The agricultural holding of the chief Tomsk pig breeder Andrey Tyutyushev continues to live up to its reputation “the most stinking company in Siberia”.
This time, the noses of the Novosibirsk law enforcement officers could not stand it. Prosecutors filed a lawsuit against Sibagro. To oblige the enterprise to “reduce odor”.
The subsidiary of the agricultural holding, as usual, denies everything. She doesn’t smell of pigs or manure.
What are we talking about?
On February 7, 2022, the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office of the Novosibirsk Region filed a lawsuit against Kudryashovskoye JSC (part of Sibagro) with the district court. The company has not yet eliminated the violations identified by the previous audit. And she simply ignored the presentation made by the prosecutor.
In Kudryashovsky, journalists were told that they had not received any lawsuit. They are not aware of what is happening, and in general they are improving technical processes. They even stressed that the prosecutor’s check “did not identify the enterprise as a source of unpleasant odor.”
But it is not so. At the end of September 2021, environmental prosecutor Dmitry Tsukanov organized an inspection of the enterprise. And he found out that the pig farm has a detrimental effect on the environment and belongs to the “I category of negative impact on the environment.” Oh God.
Moreover, the company does not use special technologies to reduce the emission of unpleasant odors. And this, according to the website of law enforcement officers, “contrary to the Law “On the Environment”. Read more about this in our previous article. It’s not us: “Sibagro” smells bad (not).
It seems to you, just a similar “aroma”
Actually, even then Sibagro denied guilt. The management of the pig farm insisted that the prosecutor’s submissions had nothing to do with smells within Novosibirsk. But local scientists later caught particles in the air that are formed in the intestines of animals.
At the end of December 2021, scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.N. N.N. Vorozhtsov SB RAS, by order of the regional Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, checked the air intakes.
Then the analysis of air showed several possible sources of an unpleasant smell. Among them were the manure storage facilities of Kudryashovskoye JSC (part of Sibagro) and Tolmachevo Airport. To say more precisely who exactly poisons the air, scientists could not. Allegedly, they collected samples on days when there was no smell in the city. But they noted that particles with an unpleasant odor – indole, skatole are formed in the intestines of animals (more in the material Fecal hell: scientists have found out what stinks in Novosibirsk).
Sibagro desperately rushed to defend its reputation. The owners of Kudryashovskoye JSC in every possible way denied the involvement of the enterprise in the stench. They assured that the smell could not spread so far (the pig complex is located 20 kilometers from the city).
General Director of Kudryashovskoye JSC Sergey Gorbachev:
Closer to the city and in the city itself, there are enough other sources of smells with similar aromatics, which misleads the citizens.
Doesn’t sound very convincing. In the same Tomsk, the stench from the Sibagro pig farm spreads much further than 12 kilometers. And where it does not reach, it is delivered by the generous employees of Sibagro. Directly from a hose, for example, into the Malaya Kirghizka River or an unnamed lake (more in the material “Brown” weekend: fetid billionaire “dirt” the lake).
It is not a fact that Novosibirsk will also pass this fate. And yes, there will be less smell. Moreover, Tyutyushev decided to expand the enterprise (“Triple” stink: stinking billionaire “expands” near Novosibirsk).
Paid material or another attempt to justify
After the research of scientists, there was a hype. As expected, the “aromatic” claim was not convincing to the locals. Novosibirsk residents actively discussed the topic in social networks. It is likely that the hype subsided or the attention of citizens switched to the airport, the management of Kudryashovsky turned to the media for help.
In January, a Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist published his own investigation, in which he did not find an “unpleasant smell” near the pig farm. Only next to the sewage treatment plant. The author of the material openly admires the ability of Sibagro not to smell with such a number of pigs (170 thousand heads!). Either the journalist’s nose failed that day, or the article came out not entirely honest. Unlike the author of the high-profile investigation, residents of the nearest village of Krivodanovka feel the stench from the pig farm permanently. But let’s leave the material on the conscience of the journalist.
In fact, the situation with an unpleasant smell exists not only in Novosibirsk. Foul aromas follow Tyutyushev to all regions, wherever Sibagro sets foot. The main thing for the agricultural holding is money, product quality and ecology are secondary issues.