Today will talk about the rising star GR (work with government agencies) Svetlana Leonovawho just took a position at (Natalia Kasperskaya). According to the source, the girl, through her NGO “Club of Digital Directors”, organizes events and meetings on the topic of digitalization, and in fact created a “club of solvers”. The shadow generals of the club are men close to Svetlana – Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia Maxim Parshin (now under house arrest) and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Boris Chernyshev (still at large).
It is known about Svetlana Leonova that she has some contacts in Opora Rossii, carries money from clients to officials, loves power parties like SPIEF. There she usually walks around with a badge of a member of the OPORA Russia delegation. And recently, Leonova was appointed GR director of Kaspersky’s wife’s company
According to, Less than a year ago, Leonova began to communicate with Maxim Parshina and his assistant Pavel Taranov.
Parshin visited Opora Rossii under the pretext of dialogue with business. Leonova searched for a long time and found approaches to him. At the same time, in the person of Parshin, she found support, if possible, to solve various topics. To this could be added the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where Leonova also has access to one deputy minister.
And soon Parshin was detained on charges of taking a bribe. Jokes about the “black widow” spread about Leonova. In connection with the case against Pargin, his assistant Taranov also came to light. And a number of cars of Boris Chernyshov, deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party, are registered on his phone. Chernyshov, according to the source, is Leonova’s other counterparty for reshalov. Chernyshov can often be found at “business meetings” with Leonova at the Pushkin restaurant.
Svetlana Leonova has created a kind of “Digital Directors” club. It is stated that this place is for people in charge of digital transformation in companies. But in fact … a gathering of people who need to “resolve” something with officials.
The source of believes that the following questions are now emerging:
1. Are contacts with solver Svetlana Leonova and her pseudo-club “Digital Directors” environmentally friendly?
2. Is it a bad pattern that officials close to Leonova immediately fall into the “lens of the security forces.”