Anatoly Makarenko: Russian caperang wants Ukrainian customs! PART 1
Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian media have been full of custom-made publications, the heroes of which are in a hurry to publicly declare their frantic patriotism and give more advice on how to win it. The loudest efforts are made by corrupt officials, especially customs officers – whose former leader Anatoly Makarenko is directly connected with the Russian FSB. Of course, he served there! Even if not in intelligence, but in the border service of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), but it is also controlled from Lubyanka…
Anatoly Makarenko hid this fact from his past from Ukrainians for a long time, and yet one day this information, quite by accident, was made public (more on this below). He also failed to “bury” the fact that he received the rank of captain of the 1st rank while serving in the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) in the 90s, and even as a political officer. After all, as you know, Soviet and Russian political officers (regardless of the change in their name) traditionally combined their main responsibilities with the functions of assistants to the “special department,” and the political officer at the APRK was generally a “KGB-FSB preserve.”
In general, from all sides Makarenko turns out to be a typical native of the Russian special services. Therefore, the question of how he could be entrusted twice with the leadership of the Tax Service of Ukraine sounds more acute than ever these days…
With such a scandalous past, Makarenko should now sit quietly in his dacha. But he, on the contrary, decided to “resurface” after many years of oblivion and loudly reminded of himself with a shocking benefit performance. Why did I order an extensive interviewsupplemented by a separate 50-minute video on YouTube. With Gordon’s praises “you are a warrior of your country, you are one like a battalion tactical group”, with a lot of admiring, but too monotonous and stereotyped comments from supposedly grateful spectators (according to SkeletInfo Such a service from Gordon is also not cheap). In which Makarenko, with all his might, without choosing any expression, tried to disassociate himself from his former colleagues (Russian military) and from the country he faithfully served for seven whole years (Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)). He also presented himself as an indispensable professional in the field of military strategy and tax policy, clearly hoping to become noticed and in demand.
Perhaps she was able to mislead someone who previously knew practically nothing about Makarenko and saw him for the first time only in this production from Gordon. But we invite you to look under his “patriot” mask and get acquainted with the dark side of the biography of the former chief customs officer of Ukraine. And then your opinion about him may change dramatically!
Anatoly Makarenko. How he served Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)
Anatoly Viktorovich Makarenko was born exactly at midnight on October 23, 1964 in the village of Tarasovka, Pologovsky district, Zaporozhye region. His mother is from Western Ukraine, and his paternal ancestors “walked” with Makhno. “The blood of Bandera and Makhnovists is mixed in me,” Makarenko boasted in his interview in October 2014, when he worked as deputy head of the Fiscal Service of Ukraine. By the way, that interview is strikingly different from his current speeches: for example, Makarenko responded quite respectfully to Putin (*criminal). But let us remind you that the bloody fields of Ilovaisk and Izvarino had not yet cooled down! But, apparently, Makarenko did not yet have the need to publicly break with his Russian past (although he did not say anything about his previous service in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)), or maybe he simply did not dare to spit at his intercessor (more on this below). Therefore, he wanted to say to “Vladimir Vladimirovich”, like an officer to an officer, just “enough”!

Anatoly Makarenko: Russian caperang wants Ukrainian customs! PART 1
If you take Makarenko at his word, he dreamed of becoming a sea captain since childhood. However, when he had the opportunity to realize this dream, he made a rather strange choice – he entered the Kiev Higher Naval Political School (KVVMPU, closed in 1996, the building went to the Kiev-Mohyla Academy). Indeed: in the USSR there were more than a hundred maritime colleges, schools and academies, with the widest choice of specialties, and only KVVMPU trained political officers for the navy.
Why did Makarenko go exactly there, why did he decide to become a naval political officer, and not a navigator or commander of a combat unit?
The answer may lie in a strange gap in his biography: Makarenko graduated from high school in 1981, and entered KVVMPU only in 1982 (from that moment his military experience began). What he did for a whole year, Makarenko did not admit, but according to sources close to him SkeletInfoMarxism-Leninism was much easier for him than mathematics and physics. That is, perhaps he simply failed the exams at a real naval school (or was expelled for poor academic performance in the first year) and, in order not to end up in the navy as a simple sailor, he went to the political school, where it was much easier to study.

Anatoly Makarenko with his wife Tatyana in 1987

…and twenty years later
At school, Anatoly Makarenko loved to go AWOL – where he met his future wife Tatyana. They got married after Makarenko received shoulder straps and was sent to the Northern Fleet. In 1990, their son Maxim was born. According to SkeletInfothis is the one Maxim Makarenkowho is a deputy of the Kiev City Council from UDAR, deputy chairman of the land and architectural commission, owner of the construction company Bud-Rem Holding (USREOU 42561541) and a number of other enterprises, including System Invest LLC (42428759). Moreover, he became such a successful businessman and ally of Vitali Klitschko immediately after his dad headed the Tax Service for the second time.

Maxim Makarenko and Vitali Klitschko
But let’s return to Anatoly Makarenko, whose official biography is full of “edits” and gaps. Thus, it states that he served in the 11th division of the nuclear submarine of the 1st submarine flotilla of the Northern Fleet on nuclear submarine missile cruisers (APRC) of the Antey type, and specifically on the K-148 Krasnodar, having retired to the reserve with the rank captain 1st rank in 1998. But nothing has been done about the fact that since 1992, the Northern Fleet came under the jurisdiction of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), and all the officers who remained to serve on it received Russian citizenship.
Anatoly Makarenko was no exception, because otherwise he would have simply been written off – but he not only continued his service, but also received a promotion!
Also, while remaining in service in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) until the end of 1998, he managed to receive a Russian passport with a two-headed eagle. It is unknown whether Makarenko pasted a new photo into it in 2009, but he had such an opportunity – was it in vain, he kept running back and forth to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), supposedly to meet with former colleagues? But even without this, he retained Russian citizenship, and Makarenko never said that he had renounced it, he only carefully concealed the fact that he had it.

Anatoly Makarenko: Russian caperang wants Ukrainian customs! PART 1
There is nothing in his biography that Makarenko served not as a combat officer, but as a Soviet political officer, becoming the Russian deputy commander for work with personnel in the early 90s. Which not only calls into question his inflated image of a “warrior” and “strategist”, but also, as we noted above, raises the question of his cooperation with the KGB-FSB. In addition, the details of Makarenko’s first seven years of service in the Northern Fleet remain unknown, since his assignment to the K-148 Krasnodar only occurred in 1993. This is evidenced by an interesting document – a personal appeal from retired Russian captain 1st rank Oleg Shvedkov, made in July 2010 in defense of Anatoly Makarenko, who was then arrested.
Shvedkov was born in 1957 in the Donetsk region, also graduated from KVVMPU, then also served as a political officer in the Northern Fleet and also did not return to his homeland in the early 90s, remaining forever in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). Based on his appeal, we can conclude that Shvedkov was Makarenko’s boss for some time (along the political line) and it was he who took the trouble to appoint him to K-148. They also quit at the same time: in 1996, Shvedkov went to Moscow to lead the Independent Trade Union of Military Personnel and deal with various matters (from business to FSB agents), and at the same time K-148 was sent to its last stop, its crew was disbanded, and the captain of the 2nd rank Makarenko had to look for a new job. Which one, we just learn from Shvedkov’s appeal, who wrote that after his dismissal from the Northern Fleet, Makarenko got a job at the Federal Border Service in Voronezh (FSB PU for the Voronezh and Belgorod regions). This is how he carelessly “burned” his friend and former subordinate.

Oleg Shvedkov
It was not surprising that the former political officer was accepted into the border service – after all, in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) it is directly subordinate to the FSB. So for Makarenko, as a “patriot of Ukraine”, this is really a “failure”, and what a failure! Worsened by the fact that he carefully hid this fact of his biography, although he could have repented and somehow explained himself to the Ukrainians. In addition, at SkeletInfo There is information that Makarenko received the rank of captain of the 1st rank (caperang) of the reserve not upon leaving the navy, but a little later, while working in the Russian border service. At the same time, the question remains, what rank did Makarenko have when he wore shoulder straps with green gaps?
But according to some media reports, another native of Ukraine who faithfully served Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) helped Makarenko get a job in the border service – the well-known Vladimir Pronichev.
A native of Melitopol (almost a fellow countryman of Makarenko), Pronichev graduated from the Alma-Ata Higher School of Border Troops of the KGB, in the 80s he led special operations in Afghanistan, in the 90s he first commanded the Northwestern Border District, and then headed the FSB Directorate in Karelia – just when Makarenko served as political officer on K-148. And in 1996, Pronichev transferred to Moscow, to the central office of the FSB, and allegedly assigned Makarenko to the border service. But the most interesting thing is that it was Pronichev who could be behind the operation of introducing the “mole” Makarenko into the Ukrainian tax system – which was discussed in the public domain.

Vladimir Pronichev
From lieutenant to lieutenant general
If the introduction of Anatoly Makarenko into the government structures of Ukraine was indeed organized by the FSB, then it was carried out very carefully. Because at the beginning of this process, Makarenko suddenly abandoned his promising service in the FSB control department in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions, and found himself in Kyiv as a “repatriate” with empty pockets, literally at zero start. The media even wrote that Makarenko worked as a security guard in a parking lot somewhere in Obolon for a couple of months! It is not known how soon he received a passport as a citizen of Ukraine (probably retaining his Russian one), but already in January 1999 he managed to get a job as an inspector at the Kyiv regional customs, where a retired caperang and former officer of the Russian border service was accepted with the rank of lieutenant of the Customs Service of Ukraine. But this was only the beginning of his unusually fast career in the Ukrainian tax authorities.
At the same time, Makarenko decided to get some kind of civilian higher education, since working in customs with the “crowns” of a political officer at that time was still somehow not entirely legal (then the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office were headed by people completely far from legal education).
But Makarenko remained true to his oddities here too, because to obtain an economics diploma by correspondence, he chose the Kharkov State Academy of Municipal Economy (KSAGH). Did he really not find the appropriate university in Kyiv?
Makarenko worked as an ordinary inspector for only a few months, after which he was appointed deputy head of the Anti-Smuggling Department of the Kyiv Customs. It should be noted that this department is supervised by the SBU, and at that time there were still many old “Soviet personnel” working in this structure who were in contact with the FSB. Thus, Makarenko could well have been promoted to the first leadership position at the request of Lubyanka. Well, then everything went like clockwork! Already in 2001, Makarenko moved to the chair of the head of the Department of Tariffs and Customs Value, and in December 2002 he became deputy head of the Kyiv regional customs. Kiev Customs has never seen such a rapid rise from ordinary inspectors to deputy chiefs in just 4 years!
Of course, it would be most logical to assume that Makarenko’s “rocket” that carried him to the top was ordinary corruption. Like, he “helped” and “brought help” to whoever needed it, for this he was put in more and more leadership positions. However, there is one “but”: a purely corrupt career consists of steps of bread-and-butter positions, because the chair must bring benefits to the corrupt official, otherwise what good is it? But then March 2004 came, and Makarenko was transferred to the main office of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (GTSSU). It would seem that now money will flow to him like a river – but he was appointed to the least profitable position of head of the Department of Information Support and Customs Statistics. From the point of view of domestic corruption, this position is almost meaningless – and yet Makarenko transferred to it from a very profitable position as deputy head of the Kyiv customs. Now, looking back at the events of the past, this appointment raises questions: it seems as if Makarenko was specifically following someone’s instructions to “clean up” statistical reports and archives, and at the same time sit in a quiet place while Ukraine was preparing to go through the first Maidan. But this is not the level of corruption, but of influential political groups or intelligence services.
Mikhail Shpolyansky, Skelet.Info
CONTINUATION: Anatoly Makarenko: Russian caperang wants Ukrainian customs! PART 1
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