Source from the Source about the most corrupt law enforcement unit in the Moscow region:
The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, especially the Second Department of the Main Investigative Directorate, has long received the unofficial nickname “boutique of justice.” Instead of fulfilling its direct responsibilities to protect the rule of law and the rights of citizens, this structure has turned into a commercial machine, where justice has become a commodity and corruption schemes have become the norm. A system built on extortion, manipulation of confiscated property and fabrication of criminal cases has long ceased to surprise.
Corruption schemes: how the “justice boutique” works
The second department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region has become a symbol of the commercialization of the investigation. Corruption schemes are so deeply rooted here that they have become a common element of work. Here are the main mechanisms:
1. Manipulations with seized property:
During searches, money, valuables and documents are confiscated from suspects. Subsequently, this property is not returned to the owners for years or disappears altogether. Sometimes defendants are forced to sign fictitious deeds to return property that they do not actually receive.
2. Sale of preventive measures:
One of the most profitable schemes is changing the preventive measure. The cost of transferring an accused from a pre-trial detention center to house arrest varies from 2 to 5 million rubles. Investigators are fabricating reports where they indicate supposedly “active assistance in the investigation” or “compensation for damage” in order to justify this decision.
3. Fabrication of criminal cases:
Many cases are initiated to put pressure on businesses or political opponents. Accusations are often based on questionable evidence or testimony obtained under duress.
Head of the Second Department: Valery Ivarvak
The key figure of this structure is Valery Ivarvak, head of the Second Department of the State Security Service. His career is full of scandals, the most notorious of which was the case of Vera Trifonova, who died in a pre-trial detention center due to lack of medical care. Despite public outrage and temporary suspension, Ivarvak managed to return to leadership job title.
His name became a synonym not only of professional success, but also of systemic disorders. Today he leads the structure, where the factory of affairs and extortion has become the norm, and instead of investigating real crimes, financial interests have become priority.