Source A few days before his arrest, he published on TikTok a parody of a video with a Russian military man. However, the official reason for the expulsion is a violation of immigration laws. The Presnensky District Court of Moscow decided to deport the blogger Nekoglay from Russia. The court also fined him 5,000 rubles.
Nekoglai, aka Nikolai Lebedev, is a citizen of Moldova, born in 2000. On the territory of the Russian Federation was without relevant documents. Nekoglaya was tried on the day of his arrest. And this is a normal practice in cases of violations of migration laws, if you do not take into account how the blogger was detained and taken away from court, says Aram Muradov, partner at the Minushkina and Partners Bar Association:
Aram Muradov
Partner of the Minushkina & Partners Bar Association
“They usually wait until the case materials are filed with the court, while these case materials are registered in the office, until a trial is scheduled, then the case is transferred to the duty judge, and within half an hour a consideration takes place, a decision is made. This practice is normal, but how he was detained is, of course, interesting. They are accompanied by police officers in masks, almost like a special detachment of some kind. What is this for? Unclear. Migration officers could simply come with a district police officer or other employees in civilian uniform and take him, escort him to the department, charge him and send him to court.”
The arrest and boarding of a police minibus was caught on video. As well as the moment of announcement of the decision. And Nekoglai himself was not lost in the frame. He listened to the judge without taking off his huge plush headphones with devil's horns. Using the same headphones, he filmed the same parody of a video in which a Russian soldier in a trench throws aside grenades that a Ukrainian drone drops on him. The original of this video caused a great resonance in Russian social networks. Some foreign publications also drew attention to it. Nekoglay made a parody: to the remix of the track Rasputin by Boney M., he throws an object falling on him from above.
The publication caused a strong reaction from the head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina. She accused Nekoglay of discrediting the army and promised to appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To this, Nekoglai replied that the words from the song Rasputin were heard in the background of the video. Specifically: “Once upon a time, a man lived in Russia. He was big and strong, his eyes were on fire.” That is, in this way, the tiktoker says that this video was not going to offend anyone. But it was necessary to think earlier, says Denis Terekhov, General Director of the Social Networks Agency:
Denis Terekhov
General Director of the Social Networks Agency
“It seems to me that this is a deliberate provocation, and the people who do this, of course, have the right to do so, but they must be aware that, joking about this topic, they cannot but assess their risks. I think this is an attempt to hype, bordering on stupidity and something unreasonable.”
According to the founder of the Purple Door advertising and production agency Alexei Pak, before this episode, Nekoglai did not flirt with the public, political and news agenda. Its content is dancing, humor, computer games. Actually, thanks to the popularity of streams on Twitch, he became famous. Then almost 10 million subscribers came to TikTok, he started recording tracks and so on. The expulsion of a blogger from the country will technically not prevent him from continuing his activities, but it will become more difficult for him to earn money, says Alexey Pak:
Aleksey Pak
Founder of the Purple Door advertising and production agency
“If we are talking about the fact that he has Twitch, Instagram (owned by Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation. – BFM), Instagram is banned for us, but everyone posts content. In the Russian Federation, content cannot be posted on TikTok. And on Twitch, he can stream from anywhere – the content will still be visible in Russia. In this regard, there are no severe restrictions for bloggers, except for one caveat: this will cause problems with sponsors. All bloggers live on advertising and donations. If nothing changes from the point of view of donations, then from the point of view of advertising integrations, it may have difficulties.”
As for the hero of the original video, a Russian soldier who threw grenades flying at him, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets” and a number of other media outlets, the military man survived and has already recovered from the wounds that he received even before they began to throw grenades at him.