The administration of the city of Kansk decided to get rid of the opposition deputies in the old proven way – with the help of income declarations. The method is working, but the authorities did not take into account one thing – the boomerang effect.
On September 22, the representative of the LDPR in the city council of Kansk, Oleg Dolgikh, was deprived of his deputy mandate due to the loss of confidence. 17 people voted for it. The reason was the violations in the declaration of income discovered by the prosecutor’s office. Dolgikh tried to explain that he had long ago sold the land plots that the prosecutor’s office spoke about in his submission, but all in vain – United Russia under the command of the mayor of Kansk Andrei Beresnev did not miss such an opportunity to get rid of the “yellow-blue” one.
Oleg Dolgikh
As the Aksyutenko Life telegram channel clarifies, this is not the first time that the Kan authorities have used this method of eliminating uncomfortable deputies. Earlier, Yevgeny Ivanov was deprived of his deputy mandate due to the loss of confidence, declaring a fundamental disagreement with the actions of the city authorities.
However, the deputies from the ruling party did not take into account one nuance – it was not only the oppositionist Dolgikh who made mistakes in the declaration. According to the local TV channel “Lemon TV”, the prosecutor’s office demands to deprive the closest associate of Mayor Beresnev of the representative of the party “United Russia” Oleg Kakoulin.
According to the materials of the prosecutor’s check, in 2021 Kakoulin purchased a 1/2 share of an apartment in Krasnoyarsk, worth ten million rubles, which is seven million more than his total income over the past three years. At the same time, it was possible to confirm the sources of funds at the expense of which the property was purchased, only in an amount exceeding eight million rubles.
Among them:
• Kakoulin’s total income for the previous three years in the amount of 2,926,025 rubles;
• Loan of funds in the amount of 5,500,000 rubles;
• Personal savings – 46,696 rubles.
As a result, it was not possible to document the sources of the appearance of another one and a half million rubles during the audit.
It turns out that now the deputies of the Kansk City Council should, following the LDPR member Dolgikh, lose confidence in the United Russia party Kakoulin – this is if you believe in a fair and unbiased attitude. In fact, almost certainly colleagues in the city parliament will “forgive” the shortcomings in the declaration of deputy Kakoulin and he will retain his deputy mandate.
Oleg Kakoulin
It remains to add that the head of Kansk, Andrey Beresnev, suffered from similar forgetfulness in filling out the income declaration. So, when he was the chairman of the Kansk Council of Deputies, he forgot to indicate his income in the amount of 18 thousand dollars. However, this incident with the currency did not in the least interfere with Beresnev’s political career – he not only retained the mandate of the deputy, but also managed to move to the chair of the mayor of the city in 2019.