Another Ukrainian “oligarch on credit” who does not want to repay his debts, but makes hundreds of millions in tenders with a single military unit. Alexander Yurkevich may well stand on a par with the odious Oleg Bakhmatyuk, who owes his creditors billions. Of course, Yurkevich’s debts are an order of magnitude smaller, but he is not going to pay them at all – neither in Ukraine, nor in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), nor in Europe. Yes, he could not do this even if he wanted to, since he owes 14 times more than he has! Therefore, the owner of the Milkiland company and the Krai retail chain is trying to save their remains by coming up with new fraudulent schemes.
The first “kid”
Yurkevich Anatoly Ivanovich was born on August 30, 1968 in the city of Chimkent, Kazakh SSR (now Shymkent, Kazakhstan), in the family of Ivan Antonovich and Olga Fedorovna Yurkevich (born 1940 and 1946). He doesn’t say anything about his family, as well as how and when she moved to Kyiv, so it’s difficult to explain the successful start of the Yurkevichs’ business in the very early 90s
quite difficult – well, except for the typical fairy tale “they worked tirelessly”, which is retold by all Ukrainian oligarchs. So it is quite logical that many tried to find the answer to these questions in the biography of his father, which is still completely closed, which gave rise to multiple and contradictory rumors. According to one version, he is a former military man, according to another, he was a KGB officer, according to a third, he was associated with the Chimkent mafia, which was quite powerful in the 80s, according to the fourth, he was a “simple” university teacher. But for some reason his venerable mother was undeservedly deprived of attention, because Skelet.Info It is reliably known that Olga Ivanovna worked in Chimkent as a senior official in the trade and financial industry. She worked both under the Soviet regime and in the 90s, and therefore she did not immediately go to Kyiv to visit her children, but stayed in Chimkent and received Kazakh citizenship. But in the late 90s, Olga Ivanovna, retaining her Kazakh citizenship, appeared in Ukraine as a director and co-owner of one or another enterprise of the Yurkevich family. The Yurkevich family business is registered specifically in her and the children’s name, while Ivan Antonovich remained as if not in business and has not been mentioned anywhere for a long time.
What is known is that parents had a direct hand in the first business of their son, and then their daughter. Yes, Anatoly Yurkevich has a younger sister – Oksana Ivanovna Kanarchuk (born 1973, nee Yurkevich), who is a businesswoman and the wife of ex-Kiev City Council deputy Alexander Kanarchuk. The latter is known for its PJSC Construction Industry Plant regularly wins multimillion-dollar tenders in Kyiv.
After graduating from school, Anatoly Yurkevich entered the Kiev Higher Military Engineering School of Communications (now the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization KPI), from which he graduated in 1990. But he didn’t get assigned somewhere “to hell with the horns”, but was left at the same school “for graduate school”, as the head of the department of the educational laboratory. Which, again, indicated that he had some kind of protection.
Within the walls of the school, Anatoly Yurkevich became close friends with teacher Yuri Bezborodov, who is the brother of the Russian general and ex-State Duma deputy Nikolai Bezborodov. It was Yuri Bezborodov who became one of the founders and the first leader of the “cooperative” NPVF “Bankomsvyaz” opened at the school. Anatoly Yurkevich went to work there in April 1992, becoming Bezborodov’s deputy.
Initially, the company was going to engage in “core” business, that is, communication systems – this is what Bezborodov planned. They even found their first major clients: Bank Ukraina, which at that time was swimming in free budget funds, and the Ukrgazprom enterprise (predecessor of Naftogaz). But the Yurkevichs had their own views on business, and they persuaded Bezborodov to “increase his capital” by engaging in wholesale trade. And under the banner of “Bankomsvyaz” a commercial chain was quickly built: the Yurkevichs transported some equipment from Ukraine to Kazakhstan, there they exchanged it for tin through barter, which they took to the Baltic states and exchanged there for sprats and juices, and they were already taken to sell them in Ukraine. That’s how the Yurkevichs started selling food products.
However, in 1993, NPVF Bankomsvyaz disintegrated: into Bezborodov’s Bankomsvyaz LLC, which was still involved in communications (the future Golden Telecom), and the trading JSC Bankomsvyaz (EDRPOU 19353391), which
controlled by the Yurkevichs and their partners through barter schemes. Later, Anatoly Yurkevich claimed that “there were disagreements between us, and like-minded people and I separated.” Yuri Bezborodov described the split of the NPVF Bankomsvyaz differently: the Yurkevichs simply abandoned him, leaving him with a huge debt. The scheme was as follows: a large loan was issued to the NPVF Bankomsvyaz, then Yurkevich was transferred to his subsidiary company, and left the NPVF, leaving the debt on the loan to Bezborodov – for which he paid with his Kyiv apartment. This is how the Yurkevichs committed the first scam with loans, cheating their business partner, and created their first capital.
Together with Anatoly Yurkevich, Mikhail Popov, who remained his main partner until the end of the 90s, also left the NPVF Bankomsvyaz. But in 2001, they also broke up, and Popov returned to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), where since 2003 he worked as commercial director and deputy chairman of NOVATEK, the largest gas company in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) after Gazprom.
From Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) to offshores
Probably, the Yurkevichs “cheated” Bezborodov not only for a loan, but also cleaned the NPVF Bankomsvyaz to bare floors, because they had a lot of money in the mid-90s. However, according to some information Skelet.Infothey made their large acquisitions again with the help of loans, not all of which were repaid. The only question is who gave them these loans? It seems that the dark past of the Yurkevich family business in the 90s will eventually reveal many intriguing scandals.
So, since 1993, the Yurkevichs began to actively buy up enterprises and continue to be actively involved in trading everything in a row: from canned food to computers. Baltic sprats sold especially well, but pushing them under the banner of Bankomsvyaz (BKS) was somehow strange, so the More company was created. Anatoly Yurkevich opened it together with Mikhail Popov, who got it after their breakup (Popov sold it to Interflot). But casein and milk powder went well to the Western market, since at that time their cost was much lower than in Europe. So in 1994, the company “BCS-Miltek” appeared, which a few years later was re-registered as “Milkiland” – which gave rise to an entire holding company, later re-registered in the Netherlands and having its own subsidiaries in Ukraine, Poland and Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).
One of the features of the Yurkevichs’ business is the complexity of the schemes of companies belonging to each other, which ultimately have their roots in offshore companies. If you look at the list above, you will see that Yurkevichs began creating offshore companies back in the late 90s. At the same time, some offshore companies belong to others, so it is quite difficult to figure out who is who. But it is still known that, for example, the Bahamian Ditel, Inc. became the owner of Bankomsvyaz JSC, or that the Panamanian KRAI CORPORATION registered the Krai market chain.
The structure of Milkiland is the most confusing here. So, the company “Milkiland-Ukraine” (which has subsidiaries) operates in Ukraine, which belongs to “Milkiland NV” registered in the Netherlands. That, in turn, is 73% owned by Anatoly Yurkevich’s company “1 Inc.” Cooperatief UA” (the remaining shares were placed on the stock exchange) through the Panamanian company Milkiland CORPORATION, and is managed through the Panamanian company 1 INC-UKRAINE. The question arises: does an honest dairy producer, as Anatoly Yurkevich claims to be, need such intricate offshore schemes?
But he also from time to time positions himself as a “constant patriot”, sent his people to the first Maidan and supported the second, complained about attempts to take his business by the Russian Sberbank – while developing his business in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for more than 10 years. We are talking, in particular, about the Russian Milkiland-RU LLC (TIN 7715937669), which owns the Ostankino dairy plant in Moscow (the plant went bankrupt in 2017 due to credit debts) and the surviving Kursk-Moloko LLC (TIN 4632173083) and Novomoskovsk Dairy Plant LLC (TIN 7116149771).
Deriban to the noise of the Maidan
In the second half of the 90s, Anatoly Yurkevich and Mikhail Popov bought two dairies: in Nizhyn and Kamenets-Podolsky, and they cost them only a few hundred thousand dollars each (the price of Kyiv apartments). Perhaps these enterprises would also begin to produce only powdered milk, but then Yurkevich-mama came from Kazakhstan, took the dairies into her own hands, and launched cheese production there. Things took off, and the newly created Milkiland company began to develop rapidly – and buy new enterprises in Ukraine. And the efficient lawyer Tatyana Kozachenko helped the Yurkevichs with this. Yes, yes, the same one who in 2014 became the director of the Department of Lustration of the Ministry of Justice!
In 1997, she received a law degree from the Khmelnytsky Institute of Regional Management and Law, tried to work as a teacher for two years, then quit and moved to Kyiv, where she got a job as a lawyer at JSC Bankomsvyaz. She quickly got used to it, looked around – and married Vitaly Kozachenko – who was the top manager of the company from 1996 to 2009. With her special talent and resourcefulness, she interested the Yurkeviches (either her son or her mother), who found a much better use for her than a full-time lawyer. To begin with, they created a separate company, BKS-Capital, where Tatyana was transferred as deputy head of the department. And after she received the licenses of a lawyer (2002) and an arbitration manager (2003), Tatyana Kozachenko headed BKS-Capital. In 2007, a new company was created – the legal company “Capital”, Kozachenko became its co-owner and director, and her visible connection with Bankomsvyaz and the Yurkeviches disappeared. Which then allowed her to put on the mask of a “public lawyer”, become a defender of Euromaidan participants and sneakily climb to the post of head of the Department of Lustration. At the same time, during 2015-2017, scandals constantly broke out around Tatyana Kozachenko regarding her declared and real property. The public was quite naturally worried: if millions of hryvnias and expensive cars appear from somewhere at the head of the Department of Lustration, does this not mean that she is being “sold”?
Sergey Varis. for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Anatoly Yurkevich: paying off debts for the credit fraudster from Milkiland PART 2
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