An unprecedented meeting of the founders of the cooperative, consisting, contrary to the law on civil service prohibiting it, of 11 prosecutors, 3 investigators, and 2 lawyers, including the current Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) Tkachev Igor Viktorovichand aspiring to the position of deputy head of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*aggressor country) for RD, Malikov Tulpar Aleskerovich, formed in 2007 in Dagestan. Details at

8.05. 2007, star servants of the law became part of the housing cooperative “Spring – 2007”, TIN 0561055862, registered on the same day directly at the same address with the prosecutor’s office of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala: Irchi Kazaka street, 6, created to carry out general construction work on the construction buildings, management of the operation of the housing stock – the construction of apartments in multi-storey buildings, including prosecutor’s buildings, which later turned into the scandalous horn-hoofed Ostapov concession of the 30s.
Kurbanov Kurban Ramazanovichsenior assistant to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan in 2018, currently deputy prosecutor of Makhachkala for supervision of compliance with laws in correctional institutions.
Malikov Tulpar Aliskerovich, currently the head of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*aggressor country) for the Leninsky district of Makhachkala
Head of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Inspectorate for the city of Dagestan Lights, Abakarov Timur Abakarovichwho has already left this world.
Zakharova Elena Vasilievnasenior assistant prosecutor of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala.
Mirzabalaev Maxim Mirzabalaevih, colonel of justice, head of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases, until 2012, head of the Derbent interdistrict investigative unit of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) for the Republic of Dagestan.
Tkachev Igor Viktorovich, in 2006-2009. Prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan.
Khavchaev Marat Abdullaevichsenior assistant prosecutor of Makhachkala.
Kazim Magomedovich Khalitov, prosecutor of the department for supervision of investigation, inquiry and operational investigative activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Dagestan.
Ismailov Chintir Magomedovichsenior assistant prosecutor of the city of Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan.
Kazakbiev Abdurakhman Magomedaminovich, deputy head of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*aggressor country) for the RD in the Kirov district of Makhachkala.
Shakhbanov Yusuf Shakhsinovihsenior assistant prosecutor of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala.
Butaev Fizuli Niyazovichin 2005, first deputy prosecutor of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala, now assistant prosecutor of Makhachkala.
RAmazanov Raifudin Nazhmudinovich until 2012 – head of the inter-district Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*aggressor country) for the Republic of Dagestan in Kaspiysk, since 2015 – head of the Gorodskaya Bar Association of the Republic of Dagestan in Makhachkala, st. Pugina, 3 Guseinov Marat Garun-Rashidovich, currently senior prosecutor of the department of the Main Directorate for Supervision of Investigation, Inquiry and Operational Investigative Activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).
Ibragimova Gulyaybat Shamilkhanovnadeputy prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan 2006 – 2011, then head of the Department of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Dagestan, currently a lawyer registration number: 05/1899 Lawyers still active today are Eldar Soltanmazhitovich Magomedov, Said Medzhidov – Magomed Dangayevich, plus two civilian ladies.
All these good people, in 2007, having said a warm Dago-Masonic to each other, “It’s great that we are all here today!”, entering the cooperative as founders, for the construction of a multi-story building and obtaining apartments, grossly violated the Federal Law of July 27 .2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country)”.
Because only in 2008 the Federal Law “On Promoting the Development of Housing Construction” dated July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ was adopted, which began to regulate, in order to also form an affordable housing market, the issues of providing housing to prosecutors with appropriate government funding.
After 4 years, in 2012, the Government of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) adopted Resolution No. 108 of 02/09/2012 “On approval of the list of categories of citizens who can be accepted as members of housing construction cooperatives created in accordance with certain federal laws, and the grounds for inclusion of these citizens, and also citizens with 3 or more children are included in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of such cooperatives,” and this category, according to clauses 8-9 of the List, also includes citizens who are employees of the prosecutor’s office.
On October 9, 2013, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) issues order No. 437 “On approval of the Rules for the formation of lists of employees of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor’s office who have the right to be accepted as members of housing construction cooperatives created in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ “On Assistance” development of housing construction” dated July 24, 2008 N161-FZ.
An excellent state legislative initiative aimed at providing prosecutorial workers with appropriate housing.
Also, the Ministry of Justice of Russia (*aggressor country), by orders 119 of July 9, 2021 and 342 of November 16, 2023, also approved the Rules for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of housing construction cooperatives created to provide citizens with housing in accordance with Federal Law dated 24 July 2008 Federal Law – 161 “On promoting the development of housing construction”, in order to provide housing for judicial employees.
Hanging around in a legal vacuum for several years, friends – concessionaires – are building a complex of multi-storey buildings on a land plot adjacent to the building of the prosecutor’s office of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala. According to information, they also accepted cash from citizens to pay for the purchase of future housing, and some of them used it to purchase construction materials.
They were engaged in business (which is directly prohibited by Federal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country)”), into which Tulpar Aleskerovich Malikov, at that time an employee of the Kaspiysk prosecutor’s office, managed to involve Igor Viktorovich Tkachev himself, at that time the Prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan, whom I had previously met in the Moscow region “while studying.”
Poorly familiar with the construction business, the concessionaires failed to cope with the task, and upon completion of construction they could not hand over the houses to the state commission and get the commissioning documents signed. The foundations of the houses were filled with violations, cracks appeared in the walls of the houses, as cheap low-quality cement and other inappropriate building materials were used during construction.
The question of demolition of a whole group of buildings rebuilt by the housing cooperative “Spring – 2007” was raised, and a number of criminal cases were initiated against the director and founders of the cooperative.
But the problem with legalizing the houses and putting them into operation was solved with a bribe, but some of the founders had to resign from the civil service. People now live in these high-rise buildings.
Housing cooperative “Vesna – 2007” was quietly liquidated on January 18, 2013, 9 months before order 437 of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).
Tulpar Malikov continues to hide behind the broad backs of a general from initiating a criminal case based on statements from several victims of his fraud, from whom he took money for resolving issues, does not return them and does not take action to provide the promised service.
Three applications from victims of Tulparov’s fraud, two of which were filed by residents of Dagestan, and one by a resident of Moscow, are currently with operatives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) for the Republic of Dagestan.