Director of the Department of Communal Property of Kiev, Andriy Gudz, and his first deputy, Oleg Shmulyar, were suspected of negligence, as a result of which the metropolitan society lost more than 1.1 million hryvnia for renting property (part 2 of article 367 of the Criminal Code), writes 368.
Between the Department of Communal Property and a private company, an agreement was concluded on the lease of the integral property complex “Rybalka Market”, located on the street. Embankment Highway. At the same time, the rent amounted to about 110 thousand hryvnias per month.
Later, on the basis of the tenant's request, the official created a commission to check the condition of the integral property complex. Based on the results of the inspection, acts were drawn up on the impossibility of the tenant to use this property due to the work to eliminate the consequences of a landslide on shopping pavilions. These acts became the basis for the termination of the calculation of rent from December 2018 to October 2019.
Andriy Hudz received a new suspicion
At the same time, it was established that the drafting of such acts is not provided for by the current legislation, and the procedure for resolving disputes regarding the suitability of an object for rent is within the competence of the court.
In addition, it turned out that during the work to eliminate the consequences of the landslide, communal property was dismantled and dismantled – metal structures, a pavilion and a fence. However, as the investigation established, there was no need to remove market equipment, which means that in the period from October 2018 to October 2019, the integral property complex could be used for its intended purpose.
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