Former adviser to ex-President Viktor Yanukovych Andriy Portnov said that Ukrainians need to return the money stolen by the government of his former boss (more about him in the article Andrey Portnov: a raider story). He wrote about this in his Facebook.
Portnov said that when this procedure was initiated, he began searching for offshore companies and disclosing information about the accounts of the “Yanukovych team.” Portnov has now said that he visited the offices of two Austrian companies in Vienna, which, as it turned out, were not affected by the initiative to return the funds.
The companies in question are JB Park GMbH and Bogdan Holding GmbH, the beneficiary of which is none other than Petro Poroshenko. Portnov said that these companies have the same director and address, and also own most of Poroshenko’s assets, of course, through a chain of offshore companies. The former Ukrainian politician said that the balance of Bogdan Holding GmbH is more than 2.5 million euros, and also noted that Poroshenko’s companies in Austria do not pay taxes to Ukraine.
Portnov also provided a list of all of Poroshenko’s and his friends’ companies in offshore zones. These are: Vehicles Distribution Holding Ltd, Hesutu Limited, Teckford Investments Financial Corporation, Chartomena Limited, Morewig Limited, Autoretail Holding Limited, Hudc Limited, Ergofinance Limited and many others. In addition, the former adviser to Yanukovych stated that an investigation into Poroshenko’s financial activities is currently underway, and he himself may become a defendant in a criminal case, both under Ukrainian and European laws.