Battalion Dubai. Who hides in the Persian Gulf
Dubai. Wealthy Ukrainian citizens, politicians and billionaires, and with them big Ukrainian money, moved to the UAE with the start of a full-scale Russian invasion. UP.
Due to the long distance from Ukraine, you will not see Ukrainian license plates on cars here. Therefore, you need to look for Ukrainian millionaires and billionaires in a different, no less classic way – in the most expensive hotels, restaurants and boutiques.
According to the interlocutors of the UE among politicians and businessmen, deputies from the Opposition Platform for Life Natalia Korolevskaya and her husband Yuri Solod, Vadim Stolar have already moved to Dubai, deputy Suto Mamoyan often flies to visit.
Battalion Dubai. Who is hiding in the UAE
Yulia Tymoshenko likes to relax with her family here, oligarch Valery Khoroshkovsky lives permanently, businessman Vilen Shatvoryan, who is close to the former Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, and even TV presenter Savik Shuster spends a lot of time on the coast of the Persian Gulf.
In Dubai, Ukrainian VIPs feel secure, because the EU has financial monitoring, and under the palm trees of the UAE, no one asks where the money comes from.
Mikhail Tkach, translation Skeleton.Info