On June 9, the Moscow City Court extended the term of arrest of the authority until September Aslan Gagiev (Dzhako), the leader of a gang of killers that eliminated more than 60 people. According to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, in the autumn it is planned that the materials investigations on a number of episodes will go to court. One of the important evidence in the case is the testimony of the “right hand” Dzhako Artur Dzhioeva (Son), who made a deal with the investigation and received 17 years of strict regime. The editors have at their disposal the testimony of Dzhioev, which we will publish in parts:

“The testimony of the accused Dzhioev A.B. dated 07/10/2018, 07/12/2018, 07/19/2018 18, according to which, around 2000, he moved to live in Moscow. He studied in the 11th grade of school No. 293 in the VDNKh district of Moscow. In parallel, he was engaged in freestyle wrestling and was a member of CSKA. During that period of time, 2001-2004, he began to communicate closely with fellow countrymen from North and South Ossetia Gagiev Aslan, nicknamed “Dzhako”, Dzhioev Goneri (nickname “Gena”), Zangiev Chermen. Gagiev A.M. was also a distant relative. Among fellow countrymen, Gagiev A.M. was the most prominent and authoritative. During the same period, he took over as head of security at the Financial Leasing Company. At the same time, as he later learned, he performed under a different name – Valery Nikolaevich. In the same period, Gagiev A.M. began to help him with money, gave little by little for pocket expenses. On one of the days of the same period, Gagiev A.M. he was informed that his companion Burlakov A.A. there were some troubles with the Chechens.
For this reason Gagiev A.M. invited him to take care of his children Anastasia and Anton. For about 4 months he guarded the Burlakovs Anastasia and Anton, took them to classes. It was in 2003-2004. In the same period of time, he began to communicate more closely with other people from the social circle of Gagiev A.M., Dzhioeva G.R. and Zangieva Ch.S. This is Beglaryan S.L. nicknamed “Beglik” and “Armenian”, Nikolaev M.K. nicknamed “pioneer” and “young”, Yashkin E.I. nicknamed “Senya” and “Semyon Semenovich”, Dudy I.A. nicknamed “Garik”, Omarov Ragim and others. Around the end of 2004, possibly in November, he was already in close contact with Gagiev. A.M. and other persons mentioned above. At the same time, he realized that Gagiev A.M., Beglaryan S.L., Nikolaev M.K. and the rest of the listed people are engaged in criminal cases, formed a criminal group among themselves – a community. At the same time, Gagiev A.M. was the eldest of all, everyone listened to his opinion and carried out his instructions. Gagiev A.M. gave the impression of a very rich man, helped him financially. Then he decided for himself to take part in this criminal group, hoping in this way to improve his financial situation. Subsequently, when he became a member of the criminal community, Gagiev A.M. began to regularly pay him money like a cash allowance, in various amounts. These were both small amounts, in the amount of 5-10 thousand rubles, and quite large ones, in the amount of 200-300 thousand rubles. The amount was determined by Gagiev A.M., based on his capabilities and his needs. The money was transferred to him either personally by Gagiev A.M., or through those persons from the criminal community to whom he entrusted it. The frequency of payments also varied. It could have been a couple of days since the previous payment, or it could have been a couple of months. At the same time, of course, he did not sign any papers. Also, cars were purchased with the money of the criminal community, which were distributed among the members of the community by Gagiev A.M. and group leaders.
The financing of the criminal community was carried out both from the proceeds from the lease of those controlled by Gagiev A.M. premises, for example, a base on the street. Boat city of Moscow, and received as a result of orders from unauthorized persons to commit murders. Also, Gagiev A.M. has some capital. were in the Financial Leasing Company, whether they were officially registered with him, he does not know. In addition, to the best of his knowledge, Gagiev A.M. with the help of Burlakov A.A. or Malyutina N.A. withdrew various stolen funds from the FLC, which also financed their criminal community.
Also Gagiev A.M. paid some businessmen for the “roof”, that is, security from other criminal gangs.
Later, in 2006, he met other members of the community, OMON officers Sankin and Pronin. Even later, Oleg Gagiev, nicknamed “Bote”, entered their community, who brought with him new members of the criminal organization from his connections.
The criminal community was divided into groups. He can single out groups led by Beglaryan S.L. (nickname “Beglik”), Gagiev O.S. (nickname “Bote”), Sekinaeva B.A. (nickname “Baron”), Dzarakhokhova O.Kh. (nickname “Kolobok”), Torchinova A.D. (nickname “Sches”), Kokoeva D.V. (nickname Monk). Each of the senior groups was, as it were, the head of a unit of a common criminal organization that was subordinate to Gagiev A.M. The guys who were in these groups reported directly to their leaders. In the group of Beglaryan S.L. consisted of Maxim Nikolaev, Zhenya Yashkin, Ruslan Yurtov, Staykhevich, nicknamed “Stas” and Oleg Alymov, nicknamed “Gypsy”. The group of Oleg Gagiev consisted of Zaseev Inal, Dzhussoev Sasha, Alborov Alan, Ostaev Inal, Kudziev Temo, Bagaev Robert, Gabeev Murat, nicknamed “Murka” and Bagaev Ivan, nicknamed “Tolik”. Oleg Dzarakhokhov’s group consisted of Oleg Khamitsev, Chermen Sugarov, Tamerlan Kozyrev. In the group of Sekinaeva B.A. consisted of Gioev Batradz, Chelokhsaev Misost, Pliev Valera (brother of Pliev Marat – “Pollen”). The group of Alan Torchinov, nicknamed “Sches”, consisted of Batraz Daurov, Fidar Vataev, Eric Tautiev, nicknamed “Corpse” and Vladislav Abaev, nicknamed “Abai”. In the group of Kokoev Denis was Georgy Kusov.
The list of members of criminal groups is incomplete, since he could forget or not know someone.
Group leaders received instructions from Gagiev A.M. about crimes and murders. These instructions were conveyed by the group leaders to their rank-and-file participants. Before the leaders of the groups, the instructions of Gagiev A.M. were brought either to them personally, at a meeting or via mobile Internet connection, or through him and Dzugutov G.Z. Instructions were transmitted through him and Dzugutov G.Z. also through mobile Internet connection, for the purpose of secrecy. In fact, Gagiev A.M. determined for him and Dzugutov G.Z. the role of coordinators of the criminal community. Since Gagiev A.M. often was outside of Moscow or Russia in general, and he also did not want to close all communication with group leaders to himself for reasons of secrecy and saving his time, Gagiev A.M. decided that he and Dzugutov G.Z. will be liaison between him and the leaders of criminal groups. Thus, he and Dzugutov G.Z. received from Gagiev A.M. through a secret mobile connection or Internet connection, instructions on the commission of specific crimes, which were also transmitted through a secret mobile connection or Internet connection to the leaders of criminal groups that are part of the criminal community.
In 2006, in the fall, around the end of October, a VAZ-2114 car was stolen from Aslan Gagiev’s father, nicknamed “Dzhako”, Gagiev Mite. The car was stolen from Mite Gagiev’s house in Beslan. Some time later, he arrived in North Ossetia from Moscow.
Upon arrival in North Ossetia, he drove home to Gagiev A.M., in Art. Arkhonskaya Prigorodny district of North Ossetia-Alania. In this house, while Gagiev A.M. was there, members of the criminal community headed by him, including him, gathered. At the time of his arrival Gagiev A.M. also flew from Moscow. In addition to Gagiev A.M. there were also the following members of their criminal community: Maxim Nikolaev, nicknamed “Pioneer” and “Young”, Bagaev Robert, nicknamed “Robson”, Kudziev Temur, nicknamed “Temo”, Gobozov Mels, Omarov Ragim. During the conversation in the house, the theft of a car from the father of Gagiev A.M. was discussed. During the conversation Gagiev A.M. instructed Bagaev R.A. find out who is involved in this theft and find the car. In the future, Bagaev R.A. was able to find a way out to the hijackers and return the car of A. Gagiev’s father for money.
After about two weeks, they all gathered again in the house of Gagiev A.M. in Art. Arkhonskaya. They were also joined by Bagaev Ivan, whom everyone calls Tolik. When talking in the house Bagaev R.A. said that he had learned that Viktor Tuaev, nicknamed “Zek”, and a second unknown guy had committed the hijacking. Gagiev A.M. was angry with Tuaev because of this. Gagiev A.M. gave instructions to killings Tuaeva V.I. At the meeting Gagiev A.M. determined that he and Maxim Nikolaev, nicknamed “Pioneer”, would shoot Tuaev V.I. from machine guns, Kudziev Temur will find a car and weapons. The driver who will bring him and Nikolaev M.K. in place killings and take away after firing shots, Gagiev A.M. decided to involve Marik Kardanov, a drug control officer. To carry out surveillance and search for Tuaev V.I. in Beslan for further killings Gagiev A.M. entrusted Bagaev R.A., Bagaev I.Kh., Gobozov Mels and Kudziev Temo. Omarov Ragim and Gagiev A.M. were supposed to be in the car with Kudziev Temo. After the execution, the used car was supposed to be hidden, and Bagaev Ivan, nicknamed “Tolik”, was supposed to pick him up from this place, Maxim Nikolaev and Marik Kardanov, and take him to A.M. Gagiev’s house. in Art. Arkhonskaya. Having planned their actions, the next day they began searching for Tuaev V.I.
From the next day, Bagaev R.A., Bagaev I.Kh., Gobozov Mels, Kudziev Temo, together with Omarov Ragim and Gagiev Aslan, began to travel around the city of Beslan and look for Tuaev V.I. on multiple vehicles. Gagiev A.M. traveled with Kudziev Temo to control and coordinate the actions of accomplices through mobile communications, using SIM cards and phones registered to strangers or organizations. Did Bagaev I.Kh. in the same car with Bagaev R.A. during the search for Tuaev V.I., he does not know. At the same time, one of the persons involved in the crime called Kardanov M.V. to the house of Gagiev A.M. and there he informed him that he would be the driver in the car in which he and Maxim Nikolaev would go. Within two or three days Bagaev R.A. or Kudziev Temo, that is, one of them, found where Tuaev V.I. was, informing him or Maxim Nikolaev about it by secret phone, he does not remember exactly. By that time it was already getting dark. At that time, he and Maxim Nikolaev were sitting in a VAZ-2110 car driven by Marik Kardanov, which was parked near the Edem cafe in Beslan. In their car they had weapons prepared by Temo Kudziev – two Kalashnikov assault rifles of 7.62 mm caliber, loaded with cartridges. Immediately after the bell they went to the fourth school and saw a VAZ-2106 car at the corner of Iristonskaya and Krasnoarmeyskaya streets, in the cabin of which V.I. Tuaev was sitting, in the back seat. Kardanov Marik drove up to the VAZ-2106 car at a distance of about 10-15 meters and stopped the car. He and Maxim Nikolaev put on masks with holes for the eyes and each got out of the car with Kalashnikovs. Together they approached the VAZ-2106 car and opened fire from machine guns at the rear passenger seat, where Tuaev V.I. was sitting. After several shots, his machine gun jammed. He jerked the shutter of his machine gun twice, but did not resume firing, as the machine gun jammed. At that moment he heard a scream from the car, as he thinks Tuaeva V.I. Then, when he and Maxim Nikolaev finished firing at Tuaev V.I., they got back into the VAZ-2110 car, under the control of Kardanova Marika. By car VAZ-2110 they went to the village. Humalag, not far from which there is a fenced area of some enterprise. They drove up to the entrance. He and Maxim Nikolaev got out of the car. Kardanov Marik drove the car into this territory and left the territory on foot. used in murder the machine guns remained in the interior of the VAZ-2110 car. At the same time, Bagaev I.Kh. arrived there. nicknamed “Tolik” in a light-colored VAZ-2106 car. Was I.Kh. together Bagaev R.A. – he no longer remembers. But Bagaev I.Kh. he was definitely driving. He, Maxim Nikolaev and Marik Kardanov got into a VAZ 2106 car driven by Bagaev I.Kh. and went by detours to st. Arkhonskaya, home to Gagiev A.M. When they arrived, Gagiev A.M., Omarov Ragim, Kudziev Temo, Bagaev R.A. were already in the house. and Gobozov Mels. He, Maxim Nikolaev, Marik Kardanov and Tolik Bagaev went into the house. He and Nikolaev Maxim reported to Gagiev A.M. about how it went murder Tuaeva V.I. At the same time, Maxim complained that he could not normally fire shots due to the fact that his machine gun jammed. After the end of the report Gagiev A.M. let them go about their business. He went to Vladikavkaz, to a rented apartment.”