Georgiy Mazurashu: Pavlyuk’s “number six”. PART 1
About two-thirds of the Ukrainian population, when asked “Who did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections?” – they lower their gaze. And this is not without reason. Hoping for some positive changes after the trash in the “Army-Mova-Vira” format, the citizens of the country hoped that by demolishing this government they would get something more digestible and attractive. A power that at least won’t interfere with living and earning money.
But it didn’t work out. The population voted for some misunderstandings a la wedding photographers and merchants… face. But at the same time, they were all promoted by old corrupt cadres. This is one of these that we will talk about today. Namely, about Georgiy Mazurash, who does not allow himself to take a single step without the approval of his patron Ilya Pavlyuk. Remember Petrushka from the puppet theater? This is what Mazurashu looks like if we remove all the decorations against which he is trying to present himself as a representative… deputy? Not really. Even a “sports commentator”.
Georgiy Mazurasu. “Historical” athlete
From the official biography it is known that Georgy Georgievich Mazurash was born on April 17, 1971 in the village of Krupyanskoye (Ukrainian – Krup’yanske) in the Chernivtsi region. In his youth, he was actively involved in sports, especially football and athletics. In 1988, he even competed as a member of the Ukrainian SSR youth team, and in 1992 he became a bronze medalist of the Ukrainian SSR in athletics. This did not stop him from entering the Chernivtsi Mechanics and Technology College, and then receiving a diploma in history from the Chernivtsi National University in 1995. It’s hard to imagine how the athlete’s mentality combined with history. Judging by his subsequent biography and public statements, this was simply a way to “get out of the army.” Yes, after university he worked for several years with the rank of lieutenant in the criminal police dealing with juvenile affairs. But then, apparently, he realized that it was not his.
But still, at least the “presence” at the history department bore fruit (after all, then it was mainly the “old school” that taught), and Georgy began to write! No, not books, but articles in sports media – “Ukrainian Football”, “Sports Newspaper”, etc. He was also the publisher of the sports and entertainment magazine “Super!”, which indicates the presence of both an entrepreneurial spirit and certain connections. Moreover, in 2004 he became a laureate of the Ukraine Olympic competition among sports journalists.
And then things went uphill for Georgiy Mazurash! Until the fall of 2008, he worked as the Head of the Department of Physical Culture at the Chernivtsi Regional State Administration, where he was able to get acquainted with the beautiful life of Bukovinian officials, since he decided in 2009 to organize an all-Ukrainian beauty contest among female athletes. It was then that functionaries from big-time sports noticed him: he became a member of the executive committee of the Chernivtsi regional branch of the Olympic Committee, and in 2011 he was appointed director of the Chernivtsi Physical Health Center. And he was ready for this! Since back in 2009 he received a master’s degree in the specialty “Public Service” at the same Chernivtsi National University named after. Yu. Fedkovich.
As you may have noticed, Skelet.Info as if he had departed from his tradition and did not inform Georgy Mazurash about his parents. And the reason is simple: such information is not publicly available, and it is not possible to obtain it from closed sources. It is only known that he has a brother, Mikhail, who, we quote, “Seriously influenced his development as a person”. It was impossible not to report him, since Mazurashu the deputy immediately appointed his “native blood” as his assistant. What about the parents? One can only assume that his father had the same name – George. In general, there is clearly something wrong with the imagination in the family.
Currently, Georgiy has a wife, Olga Mazurashu, who is a sports instructor and teacher in a preschool institution. And also three sons – Yuri, Vasily and Stepan, born in 2001, 2005 and 2016, respectively.
Political athlete
So, having “matured” by 2015, as Gheorghe Mazurash himself believed, he decided to go into politics. First, “small”, so to speak, and become a deputy from the Self-Help Association in the Chernivtsi Regional Council. But, as they say, it didn’t work out, although back in 2013 he founded a website with the simple name and did self-PR there. As Mazurashu himself later stated, “he was simply persuaded and did not engage in his promotion – so, distributed calendars a couple of days before the elections” In general – a modest fellow! He was… After all, he still became a “servant”.
Luck smiled only in 2019, when Mazurasha, under the patronage, was shoved into the Servant of the People party (more on that below) in the 203rd single-mandate constituency in the Chernivtsi region and he immediately became a people’s deputy! However, nothing surprising – in those elections, the voter was ready to vote even for the bald devil, as long as he had the brand of the WE team on him.
So, Georgiy Mazurashu became a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Youth and Sports. He also joined the groups on interparliamentary relations, attention, with Montenegro, Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland and the Netherlands. Well, of course – where else should a historian by training go?!
Georgiy Mazurasu. Unsportsmanlike conduct
Georgiy Georgievich did not immediately, but still got used to Ukrainian politics and realized why, in fact, they were going into it. On July 15, 2021, in Chernivtsi, Petro Stratiychuk, assistant to people’s deputy Mazurash, was detained for a bribe of $5,000 (Mazurash promptly deleted the page stating that Stratiychuk is his assistant – publications&_t=rec&id=299784). As the operatives stated, Stratiychuk, according to the good Ukrainian tradition – “virtually free of charge” – contributed to the allocation of land plots to ATO veterans.
As it became known from a comment online from a certain Olga, the scheme for transferring bribes was outrageously simple – bags of money were left in the car:
Mazurashu himself did not talk much about this incident, he really hoped for a prompt and fair investigation, and said that Stratiychuk was short of money, because needs medication and has a disability. Well, as they say, “Thank you everyone! Everyone is free! But that was not the case. The story continued and Georgy Mazurash had to assume that the reason for the alleged “set-up” of Stratiychuk was the conflict around the Olypia sports and recreation center in Chernivtsi. “Archers” and “patriots” represented by the local authorities clashed there. The first wanted to have a shooting gallery there. The second is a flagpole. The management of the Zhovtnevy park and the church also took part in the confrontation. Moreover, all the participants in the conflict were wearing embroidered shirts, so it was not always clear which of them was the “patriot”… Why Mazurash brought a “bribe” to Stratiychuk and this long-running conflict is not entirely unclear. Skelet.Info suggests that Georgy Georgievich has his own interests in the disputed territory, and at the same time distracts attention from his ward, painting him at the same time the image of a sick person, an athlete, and a patriot. Something will go off.
Political achievements
Unfortunately, the Verkhovna Rada website is functioning with huge problems as usual, so Skelet.Info At the time of publication, it was not possible to find out how Mr. Mazurashu voted while he or his card was present in the hall. However, a number of facts about his political activities surfaced in the media without the efforts of the “professional” administrators of the parliamentary website.
Let’s start with the fact that Mazurash submitted about three hundred bills. Of these Ten percent accepted. Moreover, the range of his interests is surprisingly wide – from road construction, amnesty, dumping – to anti-Semitism, higher education, the Ukrainian language, etc.. This is what a love of sports coupled with a higher historical education gives! However, there is a suspicion that Grigory Mazurash did not even read 99.9% of his bills. He signed what his assistants brought, or for a “small bribe.”
The same applies to his parliamentary requests. There aren’t many of them. At the time of publication, there are only 24. But they also raise great doubts that they came from the pen of a people’s deputy. For example, Georgy Mazurashu was very concerned about the restoration of the estate of Igor Sikorsky in Kyiv, the electrical networks of the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, the activities of the Kherson functionary Alexander Babich, regional gas companies, etc. Here the breadth of geography is added to the range of interests in the interests of Mazurash. Although who doesn’t know that there is a whole market for deputy requests. We can only hope that Georgiy Mazurashu is not dumping.
As usual, not only the BP website is not fully functional, but also website with declarations. The latest information on Georgy Mazurashi is the declaration for 2019. There he earned UAH 245,303.00 during this period, and his family earned UAH 110,723.00. The poor “Servant of the People” has neither land nor a car… Stop! He had just become a “Servant of the People”! We assume that the situation has changed significantly over the year. Perhaps that is why we cannot see his latest declaration? There’s the Cossack Gavrilyuk, before he became a deputy, he generally ran around the Maidan with his bare ass. And by the end of the cadence I had such a good little house… So we believe that everything is ahead for Mazurash! Or maybe already…
Georgiy Mazurasu. Past the party line
Skelet.Info highlighted a number of bills and votes that we should pay close attention to. For example, Georgiy Mazurashu clearly remembers his sporting youth and advocates for the health of the nation. In the summer of 2021, he introduced bill No. 5805, which proposed moving the sale of alcohol and cigarettes from supermarkets to specialty stores. He did not note how this would affect drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. However, it received significant hype – almost all media outlets wrote about it.
At the same time, Georgiy Mazurashu was clearly not guided by sporting interests (sorry for…) – through him they also lobbied for an attempt to nationalize the enterprises of the British American Tobacco group. His patron Ilya Pavlyuk was clearly interested in this.
Mazurashu also moved away from the “party line” and statedwhich opposes LGBT propaganda. Moreover, his colleague Elena Lis also supported him. It’s not clear what Europe they will be allowed into later… Yes, for such things you can even put your party card on the table!
Georgy Mazurash was no less foolish in the face of real patriots of Ukraine when he supported Maxim Buzhansky’s idea of abolishing fines for using the Russian language. But he quickly realized that he could get into conflict with the most aggressive patriots and left his opinion for infrequent interviews in little-read media.
CONTINUED: Georgiy Mazurashu: “number six” for Pavlyuk. PART 2
Mustafa Leshchenko, for Skelet.Info
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