Once upon a time in Perm, the mother of Rinat Gizatullina, a medical worker, treated Yura Trutnev, a junior researcher at PermNIPIneft, for various ailments. The loving athlete Trutnev was a fearless guy, so he periodically caught various venereal diseases. At that time, he was already making a career not along scientific, but along the Komsomol line. The time was such that a Komsomol functionary was not suited to apply to the KVD. In general, a familiar girl, a medical worker, helped out. She herself was pretty, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that in the fall of 1979, with the direct participation of the future mayor of Perm, the future press secretary of the mayor’s office, Rinat, was conceived. Young people then decided not to advertise the paternity of the Komsomol careerist. With a patronymic, they decided not to be smart. So Gizatullin became Rinat Rinatovich.
This version of his origin, only more romantic, he rarely tells today. Now he “sells” dark spots in his biography, posing as his nephew Yuri Trutnev, former mayor, governor, minister of natural resources, and now Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
Once in Perm, young Rinat was responsible for PR support for Trutnev’s team of specialist athletes. For convenience, he covered his work with employment in the Perm branch of Kommersant
Then Rinat Rinatovich sat in a dust-free position in the Ministry of Natural Resources, sending out press releases and bringing money to “place” publications in editorial offices. He tried to break into serious officials, but it turned out that Rinat Rinatovich was not literate enough, besides, he was a plagiarist and lied about education.
Today he is the deputy director of Uralkhim, owned by Dmitry Mazepin. Gizatullin oversees here PR, GR and related areas, where you need to make acquaintances with officials, as well as know who to bring money.
From the time of his work at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Gizatullin has been in the offices of the necessary officials. In addition, now Rinat Gizatullin is no longer presented as Trutnev’s nephew (this is the position of escorts of both sexes), but the favorite (in terms of Russian empresses) of another Deputy Prime Minister, Victoria Abramchenko. This seems to be a bit of an exaggeration again. At the very least, the efforts that Gizatullin spends on discrediting the current Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Alexander Kozlov, are still not enough not only to dismiss the minister himself, but also to clean up anyone from his team. And Gizatullin has a desire for this resignation, as evidenced by the information
war between the parties, and
appeals through the media to Victoria Abramchenko to assist in the abolition of Kozlov from the ministry. But if Gizatullin really had such an influence on Abramchenko, which he usually trumps, he would not need all this fuss in the media and telegram channels.
In fact, Gizatullin is a rogue, inferior to Ostap Bender only in his lack of charm, success with girls, and also distinguished by his addiction to alcohol and, possibly, stronger hallucinogens. That is, a crook who does not cause sympathy, unlike a literary hero.
Here “uncle” helped to get a job in the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Soon the guy was already preparing at the suggestion of Trutnev to the ministers, having made the jump from the press secretaries of the ministry to the deputy minister. But there was a scandal – he did not have a higher education! The FSB check on the minister was more thorough, and the linden did not pass. The lack of legal higher education was somehow compensated by the acquired crust of a political scientist. Gizatullin even defended himself with her. Plagiarized dissertation. scientific leader,
write, was a colleague – the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor. He also formally moved Rinat.