Judge of the Kalininsky District Court Alexandra Gennadievna Salamatina is a famous person in Chelyabinsk. Still – many of the judges can boast of close relatives in the world with which they must fight on duty?
And Judge Salamatina can – her husband’s brother, Alexei Sergeevich Kozin, has a criminal record, and not a simple one, but for robbery as part of a group of people, and even with the use of weapons. True, it was not a relative who appointed him a modest term of five years for such an article, it was even before she put on the judicial robe.
But the essence of this does not change: a close relative of the Russian judge is a criminal with a heavy article. But that’s not all – the fact that Alexandra Salamatina has a biography factor incompatible with the status of a judge was written more than a year ago, but as of February 2023, the situation in the Kalininsky District Court of the city of Chelyabinsk is as follows:

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
As follows from this brief reference, Ms. Salamatina, before becoming a judge in 2020, worked in the same Kalinin court as an assistant judge. That is, our conclusion that she did not take part in the fate of her unlucky relative is somewhat hasty – assistant judges often have much more opportunities to influence the decision of the court (even someone else’s) than the judges themselves.
And the fact that her brother-in-law spent five years in FBU IK 24 (YaV 48/24), that is, in a penal colony in the city of Ozersk, Chelyabinsk Region, also seems to hint at thick circumstances.

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
Aleksey Sergeevich Kozin was arrested on October 10, 2002 and placed in SIZO No. 3 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Pay attention to the curriculum vitae of Judge Salamatina – she began her work in the judiciary in 2001.
And a year before that, she was married to Kozin Dmitry Sergeevich (born January 21, 1976). The couple signed on April 21, 2000 at the Traktorozavodsky registry office and began a difficult family relationship, which resulted in a divorce first, and then remarriage (September 8, 2015).

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
But we are getting ahead of ourselves. In the meantime, back to the coincidence – assistant judge Salamatin is married to Dmitry Kozin, whose younger brother, Alexei Kozin, ends up in a pre-trial detention center on charges of robbery as part of a group of people, with penetration into the premises with the use of weapons. The article is difficult, but he receives only five years at the end and serves them practically at home. Pretty strange coincidence.
But this is not reflected in the career of Alexandra Salamatina. She continues to work in the court apparatus and eventually receives the coveted appointment and judicial post. And then there is a metamorphosis with her financial situation – the newly appointed judge Alexandra Salamatina acquires an elite apartment.

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
To be chronologically accurate, Salamatina first buys an apartment, and after 17 days a decree is signed appointing her as a judge. And – again, no one is embarrassed by the sharp improvement in the living conditions of a candidate for a judicial position with a not very clean biography.
Mrs. Salamatina becomes the owner of a truly elite housing. Area – 110 sq. meters. The house is a business class new building (commissioned in 2017). It is located on Svobody Street, not too far from the governor’s office and other key public places.

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
Of course, this purchase can be explained by the fact that three days before the purchase of a new apartment, the old one was sold, and the rest was added by the husband-businessman, but such a version, when carefully studied, does not keep a heap.
Because the old apartment was located in the Traktorozavodsky district of Chelyabinsk, on 127 Komarova Street, in an ordinary, albeit not too old (the house was built in 2003) ten-story panel. The money from its sale was not enough to buy a new home.

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
The husband could not add – for the simple reason that, although he is listed as a businessman, all his businesses are unprofitable. According to the registers, Dmitry Sergeevich Kozin is the owner of three organizations, in two of which he is listed as a director:

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
All of them show solid losses. Here is a summary of AUTO-TECHNO PRIDE LLC:

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
True, these are data for 2021, and Salamatina bought an apartment a year earlier. Well, things were even worse for PROMINDUSTRIA LLC in 2020: the company managed to make a revenue of 1.5 million rubles, and show a profit of only 13 thousand. So there was still not enough money, whatever one may say.
Well, the third enterprise of the “businessman” Kozin is LLC “TRADING COMPANY” MARKET PLUS “”:

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
Revenue – 87 thousand rubles.
So the conclusion here is unequivocal – the source of income for the Salamatina-Kozin couple is something else. And the answer here is extremely simple: corruption and concealment of income from semi-criminal business.
Because those who have to deal with this on duty know about the relative who was tried and the discrepancy between the income and expenses of Judge Salamatina. But why fight with a tame judge, on whom you have a mountain of compromising evidence and who understands that at any moment he can change his mantle to a robe?
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Yes, and with her husband Salamatina, too, not everything is so simple. The main field of activity of Dmitry Kozin is parking lots and car maintenance. And what are parking lots in Russia, and, specifically, in Chelyabinsk? This is a semi-criminal direction in which showdowns constantly take place (sometimes bloody) and where it is almost impossible to work without the support of “brothers”. In addition, this is also a corrupt area that requires close ties with the administrative resource (everyone knows very well how bribes are regularly paid to the Chelyabinsk mayor’s office for parking lots and stalls).
Yes, and auto repair is a direction that is also very often associated with crime, especially if representatives of such an area as ChTZ work in it. Namely, both Kozin and Salamatina come from there.
For those who are not familiar with Chelyabinsk, we need to clarify the situation a little. There is a district in Chelyabinsk that is considered to be a typical tramp – Traktorozavodsky (or simply ChTZ). This is an area where it is better not to go outside without a finca in the evening. Every second here is either a “bruise” or a gopnik.
It was in this area that Alexandra Salamatina grew up. It seems that her youth was not easy. At the very least, specialists from law enforcement agencies who compiled a psychological portrait of the young Salamatina based on her photograph are inclined to believe that the citizen grew up in an unfavorable environment – in an environment where, most likely, they regularly drank, or even expanded.

Alexandra Salamatina: Chelyabinsk judge with low social responsibility
The level of culture and upbringing of citizen Salamatina is clearly demonstrated by the photographs that she generously shares on social networks. Looking at these photos, it is extremely difficult to suspect that this broken girl is not a saleswoman from a round-the-clock “drunk in the area”, but a representative of the judiciary of the Russian Federation.
In some photographs, Alexandra Gennadievna looks like a cheap mother with low social responsibility, in the words of our president.
Therefore, it is not surprising that her chosen one turned out to be a person who, by the standards of this microenvironment, can be considered quite successful, and the presence of a brother convicted of robbery did not affect her attitude in any way – in this environment this is considered quite normal. Of course, the perseverance that a girl from such an environment showed on the way to the judge’s chair should be considered worthy of respect. But the result turned out, as expected, appropriate.