And the point here is not at all asceticism and a strict “diet” of a major construction lobbyist. But in business processes and family contracting skillfully built into political activity, thanks to which Ilyichev, like Jesus, turns water into a different substance. And her name is power.

The phenomenon, proudly referred to as “clanism” in the professional literature, is not uncommon for the Irkutsk region. Even without delving into the topic, you can count at least five high-profile names of politicians and businessmen working and moving forward as a family cohort.
So and Victor Ilyichev without further ado, he slyly chose the well-trodden path of family contracting. And for the past twenty years, sitting deputy pants in the City Duma, he skillfully builds the interests of the family into his work. Contrary to the interests of voters, who for some reason from time to time continue to put a cherished check mark in front of his name in the ballot.
He got the hang of it in the first place when submitting his own declarations. What are the modest annual earnings reports that do not even come close to the income of his many colleagues. And every year they decrease dramatically. Sometimes exponentially.
So, in 2021, Ilyichev declared a little more than one million income (one million sixteen thousand rubles, to be exact). The wife remained in official documents and completely with zero indicators. Certainly more than modest figures for the owner of one of the most corrupt and lured construction firms in the region.
If we recall that back in the recent 2019, Ilyichev’s official income amounted to over 150 million rubles, the difference becomes striking. This, of course, is a crisis! Or outright scam?
In fairness, it should be noted that his wife earned almost four million rubles over the same period. Well, but it is clear who is the main breadwinner in the family.
Of course, there is a very convenient loophole in the difficult task of submitting declarations: adult children are not indicated in the declarations. And here is where the imagination can roam.
Being one of the largest developers of Irkutsk and the suburbs, Ilyichev not only systematically develops his own construction business exactly on the territory of his “native” constituency, the boundaries of which (by a “pleasant” coincidence) coincide with one of the most delicious places of life in Irkutsk – Lisikha, but also “walks around the Irkutsk region, which is no less beloved by him.
So, it was VostSibStroy that became banquet sponsor builder of the infamous Crystal Park. And (again, by “coincidence”), his son Ivan Ilyichev is the owner of a resource-supplying organization that has become a defendant in a major scandal about multimillion-dollar receipts illegally issued to residents. So what. Why not get rich? And most importantly, it is not necessary to display in any declarations. And the whole family is in business.
Every month there are more and more scandals regarding Ilyichev’s work. Beginning with clumsy sawing during the construction of a school in Beryozovending recent “incident” of the sons of the organization. And not a single answer from the deputy.