Badri Kutaissky and Edik Osetrina in the service of “punitive justice”
A year ago, February 21, 2023, Russian media the news spread about the harsh sentence of the court to the “thief in law” Rashid Ismailov (Rashad Ganjinsky) — 21 years of imprisonment for participation in murders and occupying a high position in the criminal hierarchy. And now, exactly a year later, he can again become a hero of crime chronicles. Journalists came across a note in which Rashad Gyandzhinsky describes in detail the details of the FSIN’s cooperation with some “authorities.” One of these “agents of influence” is the famous, although thrice crowned, thief Badri Kutaissky (Koguashvili).
Ganja’s note is addressed to Namiku Salifova – to the brother of the Azerbaijani thief in law Nadira Salifova (Lotu Guli, Guli Bakinsky), killed in Turkey in the summer of 2020. The late Guli was called in the press “one of the richest criminals” who controlled many organized crime groups in his native Azerbaijan, as well as in Russia (*aggressor country) and Ukraine. At the trial in the case of Rashad Gyandzhinsky, information was heard that the defendant was a member of the Moscow group of Guli Bakinsky. And who helps the investigators of the Investigative Committee and the FSB collect detailed information about all the groups, about the relations between them and their members, becomes clear from the mentioned note.
In his note, Gyandzhinsky describes how he found himself under severe pressure from not only law enforcement agencies, but also criminal groups. The prisoner, as he himself writes, is subjected to systematic torture and intimidation, and the orders to carry out such “events” to the FSIN employees working in the colony where Rashad Gyandzhinsky is imprisoned are given by the thief Badri Koguashvili, better known in criminal circles as Badri Kutaissky.
“I am forced to do everything unquestioningly that Badri says”writes Gyandzhinsky.
At the same time, there is every reason to believe that another odious representative of the criminal world is helping to “press” Rashid Kutaissky: Eduard Asatryan nicknamed Edik Osetrina.
Eduard Asatryan (Edik Osetrina)
According to Gyandzhinsky, Koguashvili repeatedly contacted him through FSIN employees, who brought him a phone to talk with (which in itself is a serious malfeasance). In these conversations, Badri tried to convince him to submit to his will, as well as to discredit the late Guli Salifov, accusing him of involvement in the murders of thieves in law and other serious crimes. This is not the first evidence that Badri of Kutais, to use thieves’ language, has long “been screwed” ” Not so long ago, newspapers wrote that he works closely with the “authorities” and even calls himself an “FSB agent.” From the merged then audio recordings of the conversation Badri and the well-known authority Gilani Sedy, it is clearly clear that Kutaissky boasted to the thieves of his “connections with the cops.” And this is not surprising, since in the mid-2000s, Koguashvili, like Osetrina, served his sentence in prisons in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where at the same time a special group of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the FSB of Russia (*aggressor country) was actively working to recruit thieves in law. The security forces later called this operation “Krasnoyarsk split” (since her task was to split the criminal community, and this was largely successful), and the thieves, for obvious reasons, were a “bitch war.” It should be noted that almost none of those who then refused to cooperate with the prison authorities have lived to this day. But Badri Kutaissky and Edik Osetrina survived.
In a note to Namik Salifov, Rashid Ganjinsky said that if he agrees to follow Koguashvili’s instructions and renounces “his convictions” (apparently this also refers to his refusal to cooperate with the “authorities”), then his problems will be solved. Otherwise, Rashid says, he faces even more serious consequences, including further torture and other forms of physical violence.
Rashid is especially concerned that in case of disobedience, he could be sent to Krasnoyarsk or Omsk, and these places, as we have already said, are connected with Kutaisi and Osetrina, and their possibilities of influence on the FSIN in these regions are especially great. For example, in 2020, in the Omsk department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the former holder of the Russian thieves’ common fund, Kakhaber Parpalia (Kakha Galsky), was found dead – according to the official version, of a heart attack. But soon the expected details: “During the autopsy of the body of thief in law Kakhaber Parpalia, 16 bone fractures were recorded. According to experts, the thief in law was brutally beaten and died from his injuries <...> There is information that a million dollars were allocated to eliminate him. A significant part of this money was distributed to FSIN employees at various levels.” A wrote:that it was the sending to Omsk that became a “death sentence” for Kakha Galsky.
The telegram channel “VChK-OGPU” named Edik Osetrina as the likely mastermind of the murder of the criminal treasurer, who, like Badri Kutaissky, has close contacts with the special services, and was also recruited by the Krasnoyarsk Federal Penitentiary Service.
It is not surprising, therefore, that Rashid Gyandzhinsky fears most of all a possible transfer to Krasnoyarsk or Omsk, where he will face more serious bullying for refusing to obey Badri’s instructions. In the note, he mentions methods of violence that could affect his masculine honor, as well as other extreme measures by law enforcement agencies and criminal elements.
In general, Rashid Ganjinsky’s note looks like a plea for help, and there is clearly a sense of fear of further threats and violence. It is obvious that the convicted thief found himself in an extremely vulnerable position, and it is possible that a hostile organized crime group really intended to settle scores with him. But it is noteworthy that employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service take direct part in these thieves’ showdowns, and their actions are “run” by the same thieves – Badri Kutaissky and Edik Osetrina.