All residents of the Irkutsk region have heard many times that on territories In the former Baikal pulp and paper mill, a museum dedicated to the history of the plant was built.
The main ideologist of all VEB.RF activities in Baikalsk, Anton Grigorov, has been talking about this museum for two years now. In any case, we found the first mention of the museum in messages from November 2021.
Outside – September 2023. In two years you can build not only a museum, you can rebuild the entire BPPM.
There is a museum, as it were. VEB.RF writes about it as a fait accompli. Moreover, there is even a whole telegram channel for the BPPM museum with as many as 39 subscribers.
However, Babr could not find a single person who had visited this museum or seen it at least from the outside.
In order not to play at the “Schrödinger Museum,” which either exists or doesn’t, Babr’s reporting group went to Baikalsk with the intention of seeing everything with my own eyes. Fortunately, it’s difficult to get lost: the museum is already listed on Yandex maps. It appeared there at the same time as the route “Eco-trail Small Ring of the BPPM” appeared.
ABOUT swindle We wrote about stories with eco-trails in detail in the article “Baikal trail building: crazy kilometers of Anton Grigorov.” What about the museum?
You will be surprised, but Babr’s reporting team, which had eaten the dog searching for everything and everyone, did not find the BPPM museum…. At the place where the museum is indicated on the map, the group saw this. That is, a rusty locked door without a sign, around which not only grass, but also bushes have already grown.
But, fortunately, the entrance to the BPPM is still guarded, the guards are bored, and one of them was happy to talk with Babr’s reporting group about the museum. Or rather, he was very surprised what kind of museum we were talking about.
By the way, there is a notice at the entrance with an invitation to the BPPM museum. When this advertisement was pointed out to the guard, he became noticeably embarrassed and said the following (quote):
“Oh… well, yes… the museum… yes, of course… well, you call someone. They will tell you everything.”
Apparently, the guard was instructed, but underinstructed. He couldn’t say who to call.
I had to return, leaving the mystery of the mysterious museum unsolved.
However, we cannot help but notice that Anton Grigorov’s words and deeds are increasingly diverging. Which cannot but discredit the entire work of VEB.RF as a whole.