Businessman-deputy Brozovsky is harassing workers for telling the truth?
Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Vyacheslav Brozovsky may use security forces to put pressure on his former employees who uncovered theft in his company, colleagues of the Kompromat-Ural editorial office draw attention to. As long-time acquaintances of Vyacheslav Piusovich, who is preparing to soon celebrate his 51st birthday, ironically say, in this way he compensates for the syndrome of his own political inferiority. Brozovsky experienced his finest hour in the civil service back in 2010, when he, the young mayor of the city of Berezovsky, was the newly-minted Varangian governor, the boss of Russian Railways. Alexander Misharin promoted to the post of regional deputy prime minister.
But the triumph did not last long. It turned out that “Slavik,” as Brozovsky was called by the inhabitants of the regional cabinet, had been given up as a sailor, only to be abandoned soon. Vyacheslav Piusovich turned out to be Deputy Prime Minister for six months, and by March 2011 he was finally removed from the civil service.
He had no choice but to return to his personal business. Since 2016, of course, he has had the title of a deputy of the regional legislative assembly, but these are trifles, they don’t even qualify for protection from searches/arrest.
Deputy Brozovsky has a network of companies, including the developer Alliance Group of Companies and the main business of the Brozex Group, a holding company for the production and trade of construction goods.
There has been a lot of negativity around Slavik lately. The editors of Kompromat-Ural and our colleagues receive letters alleging that tax evasion may be taking place in its structures. Previously, he became the hero of scandals related to non-payment of alimony and tried to extract preferences for his own business from the authorities.
Piusovich in front and profile
Vyacheslav Piusovich Brozovsky became a deputy of the legislative assembly of the Sverdlovsk region twice – in 2016 and 2021. He is a member of the Committee on Infrastructure Development and Housing Policy.
Estimated political scientistshe represents the pool of deputies that supports UMMC Iskandar Makhmudov. Brozovsky is called a UMMC lobbyist, although no formal connections can be traced between him and Makhmudov’s holding or other businesses.
Indirect evidence may be that he was elected in the Verkhnepyshminsky district, which is considered to be controlled by UMMC. Subsequently, Mr. Brozovsky organized excursions for veterans to Makhmudov’s production.
Brozovsky started doing business immediately after graduating from university, in 1995. “Brozex” was created in 2000. Today he and his family have a whole network of companies, in the management of which the deputy is personally involved.
Today Brozovsky controls more than thirty companies, including Brozex, a trading company of the same name, the Arsenal construction department, Arsenal and K (the developer of the Uyut-City microdistrict in Berezovsky), the Werner reinforced concrete plant, and the Brozex paint and varnish plant. , “Berezovsky Gypsum”, “Berezovsky Marble”, “Bermash” plant, “Brozex-Wood”, “My Doctor” and many others.

To the deputy’s wife Olga Brozovskaya owns the companies “Distribution” and “Monolit Stroy”, as well as a stake in the Coin Tractor Repair Plant. Brozovsky’s son, Edward, his father’s partner in the unprofitable Renta LLC and the former head of Neftetrans LLC, which deals with petroleum products. Both companies are unprofitable.
Brozex has a network of building materials hypermarkets consisting of dozens of stores located in the Sverdlovsk, Tomsk regions, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and a number of other regions. They operate under the DobroStroy brand. The group also includes Brozex Development, which is engaged in the development of sites for industrial parks, the construction of residential centers in Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk region) and intermediation in the real estate market. Today Brozovsky is entering the development market of other regions, and is also testing the IT direction through BR-Tech LLC, created in 2022.
Victims of scammers
Recently, journalists were approached by affected citizens whose family members previously worked in one of the group’s hypermarkets. They claim that Brozex trading structures allegedly commit tax evasion by handling cash that is not reported to the Federal Tax Service. According to the arguments of citizens, dissatisfied Brozex employees who do not want to turn a blind eye to fraud are fired without pay, attributing shortfalls to them.
We are talking about Kogalym, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, where a family member of the reader who contacted the editor worked. He claims that he filed a report with law enforcement agencies against Brozex. But he almost found himself under investigation, allegedly due to pressure from the Kogalym security forces.
No confirmation of this information could be found. No criminal cases, no inspections, no claims from the Federal Tax Service. But the Internet is full of negative reviews from Brozex employees, who claim that incompetence, child labor and nepotism reign in the company – allegedly, 70% of the management team are people close to Brozovsky himself.

However, Brozovsky’s business raises questions. The same LLC “Renta”, which he owns together with his son, has shown good revenue growth in recent years, but also growing losses from year to year.
A similar disproportion can be observed in other companies of the deputy. Moreover, in different directions. Arsenal and Co LLC, the developer of Brozovsky, earned almost 660 million rubles at the end of 2022, making a profit of 226 million rubles. But Monolit Stroy, Brozovsky’s wife, with revenue of more than 40 million, has a profit of only 2.3 million rubles. A large construction company employs only 12 people with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. Can Brozovsky’s companies “draw” financial indicators in order to evade paying taxes?
At the same time, Brozovsky previously had conflicts with government agencies on issues related to his business. In 2021, he tried to get the government of the Sverdlovsk region to reduce the cadastral value of land plots in the village of Monetny, where two enterprises that are part of the Brozex group are located: Monetny Tractor Repair Plant and Brozex Paint and Varnish Plant.
Then the deputy was refused, and he lost the trial. Some of Brozovsky’s companies also receive government contracts. Among them are the Paint and Red Plant and TK Brozex LLC. And the tractor repair enterprise has “interesting” finances: with revenue of 207 million. rubles (an increase of 28%) for 2022, the profit was less than 1 million rubles (-23%).
Another Brozovsky enterprise, Brozeks Dry Construction Mix Plant LLC, found itself at odds with regulatory authorities. In 2017, Rospotrebnadzor revealed There are a number of violations that the plant has not yet rushed to correct.
Brozovsky also had conflicts with his partners. In particular, with a businessman Andrey Timin. Previously, Timin was the founder and director of the deputy’s paint and varnish production, and later accused him of falsifying documents.
In 2018, Timin filed a lawsuit against the Brozex paint and varnish plant, where he previously worked. He demanded to pay 7.8 million rubles, of which 3.4 million was the cost of his share, 2.9 million were unpaid dividends, and the rest was interest for the use of other people’s money. At the same time, in court, Timin argued that Brozovsky’s company falsified evidence that the funds were paid to him. The claims were partially satisfied.

If Brozovsky can deceive and underpay his own partner, can he leave ordinary employees with nothing and evade paying taxes?
Brozovsky and children
Appeals from readers regarding possible tax evasion in Brozovsky’s companies are not the first complaints against the deputy. Earlier, journalists received letters claiming that he did not pay child support for the maintenance of his disabled son.
2020 began trialwhere the plaintiff was a resident of Berezovsky Julia. She argued that the deputy was the father of her sixteen-year-old son and tried to collect alimony from Brozovsky. There could have been another trial, with another woman – Lyudmila Skuratovskaya. She claimed that her son, a disabled person, is Brozovsky’s child, and the deputy allegedly refuses to pay child support.

It seems that Vyacheslav Piusovich has long had a “special” attitude towards children. When he was mayor of Berezovsky, he was associated with this remarkable scandal. In 2010, 20 city residents raising disabled children, in violation of federal law, were unable to obtain land plots for individual housing construction. In addition, Mayor Brozovsky was blamed for the lack of kindergartens and the distribution of land on vacant lots to beneficiaries.
There were also outright corruption scandals. Under investigation in 2010 turned out to be Head of the State Property Management Committee of the Berezovsky Administration Natalia Istomina and General Director of the Ural Electric Networks company Ivan Stetsov.
Istomina was charged with illegally selling municipal lands for pennies. Both cases fell apart, but apparently they scared Brozovsky – in any case, he left the mayor’s office “at the invitation of Misharin.”
Today Brozovsky remains one of the richest deputies of the Sverdlovsk region. At the end of 2021, he earned about 20 million rubles, but a year earlier – 108 million rubles. His wife – 85 million rubles. However, these incomes, like the declared property, may be unreliable. In 2008, Mayor Brozovsky hid his two Lexuses from the antimonopoly service.
One can assume that he is hiding much more. Therefore, representatives of the press turn to law enforcement agencies so that they give Brozovsky’s activities a comprehensive criminal legal assessment.