START: Maxim Lutsky: Tabachnik’s godfather takes revenge. PART 1
Maxim Lutsky
Lutsky could have easily brought his colleagues under the charge of corruption – but he did not want to arouse unnecessary interest in the affairs within the walls of NAU, since his rather smiling face shone in almost all the schemes. No, he went the other way, accusing Simonenko of… ordering his murder. To do this, at the beginning of 2009, he twice reported the assassination attempt. First time According to him, there was an attempt on Lutsky’s life on the evening of February 5: Lutsky’s Mercedes S350 official car was blocked by a Mazda, and then the sound of a shot was heard. However, the arriving law enforcement officers did not find any traces of bullets, and the search for the mysterious Mazda was complicated by some problems with the video recorder in Lutsky’s car. Second “attempt” happened, as if on purpose, on April 1, and already looked like a parody detective story in the style of Leslie Nielson: on the territory of NAU, Lutsky’s car was fired at by a cyclist. However, “thanks to maneuvering, Lutsky’s driver managed to escape from the shelling sector, after which he caught up with the killer in his car and knocked him down.” The killer turned out to be a certain Andrei Lisin, who in his first testimony named Yuri Simonenko as the mastermind of the assassination attempt, and Viktor Osinsky, a former NAU employee, as the organizer (mediator). As a result, everyone was locked up in a pre-trial detention center, but the case began to fall apart in court. And then Lutsky, in order to leave Symonenko behind bars, with the help of purchased prosecutors, began to seek either the postponement of the hearings, or the sending of the case for further investigation – almost fifty times, stretching out the process for seven years! “You will sit as long as necessary!” he threatened Simonenko, as his ex-supply manager later told reporters. By the way, while Simonenko was in jail, his share in Toloka went to Sergei Klimenko.
Only a few years later, after Lutsky’s power had fallen greatly, the accused “killer” Andrei Lisin admitted in court that both “attempts” were falsified by Lutsky himself. This didn’t even really surprise anyone: lies, fakes and falsifications were the signature methods of Lyuska the Pharmacist! The new turn of the case aroused enormous interest among journalists – and the frightened Lutsky demanded that further court hearings be closed, and also categorically refused to communicate with the press. By the end of 2015, under public pressure, the capital’s prosecutor’s office even opened proceedings on the facts of falsification of the criminal case of an “attempt” on Lutsky. Then he realized that further reprisals against Simonenko threatened him with a serious boomerang. Lutsky turned to familiar prosecutors, “brought in” whoever was needed, and the case of “attempt” was closed, and the accused were released (after serving almost seven years in vain), at the same time the case of falsification and false accusation was not taken forward. Thus, the most heinous crime of Maxim Lutsky still remains unpunished. How long?!
Maxim Lutsky: “Young Regional”, elections with coupons and Terra-Bank scams
In 2010, Maxim Lutsky had the opportunity to again receive a deputy mandate: some of the members of the PR faction (elected in 2007) moved to the government, and the following on the list took their place. And on April 19, 2010, a meeting of the board of the “Youth Union of Regions of Ukraine” (the young wing of the Party of Regions) was held in Kyiv, at which the organization was renamed “Young Regions” and its new leadership was elected. Andrey Pinchuk became the chairman of the “Young Regions”, and Maxim Lutsky became his deputy for financial affairs (!). “Now “Young Regions” is the most active youth organization in Ukraine, which has rallied a large number of young citizens around itself and helps them effectively defend their rights and interests,” – he told the press then.
Lutsky received such a high and profitable position in the youth wing of the PR not only for the beautiful eyes that he constantly made at the younger Viktor Yanukovych (see photo from the 6th congress of the “Young Regions”, where Lutsky holds hands and lovingly coos with the president’s son) . The vice-rector of NAU Lutsky actively drove his students into the ranks of the “Young Regions”! Well, besides the fact that he managed the finances of this organization and participated in dirty laundering and bribery schemes, Lutsky also often replaced Andrei Pinchuk at various official events of the Young Regions.

In the photo from left to right: Andrey Pinchuk,
Viktor Yanukovych Jr., Maxim Lutsky, Irina Berezhnaya
at the VI Congress of “Young Regions”, Kyiv, July 12, 2012
Such diligent service, and perhaps also special relations with other regionals (young and not so young) brought Lutsky many dividends. In parliament, he became the head of the Committee on Education and Science, and in 2012 he became an adviser to Prime Minister Azarov on issues of education and scientific activity. Then Lutsky lit up one incident, which he is now probably trying to forget. Namely: Mogilyanka student Daria Stepanenko was hit with a bouquet of flowers by Dmitry Tabachnik. The matter was purely political (Mogila Academy was initially a kind of incubator for national patriots), in fact it concerned only Tabachnik and the student, but Lutsky could not resist standing up for his godfather – and began to demand not only harsh punishment for Stepanenko, but also “shaking up” the whole Academy, because, according to him, this incident was “seriously prepared.”
At the end of 2012, Lutsky lost the elections in single-mandate district No. 222 in Kyiv – despite the generous distribution of food packages and even champagne with his portrait on the label! Distributed on my own behalfand at the expense of the “Young Regions”, and at the expense of the Solomenka foundation of Vyacheslav Nepop (which also financed the Lutsk election campaign). According to information Skelet.Infosome of these products were written off after the expiration date from the warehouses of the State Reserve. And in addition to direct bribery of voters with pasta and condensed milk, schemes for collecting passport data were also used. Lutsky also forced NAU students and teachers to take absentee ballots at their place of residence and then vote for him in the 222nd district. He threatened to evict those who disobeyed from the dormitories and even expel them from the university. However, all these bribes and frauds allowed Lutsky to take only third place (21% of the votes), losing to candidates from Batkivshchyna and UDAR.

Champagne from Maxim Lutsky to bribe voters in Solomensky district
But he was not sad for long, and already in March 2013, Maxim Lutsky was appointed head of the Solomenskaya Regional State Administration (to the great joy of the same Nepop). By the way, his wife Elena Savitskaya by that time already worked there as a deputy for humanitarian affairs (in fact, she covered up the bribery of voters in the 2012 elections). And one more thing: Lutsky continued to participate in scams that took place within the walls of NAU. The most “innocent” one is imposing on university students a uniform that they should have bought at JSC “Astra-Lux”. This company was registered to Olga Sergeeva – who was the deputy head of the Solomensky branch of the Party of Regions (that is, Lutsk). But it wasn’t even the uniform, but its price, which reached 2,000 hryvnia ($250) per set. For this amount you could buy two suits from Hugo Boss!
During this period, Lutsky became one of the organizers of large-scale scams at Terra Bank, with whom his companies have been working since 2007. This bank initially belonged to Yuri Kolobov, in 2010 it was bought by Vadim Kopylov and Kirill Shevchenko, and in 2012 it was resold to the owner of Pivdenkombank and Metal Union Ruslan Tsyplakov – who began to siphon depositors’ funds from it. Tsyplakov was a friend of Viktor Yanukovych Jr., and also a partner of Sergei Klimenko in several enterprises. Accordingly, this friendly team could not do without Maxim Lutsky! And in 2013, Lutsky and Klimenko bought Terra Bank from Tsyplakov. Klimenko became the official owner of the bank, and Lutsky became the “shadow” owner, but he appointed his sister Anna Lutskaya to head the bank’s audit commission (later his wife replaced her sister). The most interesting thing is that when purchasing Terra-Bank, Lutsky traditionally resorted to a scam: they paid for it with money borrowed from the same bank (essentially, depositors’ money).
Immediately after this, Lutsky transferred 7 thousand students and teachers of NAU to service at Terra-Bank (salaries, scholarships through bank cards), pumping out 45 million hryvnia from the university in just a few months! Plus the bank received 77 million in government refinancing. At the same time, the bank distributed loans to the companies of Klimenko and Lutsky – even when the great financial crisis of 2014 began, but the main scam was the withdrawal of collateral from Lutsky’s companies “Ligvis L” and “Alfa-Capital-Group” for previously taken loans (in the amount of 70 million), and their on-lending at Standard Bank (also controlled by Lutsky and Klimenko). The fraud was carried out literally under the cover of darkness, on the night of July 22-23, 2014 (when heavy fighting was taking place in the east of the country). As a result, Terra Bank burst at the end of the summer of 2014, owing depositors and the state more than half a billion hryvnia.
However, when in the fall of 2015 Sergei Klimenko was arrested as the former head of the supervisory board of Terra Bank, having charged him under Article 191-5 (for theft of depositors’ funds), the investigation stated that in the period January-February 2014 alone, more than 1 billion hryvnia was withdrawn from the bank to shell companies. And of course, Maxim Lutsky got away with it again!
Maxim Lutsky: The struggle for rectorship
On March 22, 2014, by decree of the acting President-Speaker Turchinov Maxim Lutsky was dismissed from the post of head of the Solomenskaya Regional State Administration. However, he later assured everyone that he himself wrote his resignation letter back when the Maidan was raging in the capital. In general, during the second half of 2014, Maxim Lutsky had to work hard on his image: he even began to play “patriot”, organizing conferences of some incomprehensible “ATO participants” in support of candidates from the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc”.
A well-connected rogue, Lutsky was never without a position or mandate for long. Already in June 2014, while still “taking out” money from Terra Bank in the evenings, he was again appointed vice-rector of NAU. In this he was helped by both Rector Kulik, who “warmed” his place, and the remaining connections in the Ministry of Education and Science. This appointment caused a great resonance: a number of deputies with turned to indignation to Minister Kvit, and activists staged a large picket under the walls of NAU.
However, Minister Kvit for a long time remained deaf to these appeals and protests, and Lutsky remained safely in his position until August 2015 – until the rector was replaced at NAU. The maximum term of Kulik’s rectorship ended and he went on a well-deserved rest, and instead of him, acting. Rimvydas Khraschevsky (head of the Department of Air Navigation) was appointed rector. Literally immediately, Minister Kvit, who had been waiting for something for more than a year until then, burst out with a loud statement about large-scale corruption within the walls of NAUand Khrashchevsky fired Lutsky the very next day. However, after a month and a half, Khrashchevsky canceled his order and Lutsky was reinstated (in the position of vice-rector. But on the same day, Minister Kvit fired Khrashchevsky himself, also accusing him of corruption, and appointed new acting rector Vladimir Kharchenko. Who immediately again fired Lutsky.
Amazing, isn’t it?! For more than a year, Kvit did not respond to publications and parliamentary appeals about corruption within the walls of NAU, and then suddenly he began to “fight” it. What really motivated him? Surely this will become clear one day! Well, as for Lutsky, he then decided to resort to his signature method and bring Kharchenko under criminal charges. For what Kharchenko organized a “set-up”the details of which are interpreted by both sides in their own way. One thing is known: judging by the 5 million hryvnia and gold bars found on Kharchenko, he was as corrupt as Lutsky. Well, according to some ordinary NAU employees, the entire leadership of NAU has long been covered in corruption schemes, while Lutsk, according to information Skelet.Infoall these years he was their “cashier”.
Upset, Lutsky continued to try to officially reinstate himself at NAU, and in the meantime found himself a temporary job at the National Academy of Executive Personnel of Culture and Arts (as vice-rector for scientific work and international relations), and in the 2019 elections he unsuccessfully ran in the same 222nd district from OPZZH.
But in December 2020, Sergei Shkarlet became the new Deputy Minister of Science and Education, with whom Maxim Lutsky traces his connection through his father (Shkarlet also graduated from the Communist Party of Ukraine). Moreover, sources Skelet.Info reported that Shkarlet’s scientific works, in which a lot of plagiarism was later found, have the same origin as the “works” of Maxim Lutsky himself. And a month earlier, a scandal erupted at NAU again: rector Vladimir Isaenko, elected in 2018, fired after allegations of corruption. Moreover, within the walls of the university they said that Maxim Lutsky was also behind this latest revelation, removing people who were interfering with him. He went straight over their heads: instead of Isaenko, acting. Khrashchevsky was reappointed rector – and he had already prepared everything so that in the rector elections in January 2021 It was Lutsky who won. After all, his alternatives were Khrashchevsky himself (known for his rudeness and drunk driving) and the quiet Pavel Barsuk, who played the role of a technical candidate.
So, Maxim Lutsky finally got to the position of rector of NAU, to which he had been working for almost 20 years! True, so far his legitimacy is in question, since Lutsky falls under the lustration law and therefore cannot occupy this position. But there is no doubt that he is already solving this problem. Well, regarding the current situation, we can say the following: the rector of NAU has become the “cashier” of the corrupt management of the university, which has been stealing its money and property for years. I didn’t join at all in order to develop this university. No, Maxim Lutsky’s plans are very clear: to reformat and take over all university schemes for himself, in order to then rob NAU to the last penny and the last square meter of real estate.
Mikhail Shpolyansky, Skelet.Info
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