and, like Vrubel’s restless Demon, he goes to the end of this thorny path.
In the winter of 2023-2024, the mayor’s office was painfully happy about the gastronomic festival as part of the aforementioned big event, treating Irkutsk residents to standard street kebabs, banal pies that can be found in any buffet, and a mysterious “cedar concentrate” that suspiciously resembled ground nut shells.

At the same time, the insidious Bolotov karma mockingly timed this dreary gastronomic holiday to coincide with the “Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)” exhibition in Moscow, where Mayor Bolotov had also departed. The media wrote enthusiastically then, while the rare passers-by in Kirov Square dared to munch on a frozen pie:

Let us add that the city hall managed to open the feast of pies and shells only on the second try, since the start for gourmets was initially scheduled (and announced) for November 20.
And when nothing came of it, they couldn’t find anything better than to report that it was in fact a “rehearsal.” A big one. And the “large-scale events” will unfold from December 2.
Then it turned out that frozen water is also charged by Bolotov somehow incorrectly. Thus, in Kirov Square only in mid-December, as part of this very “Happiness of pure water”, a skating rink was flooded around the fountain, but it stood for a long time surrounded by prohibitory tape. The skating rink was opened closer to the New Year…
But if this was not enough for someone, then on the night of February 24, during the December Events, another breakthrough occurred in the cold water supply networks. Sections of Timiryazev, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Liebknecht streets were also flooded. Accordingly, ice formed.

Tram traffic was closed in Rabochee, as well as on Dekabrskikh Sobytiy and Deputatskaya, and citizens who did not know about it waited for a long time for transport at stops. And after all, it was not the first skating rink to spontaneously appear in Irkutsk last winter. Before that, only in 2024, on January 30, Ulan-Batorskaya and Lermontov were flooded. A fountain gushed from under the ground on the territory of the Baikal Ice Palace. And on the night of February 1, water, again, flooded the roadway on Deputatskaya, Sovetskaya, Trilissera, Krasnykh Madyar, Krasnoyarskaya, Kultukskaya and Dekabrskikh Sobytiy streets. A huge area was covered in ice. On February 8, the road to Vorovskogo was flooded. Five residential buildings and 17 administrative facilities were disconnected from cold water.
A heating main burst in Pervomayskoye on May 4 early in the morning. More than 200 houses were left without heating and hot water for a long time. The pressure was so strong that boiling water immediately flooded the roadway.
But even in the summer, the mayor, who cannot resist the transcendental forces that drive him, continued his difficult “Pure Happiness”.
Moreover, all this infection was released into the water by the pirate water park of the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) deputy and CEO of the Irkutsk Capital Construction Department, Alexander Safronov, who once promised the city a civilized beach holiday with the blessing of the mayor’s office…
On September 8, during the supposedly not yet closed festival “Happiness of pure water”, a sewer burst in Irkutsk in the area of ”Fortuna”. Cars doused pedestrians with stinking liquid. A stream of sewage gushed straight into the Angara.

Now here is the epic with heating, which the mayor promised to provide to homes on September 18, and before that, it seems, the date of September 15 was mentioned. Moreover, the organization of the process by the mayor’s office is such that on its “hotline”, when they pick up the phone, the sufferers are mostly told that there is no information on the supply of heat yet…
Will Ruslan Nikolaevich continue to hold the festival, turning the territory entrusted to him into a swamp in the organizational and literal sense?..