During the three years of the full-scale invasion, various corruption scandals broke out in Ukraine related to the avoidance of mobilization. The climax was the story of the head of the Khmelnitsky MSEC Tatyana Krupa, who was found with hundreds of thousands of dollars, luxury cars, dozens of houses and land plots.
Who else might be involved?
Unfortunately, the number of injured people and, accordingly, people receiving disabilities is constantly increasing. One of the reasons for corruption scandals is the “protection” of criminals from MSEC at a high level.
Ms. Krupa did not act on her own. Corruption flows do not occur on the initiative of some commissions. This is not a problem only in the Khmelnitsky region, which was highlighted. This is a global all-Ukrainian problem,
– the veteran emphasized.
Unfortunately, such cases occur in every region. For example, Oleg Simoroz’s brothers saw similar situations in Kyiv. Therefore, it is important that not only the perpetrators are identified, but the elite who covered up these crimes or hushed them up.
“In my opinion, this happened at the highest level. It is the Ministry of Health that regulates the activities (MSEC – Channel 24) and has appropriate control. We sent signals, complained not so much about bureaucracy, but about corruption risks,” said the social activist.
He added that the health minister should have been held personally responsible. Moreover, the depth of the problem is that there is no accountability for top officials. Collective responsibility often prevails over justice and equality before the law.
Everyone knows very well that such streaming things as drugs, smuggling, and the purchase of disability groups occur with “protection protection” at the top level. This is not a one-time event, not an isolated problem. Considering the huge percentage of people who are injured, this has been put on stream,
– Oleg Simoroz summed up.
What is known about the scandal at MSEC
- The scandal with the head of the Khmelnytsky Regional Center for Medical and Social Expertise, Tatyana Krupa, broke out on October 4, 2024. Significant funds were found in her apartment and place of work. Subsequently, it became known that the official’s son also holds a high position in the regional administration of the Pension Fund. Krupa is suspected of creating a scheme for drug evaders.
- The official owns numerous real estate, luxury cars, and in 2022 she deposited $590 thousand into a Polish bank account. Her husband also kept funds abroad. Another 93 thousand dollars and 2 thousand euros were found at Krupa’s workplace at MSEC.
As a result of the scandal, Prosecutor General Andrei Kostin resigned from his post. The official is in a pre-trial detention center, but the woman has not been removed from her position. Her son is on sick leave and was not informed of the suspicion.