Alexander Angert (Angel). About the heroes of bygone times…
Alexander Angert, or as he is called in the criminal world – Angel. The beginning of the epic story with Euroterminal…
The oversaturation of the domestic information space with “hot” news and similar results of high-profile journalistic investigations has significantly reduced the degree of their perception by the average person. Even the extraordinary case of mercury poisoning by the eminence grise of the BPP faction in parliament, I. Kononenko, did not cause the expected “excitement among the masses.” Well, they were poisoned, and not for the first time – just remember V. Tsushko, the epic with the search for villains who encroached on the health of Viktor Yushchenko in the midst of the election campaign, etc.
But the news (confirmed from several sources) that Alexander Angert, a 61-year-old businessman, a citizen of Venezuela and Israel, was admitted to one of the best clinics in Vienna due to an exacerbation of cancer and was operated on, caused a noticeable reaction in interested circles. The deteriorating health of the former Odessa resident, and now a successful London dandy, has become a priority topic for discussion among people with significant business interests in the Odessa region, as well as numerous tattoos on various parts of the body, indicating the high status of their owner in the criminal world, he wrote ORD (will not come ).
This circumstance led to the interest of the editorial staff of the ORD in this person, who combines outstanding abilities in business with antisocial methods of increasing capital, who made corruption the “calling card” of his huge business empire.

Alexander Angert (Angel)
As usual, the former governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, succinctly spoke about the level of influence of Alexander Angert on the processes in South Palmyra: “…The composition of the (Odessa) mayor’s office is not even controlled Trukhanovand a certain Angert is a mafioso of the 1990s, and they, together with Zhukov, a relative of Abramovich, own most of Odessa.”
In the list of businesses controlled by the tandem through intermediaries, sources name the largest Odessa market “Privoz”, several construction companies, a share in the Odessa thermal power plant, numerous assets in the oil and banking sector, etc. – they are countless. Also on the list of the most profitable “assets” are huge connections and authority in the criminal world of Odessa. Despite the reforms carried out by the National Police and the regular rotation of security forces in the southern region, Angert still has full power in the thieves’ community of the “pearl by the sea”.
But how was the former Odessa resident, crime boss Angel able to achieve and gain a foothold in such positions both in legal business and “on the other side of the law”? Who will answer this question now? But the fact that Angel played a prominent role in all the political, economic and criminal showdowns of the second half of the 90s in Odessa is beyond doubt.
So, let’s follow our hero’s thorny path to the Odessa criminal and business Olympus. The future “Don Corleone” was born in Odessa on December 24, 1955. The then-shtetl thieves’ romance determined the fate of Angel, who, to his sonorous nickname and by the age of 25, managed to add participation in the commission of several serious crimes.
At the same time, the process of taking unearned income from shadow “guild workers” did not always go smoothly, and the list of “cases” charged with Angel includes murder for the purpose of robbery (Articles 92, 142 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR). In 1980, he was sentenced to capital punishment – execution, which, after an appeal, was commuted to 15 years in prison.
We will no longer know who “prayed” so earnestly for the salvation of the soul of the future crime boss. Obviously, that someone was also an “angel” with the rank of no lower than a colonel, since after serving two-thirds of his sentence in 1990, the Angel was released from prison due to illness, having in his hands a certificate of release and a certificate with a diagnosis of “stomach cancer.” This predetermined Angel’s further long-term cooperation with the “office”, individual leaders of which, in the conditions of commercialization of law enforcement agencies, had “their own diamond interest” in cooperation.
By the date of Angel’s release from prison, the Odessa “gopota” was bombing businessmen and “guild workers”, and did not want to organize into classic organized crime groups. The city was divided between small criminal groups that protected businessmen and entrepreneurs in the area where most of their members lived. A small share from those selling at Privoz and the Central Market of Odessa was received by the brothers from the brigades of Yagodka and Zhora Stoyanov. The port and the surrounding territory were controlled by Stas’s brigade, Cheryomushki-Tomal area. In the Tairov area, Bacillus was in authority, and in the Kotovsky village, Galushka and his fighters were in authority.
And above all this bustle and confusion, when everything was mixed and there were no clear boundaries of influence between the brigades, towered the powerful figure of Viktor Pavlovich Kulivar, nicknamed “Karabas”. At a meeting of thieves held in South Palmyra in 1990, he was appointed “overseeing” the city, although he was not a “thief in law”.

Victor Kulevar (Karabas)
Karabas took on the role of arbitrator in the criminal world of Odessa and actually created one of the first OPS (organized criminal community) in the country. Having a small personal brigade, Kulivar controlled all of Odessa and all groups totaling at least a thousand people were subordinate to him. Having appreciated all the advantages of cooperation with Karabas, Angert joined him, heading the so-called. “economic bloc” in his brigade.
Using the authority of the leader and the potential of Karabas, a representative of the Solntsevo OPS Alexander Radvansky (Sasha Bolshoi), who was included in the brigade, Angel actively develops and implements shadow schemes, corrupting officials of the city administration and the leaders of the Odessa police. Due attention is also paid to the capital, where huge shadow funds are invested and, through the mediation of corrupt officials, legalized through projects in the real estate, leisure and hotel business.
Not without Angel’s influence, classic organized crime groups are being formed in the southern region of the country, the object of which is not the petty extortion of “tribute” from entrepreneurs and receiving a percentage of drug trafficking controlled by the gypsies, but serious transactions with land, real estate, oil transshipment, and most importantly – establishing control over smuggled channels.
As a result of the implementation of the “new economic policy,” Victor Kulivar establishes control over the entire oil port business, entrusting the receipt of profits to Angel. Under the pretext of protecting the interests of Karabas, who, increasingly withdrawing from the affairs of the brigade, entered into legal business, Angel formed his own combat brigade and took over most of the financial flows of the group.
April 21, 1997 on the street. Astashkin, Viktor Pavlovich Kulivar was killed at the entrance to the bathhouse. The killer fired from a Scorpion submachine gun, only the 6th shot turned out to be fatal – the bullet hit the temple tangentially. Karabas died in the hospital from blood loss due to gunshot wounds. The murder of the authority remained unsolved, but many in Odessa are sure that the killer’s services were paid for by his closest assistant Angel, Alexander Angert.
Whether this is so, who knows, but it is a fact that after the murder of Viktor Kulivar, it is Alexander Angert who becomes the heir to his empire and turns into the most significant person in criminal Odessa.
The period after the murder of Kulivar and up to emigration, Angel’s criminal biography can be described as “a permanent war for spheres of influence and business interests.” The famous gangster vendetta began in Odessa, accompanied by daily showdowns with shooting and explosions. Local businessmen invited their brothers to settle their business conflicts and themselves became victims of retaliatory military actions.
After the death of Karabas, the most powerful opponent of the Angel brigade became the organized crime group of Georgiy Stoyanov, which until 1997 was considered the most numerous (up to 100 people) and influential in Odessa.
As a result of bloody “combat actions,” almost all militants of the Stoyan organized crime group were eliminated, and the crime boss himself fled to the United States.
Angel’s militants also effectively defeated the organized crime group of Sergei Ershov (Katsap), whose group was one of the most influential in the city in the 90s. Having survived several assassination attempts (as a result of one of them, a security guard was killed, and Ershov’s wife had her leg torn off), Katsap stopped fighting and left Odessa.
Since the second half of the 90s, the economically attractive Odessa region has become one of the most crime-prone in Ukraine. There are a series of murders of businessmen, journalists, crime bosses, judges and ordinary brothers. A whole “Bratkovskaya” alley appeared at the Tairovsky cemetery.
The victims of the liquidators are well-known people in the city: the president of the joint venture “Bipa-moda” Arkady Tabachnik, the editor of the newspaper “Evening Odessa” and deputy of the city council Boris Derevianko, businessmen Arbiev, Karpov, Serov, Zginek, etc.
Without a doubt, “gangster lawlessness” and incessant criminal wars greatly annoyed Angela. And his most promising business project, the international arms trade, promised both huge profits and demanded stability.
Consignments of weapons coming from the warring Transnistria from the port of Odessa are sent to interested countries and individuals with the full connivance of the Ukrainian security forces.
But in 1994, an unfortunate “exposure” occurred, as a result of which the intelligence services of Western powers became interested in the person of Alexander Angert. Italian law enforcement officers detained the Yadran Express ship, which was heading from Ukraine to Croatia at the height of the war in the former Yugoslavia. The ship transported 30 thousand Kalashnikov assault rifles, 400 guided missiles, 10 thousand anti-tank grenades and 32 million rounds of ammunition, which grossly violated UN sanctions.
The Italian prosecutor’s office identified the owners of the vessel as Euroterminal LLC, whose owner was several Cypriot offshore companies. Having studied the entire offshore chain, the Italians identified the final owners, two Cypriot lawyers Markos Georgiadis and Fivos Pelidis, who specialize in creating offshore companies for clients from the CIS.
The Cypriots, interrogated by Interpol officers, did not deny it and handed over the final beneficiaries. The information received allowed the Italian side to bring charges of arms trafficking against several well-known persons in Odessa – A. Angert and his companions Leonid Minin and Alexander Zhukov. At the same time, in connection with a high-profile weapons scandal, the National Criminal Intelligence Service of Great Britain, the gendarmerie and police services of several European countries, and the US FBI became interested in Angel’s person. Only his own “office” took care of Angel’s reputation, point-blank not noticing his “pranks with heavy weapons.”
The situation that developed by the end of the 90s forced Angert to leave the city by the sea and emigrate. A combination of factors undoubtedly prompted him to make such an important decision.
Firstly: incessant criminal wars, which determined the semi-legal lifestyle of a very wealthy businessman and his family members.
Since 1997, the militants of the Tomal organized crime group have begun another war for spheres of influence with the “angels”; The “black brigades”, formed from natives of the Caucasus, entered the city and grabbed the oil transshipment with a stranglehold, provoking a new war with unpredictable consequences.
Secondly: interest in the specific business of our hero on the part of powerful intelligence services of Western countries and the United States. Angel, not without reason, feared that when it came to extradition, his partners in uniform would hand him over without hesitation, “privatizing” his assets in their own interests.
In the memo of the Italian police “Ukrainian mafia” Angert is listed on the list of the most influential Odessa mafiosi.
Alexander Angert (Angel). About the heroes of bygone times…
Alexander Angert (Angel). About the heroes of bygone times…
Having formed a huge shadow empire and legalized most of it, in 1999 Alexander Angert emigrated to Israel, from where he conducted business in Ukraine through proxies. Subsequently, extensive business interests in Europe prompted him to leave the Promised Land and move to London in 2001.
Revolutionary changes in the country prompted Angert and his long-time business partner, London businessman of Russian origin, Alexander Zhukov, to change the structure of controlled Ukrainian enterprises. In the mid-2000s, partners moved some of their assets offshore. Alexander Angert chose to veil the other part by transferring control to controlled Odessa businessmen.
Their pool includes Angert’s junior business partner, Igor Uchitel.

Igor Uchitel
An authorized representative of Angert takes care of the Odessa thermal power plant and the schemes associated with it, several construction companies, the restaurant business in Arcadia, etc.
But all this is just the tip of the iceberg, the former Odessa authority receives the main profit from cutting up the considerable city budget, in which he is fully supported by the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov and the majority of the deputy corps.
Under the management of trusted persons – Konstantin Tkach and Vladimir Galanternik Angel’s shadow empire functions properly, absorbing all new spheres of life of Odessa – mother.
The editorial staff of ORD highlighted the main stages in the life of former compatriot, and now resident of London, Alexander Angert. Of course, no less interesting topics were left without due attention, the “authorship” of which is attributed to the hero of our publication, namely, his role in the formation and financing of the activities of the “red brigade” “Marianchuk-Popescu” (more than 90 percent of its fighters were police officers – past and present ).
Georgiy Stoyanov, arrested in the United States, accuses his longtime enemy of the fact that most of the contract killings committed in the second half of the 90s in Odessa by Maryanchuk’s gang were ordered and paid for by Angel.
However, the investigation into the Marianchuk-Popescu gang, accusing members of the organized crime group of committing more than two dozen contract killings, did not reveal any outside influence.
Our hero is also no stranger to participating in several political projects and charity events, but that’s a completely different story.
In the meantime, Alexander Angert is undergoing a rehabilitation course in the best clinics in Europe and Israel, the powerful of this and that (criminal) world are holding consultations and meetings, deciding the fate of Angert’s business assets (if anything happens) and discussing the candidacy of a possible successor. But let’s wait and wait for news about the state of health of the clearly extraordinary inhabitant of the Earth, Alexander Angert (Angel).
DOSSIER: Igor Kononenko. The President’s Army Buddy
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