In previous publications, we told our readers a lot about those who seized and then developed land plots in the capital and region. Now we want to open the doors of high offices and show you the faces of the officials who helped them “grab” hectares of land without any problems. It was their orders that transferred city property, park areas and natural lands to oligarchs, swindlers and bribe-takers! Today our “heroes” will be the new head of the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine, Andrei Malevany, and his many colleagues, companions and patrons.
Experienced corrupt officials rarely act alone, because “working” in conjunction with others and “reporting” to the authorities is much easier and safer. And the scale of corruption increases by orders of magnitude: what one corrupt official cannot do on his own, he can do with the help of accomplices from other departments and departments. This is how corrupt communities arise, popularly called “mafias.” There are many of them: law enforcement mafia, tax and customs, medical, construction and road, as well as land – which will be discussed…
Community property plunderers
Malevany Andrey Nikolaevich was born on December 16, 1981 in Kyiv, in the family of Nikolai Ivanovich and Lydia Ivanovna Malevany. He has an older brother, Yuri, born in 1975. There is no detailed information about his parents, and the maiden name of his wife Elena Vadimovna is not disclosed. Therefore, in his family roots it is difficult to find the ends of the connections that ensured the successful career of Andrei Malevanny. However, Skelet.Info There is information that it was his parents who helped their son find a place with the right people.
Malevany is one of the few Ukrainian top officials today who have not an economic, legal or humanitarian education, but a technical one. He graduated from the technical lyceum at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI), and in 2003 from the KPI itself, receiving an engineer’s diploma in metrology and measurement technology. Which suggests that he chose this specialty for a reason, but as if he was initially preparing to work in the land administration.
For some reason, Malevany is silent about his first place of work: in his biography there is nothing about what he did for almost two years after graduating from university. His career there began only in 2005, with the position of manager at the Entrepreneurship Promotion Center LLC (USREOU 32594921). Under this name, a company engaged in the wholesale trade of fuel (gas, oil products, etc.) operates in Kyiv. And this company belongs to the owners of Ukrservice LLC (22193583) Igor Frezyuk and Vasily Fedoriv – associated with the Galnaftogaz corporation of the scandalous gasoline oligarch-raider Vitaly Antonov. It is Antonov who owns the OKKO gas station chain!
In August 2006, Andrei Malevany left this very lucrative job for a more promising one: he entered the civil service (or rather returned to it), receiving the position of deputy head of the Privatization Department in the Department of Communal Property and Entrepreneurship of the Shevchenko District Council. It is worth emphasizing here that if this was his first job in the civil service, he would have first worked as a specialist (at least for a month), but Malevany was immediately promoted to a leadership position – and this suggests that this was not the first time he had entered the office. Thus, in his biography, Malevany can hide precisely this fact. But why?
But the most important thing is that, of course, no one was hired for such key positions, which made it possible to take away city property (land, real estate, enterprises) from the street – their trusted people were appointed to them with great patronage. So who “fit in” with the 25-year-old boy Andryusha Malevanny? There is no clear answer to this question; all this time, journalists could only speculate. There was an assumption that Malevanny was installed by his former boss Antonov. But their relationship was not directly visible in the future, although members of the land mafia never forget the oligarchs for whom they once worked – and this is how they got hold of fat chunks of real estate in the capital.
But it is known that Malevanny immediately became a member of the corruption team formed around Leonid Chernovetsky, who just then “took” power in the capital. It was with these people that Andrei Malevany’s entire further “land” career was closely connected.
According to some sources Skelet.InfoMalevany owed his entry into the ranks of Kyiv officials to Artem Markovich Kadomsky (born 1975), who is perhaps the most key figure in his circle. Or rather, his dad Mark Aronovich Kadomsky. He started back in Soviet times with furniture speculation, then in the 90s he “took over” the workshop and created the furniture company “KMK-1”. After graduating from university in 1997, Artem Kadomsky worked for a year at his dad’s company, and then his dad assigned him to the Kyiv City State Administration, the Kyiv City Land Resources Department – where he made a career from specialist to chief. According to sources, Mark Kadomsky was somehow connected with the parents of Andrei Malevany. And look: just in 1998, when Artem Kadomsky got a job at the Upravzem Administration, Andrei Malevany entered KPI as a metrology engineer. Is it really a coincidence?
Another person contributed to Artem Kadomsky’s employment at the Kyiv City State Administration: Andrey Anatolyevich Ivanovformerly bearing the surname Dirnberger, is a Russian-Ukrainian oligarch and the closest business partner of Vasily Khmelnitsky, who has a dark bloody trail from the 90s. Ivanov and Khmelnitsky had big plans for land in Kyiv and the region, as well as for buying up real estate in the capital – and they later realized them with the help of Artem Kadomsky and Andrey Malevany. While the first gave them huge tracts of park and recreational land, the second rose through the ranks of the Office of Communal Property in the Shevchenko district, helping them acquire “problem” enterprises and facilities for subsequent development of their territory.
The second famous patron of Malevany is this is Alexander Efimovich Lutsky, one of the living legends of Kyiv corruption. This man worked and stole under any government, and he began his participation in it in 2004 as an adviser to the Kyiv mayor. At first, Lutsky advised San Sanych Omelchenko, and since 2006, Leonid Chernovetsky. At the same time, he became a deputy of the Kyiv City Council and secretary of the land commission, and a year later became deputy chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration for land resources. Since then, he has been closely involved in the land for a good 12 years; under Poroshenko, Lutsky even became the president’s confidant on land issues in Tsarskoye Selo.
The third person closely associated with Andrei Malevanny is the scandalous Sergei Rudyk. As a “grant eater,” a national patriot and a member of “Pora” (and the closest ally of the scandalous Kaskiv), he came to power after the first Maidan, and in the spring of 2006 was also elected to the Kiev Council. We also remember from the story of Vasily Mokan that then “It’s Time” became a political springboard for the “brigade” of the late capital “authority” Viktor Rybalko, among whose former closest “sidekicks” Vitali Klitschko and Arthur Palatny stood out. But this is only one of Rudyk’s many connections – he was friends and “fruitfully collaborated” with everyone, from Svoboda to the regionals.
In the fall of 2006, Rudyk negotiated for himself the position of head of the State Committee on Nationalities and Migration – and immediately began to “earn money” by selling refugee status and residence permits to everyone. Among those interested was thief in law Ravshan Dzhaniev, who was involved in the murder of another “authority” – Ded Hassan. As if in mockery, Dzhiniev was framed as a persecuted “representative of sexual minorities,” but fearing revenge and arrest in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) more than shame, the “thief in law” agreed to register as a “pederast.” Just six months later, Rudyk was kicked out with a scandal, and he became deputy to the head of the Kyiv City State Administration Chernovetsky – despite the fact that Klitschko was then in conflict with Lenya Kosmos. In general, this alone eloquently characterized Rudyk as an unprincipled, thoroughly corrupt bastard. You can’t even remember him here conflict with Korbanwhich provoked one of the loudest political scandals in post-Maidan Ukraine.
Another person from Malevany’s inner circle is Sergei Levtsov, his former boss and business partner. Even their work histories are very similar, only Levtsov started in a different district of Kyiv. Levtsov is still behind there are one and a half dozen enterprises, mainly construction ones, including six pieces “Stroygrupproektinvest” No. 1-6 (Levtsov clearly has problems with creativity).
And this “inner circle” is closed by Alexander Stalinolenovich Kachny, who in 2006 moved from the post of head of the State Department of Fisheries to the Kiev Regional Council, becoming its deputy chairman. Then, from May 2010 to February 2014, Alexander Kachny was the chairman of the Kyiv Regional Council, pleasing the regionals and protecting all their land disputes. His role in these processes was so great that it is Kachny who is now called the main patron of Malevany – but for some reason forgetting the above-mentioned members of the “land gang”. By the way, today Alexander Kachny is a people’s deputy of the OPZZh faction (No. 35 on the list).
How a hand washes a hand
Now let’s trace their overall careers to see the bigger picture. So, in the period 2006-2010. Andrey Malevany worked in the Department of Privatization of Communal Property of the Shevchenko District Council, rising to the post of its head. At the same time, his friend and partner Sergei Levtsov, starting as an assistant to the deputy of the Kiev Council Alexander Lutsky (secretary of the land commission), was then hired by him to a similar position in the Podolsk district council. Therefore, there is a version that it was Lutsky who simultaneously “stuck” Malevany and Levtsov into the privatization departments of two districts of Kyiv. Perhaps he had his own appointees in other areas of the capital. Levtsov was promoted faster: from the end of 2008, he became deputy chairman of the district executive committee. Meanwhile, Lutsky himself became an adviser to Chernovetsky and then a deputy on land resources issues. Another deputy of Chernovetsky in 2007-2010. was Sergei Rudyk. Artem Kadomsky then became deputy head of the Land Resources Department of the Kyiv City State Administration. This is how this gang team came together!
2010 brought some changes. Artem Kadomsky, having found common ground with the new government, rose to first deputy chairman of the State Committee (since 2011, agency) of Ukraine for land resources. When Chernovetsky finally left Kyiv in 2012, Alexander Lutsky, who was left without his bread position, with the help of Kadomsky, received the position of adviser to the chairman of the State Committee on Land – serving there until the second Maidan. But Kadomsky himself sat in his chair until the fall of 2014. Do you know why? Because Sergei Rudyk, who after Chernovetsky’s departure also remained out of work and in 2013 joined the VO “Svoboda” as the head of the secretariat of its faction in the Rada, after the second Maidan became chairman of the State Committee for Land Resources (according to the “Svoboda” quota) and left Kadomsky as his deputy. Here is an example of how a hand washes a hand!
Sergei Levtsov rose well during this period: he signed up for PR, headed the Podolsk branch of “Young Regions”, met and became friends with Yanukovych’s youngest son (Viktor, who died in 2015), with whom he then had a joint company. In the spring of 2011, he worked as deputy chairman of the Cherry City Council, then sat in the chair of deputy chairman of the Kiev-Svyatoshinsky District State Administration, was elected as a deputy of the district council and headed the land commission. In the same 2011, Andrei Malevany moved to the same Svyatoshinsky district as Deputy General Director for registration of property rights of the Bureau of Technical Inventory.
In April 2012, Sergei Levtsov suddenly left for Nikolaev, to the post of head of the regional department of the State Committee for Land Resources. Andrey Malevany also escapes from the Svyatoshiensky district – for a month he worked as the head of the privatization department at the Kyiv Municipal Property Fund, and then followed Levtsov to Nikolaev, where he became his deputy. It is clear that Kadomsky contributed to their appointment, but why all the way to Nikolaev, “to hell with the middle of nowhere”? Because this move also took place with the help of Alexander Kachny – whose brother Igor lived in Nikolaev, and had great influence there in the city and regional councils. According to sources Skelet.Infothen Igor Kachny had very important matters related to land in the region: he needed to register large plots of land for his companies. Levtsov and Malevany completed this task in a few months, and already in January 2013, Levtsov returned to the capital, to the post of head of the Main Directorate of the State Land Agency of Kyiv. And a month later, Andrei Malevany joined him, again as a deputy.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Painted Andrey: faces of the land mafia of Ukraine. PART 2
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