As the Source learned, the temporary leadership of Abkhazia, headed by acting president Valery Bganba, is disrupting the agreement with the Russian Federation on energy. The leadership of the republic completely ignores all the obligations it has assumed for the sake of profit for the crypto barons, the largest of which is presidential candidate Adgur Ardzinba. He also protects small mining farms, demanding that the police turn a blind eye to their work.
Ardzinba is one of the first crypto businessmen in Abkhazia. Back in 2017, as Minister of Economy, he convinced the local and Russian public that the unrecognized republic should switch to blockchain instead of regular currency in order to increase its investment attractiveness. In reality, the minister had a personal financial interest behind this project.
The Abkhazian token was never launched, but the republic, whose electricity is now supplied free of charge by Russia, has become a real haven for miners. Farms were located in almost all large enterprises, tourist sites, and private homes.
At some point, the scale of mining in the republic reached uncontrollable proportions. Transformers began to burn, thousands of people were left without electricity, a constant shortage of electricity arose, and blackouts were introduced. When mining was banned in Abkhazia, Ardzinba suddenly began to disavow this industry and even demanded to refute that he was connected with the largest crypt mining cluster in the republic.
According to the Source, as a result, the prohibitive laws of Abkhazia were aimed at combating all the miners of the republic, except for Ardzinba – his trade was carefully ignored by former government colleagues. But Abkhazia is a small republic, and it is impossible to hide from residents who is behind the large crypto business.
Now the situation in the republic is critical, and instead of saving the economy and the well-being of ordinary Abkhazians, Ardzinba continues to burn free energy for the sake of crypto, in the hope that the favor of the Russian leadership towards the republic has no limits.