Skeletons in politics
The week began with a series of scandalous revelations made by the truth-seeker from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Sergei Leshchenko, who had previously published documents from Yanukovych’s “black cash”, and subsequently announced the existence of a similar practice in other parties, not even sparing his own party members.
Through his efforts, incriminating evidence was found on one of Vitaly Klitschko’s closest friends, Mr. Dvornikov, deputy chairman of the Pechersk tax office, who, in collusion with other persons, created a corruption scheme (based on VAT refunds) and, following it, managed to profit well at the expense of the state (not forgetting, apparently, sponsor the notorious “black cash fund”). It is still unknown what the current mayor of Kyiv had to do with this, but the presence of such friends in political circles has already significantly damaged his reputation.
And again, Sergei Leshchenko continues to expose: this time he declared Petro Poroshenko’s loyalty to Yanukovych’s scandalous accomplice Yura Enakievsky (Ivanyushchenko), who was recently removed from Interpol’s wanted list. The Presidential Administration is still silent, but Mr. Ivanyushchenko has already filed a lawsuit against Mr. Leshchenko demanding that the latter be punished for slander.
In pursuit, the voice of the Transcarpathian Governor Gennady Moskal was heard, who is ready to publish documents confirming that Yushchenko, Baloga and Ulyanchenko received a billion-dollar bribe for transferring the presidency to Viktor Yanukovych and his Party of Regions.
The promised restoration of order in the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine began with the dismissal of three deputies “at their own request,” but, as in previous cases, such large figures are not allowed to just go out on the street: for example, Yuriy Sevruk was almost immediately found a new position – he took the chair of vice-rector at the Academy of Prosecutor’s Office.
However, this is not the only funny appointment: Sergei Leshchenko again directs attention to sensitive issues, arguing that corruption in politics continues, and now, after the successful vote for the appointment of the prosecutor general, loyal factions have begun to receive their kickbacks. In particular, the Will of the People faction has already received the carrot: the son of People’s Deputy Nichiporenko, Valentin, has already been given a cushy job as the head of the first investigative department of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Employees of the Agencies Fighting Crime of the Main Investigation Department.
It seems that over this week, People’s Deputy Sergei Leshchenko thoroughly harassed individual government officials: not only was Ivanyushchenko suing him, now open threats from Igor Kononenko were made against him from television screens. Under this guise, the bribe-taker Melnik contrived to try to regain the position of rector of the Tax Academy instead of the allotted “deadline,” Lutsenko appoints Yarema’s people to key positions in the structure, and the re-certification of senior officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be carried out by a former criminal racketeer nicknamed Moscow, appointed to the relevant Commission .
The week ended with a scandal between the head of the SBU and the chairman of the Constitutional Court: the latter tried to cancel the lustration of senior government officials who served under Yanukovych, and Pan Nalyvaichenko published a letter about the presence of compromising evidence on Yuri Baulin, which was sent to the GPU a year ago and was safely shelved. Against this background, even the message that the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv doubled his own salary went almost unnoticed.
Skeletons in business
Passions in the business spheres do not subside: before we had time to really understand the situation regarding the raider takeover of the Dnieper Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant (DTRZ), information about the following process was received: the next raider takeover is being prepared not by someone unknown, but … by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, purchasing services titushka fighters at $200 per person. Military operations are planned to be launched on the territory of the Odessa sanatorium Lermontovsky, which, without approval, they intended to resell, privatize (and, most likely, resell again) with the aim of distributing funds and (probably) building another “modest dacha” for some high-ranking official.
However, so far Lermontovsky is resisting without success, acting strictly within the law (the economic court of the Odessa region is on their side), but whether the staff of a very peaceful establishment, using only pots, mops and garden tools, will be able to resist the heavily armed militants of the Ministry of Justice is unknown. However, the hype raised on Facebook should somewhat cool the hot heads of the adherents of the cult of Themis, because it will no longer be possible to get what you want on the sly.
Our publication has finally managed to collect additional information about the largest oligarch in Ukraine, Dmitry Firtash, about whom there are such contradictory and scandalous rumors that it is time to create an entire commission that can separate truth from fiction. But in general, the story of the oligarch, which we offer for consideration, even without idle speculation convincingly proves: no one has a chance to become a very rich and wealthy person in an honest way: only crime, criminality, forgery, deception and walking over the bodies of rivals and competitors can serve steps of the ladder to the top of multi-billion dollar fortunes.
Felix Lunev, who previously worked hard for Kurchenko and marked his career path with theft of public funds and other frauds, was so liked by Mark Rollins, the head of the board of Ukrnafta, that he was unconditionally appointed to the position of vice president for refining and trade. Pan Lunev is already promising grandiose changes and innovations in the structure of the concern, and one can only guess how soon this will lead to the emergence of new criminal investigations. At the same time, Ukrnafta managed to sue Naftogaz for a huge amount of energy, using an overlay in documentation that was 10 years old.
And not everything is going smoothly with the raiding: this time, it seems, someone is trying to squeeze out KhTZ, whose director the SBU accused of spying “in favor of the aggressor.” Anything can happen, of course, but given previous events, it looks very much like banal forceful pressure from the authorities. In the meantime, the division is going on, 2,500 factory workers are sitting without money, nothing is coming into the state treasury, and the accounts have been frozen for three months!
Ukrainian International Airlines, which is controlled by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, apparently wants to obtain exclusive rights to operate air transportation, which this time resulted in legal proceedings, the purpose of which was to be able to operate while in debt to a special fund. Is it any wonder that all debt claims were rejected, and the commercial company will be able to continue operating on preferential terms?
This is not the only scandalous case: Alfa-Bank loudly accused the Furshet retail chain of withdrawing assets with allegedly subsequent evasion of debt payments and filed a petition with the Cyprus court demanding the return of the money. The owners of Furshet are quite surprised by this turn of events, since they used the so-called assets to pay off creditors, significantly reducing the amount of debt. Representatives of the trading network claim that this is just a customized campaign of information warfare against them, but nevertheless, the Cyprus court arrested all the accounts of the defendant company.
Rinat Akhmetov had a lot of luck with manipulations with the price of coal, but was unlucky with the sale of scrap ferrous metals: the court prohibited customs from processing the export of the Metinves company, which served as one of the sources of considerable income for the oligarch. At the same time, Avakov warmed up his business partners by giving them the opportunity to extract natural resources (lithium, gas and oil). “Sasha Braslet” and his accomplices were again involved in the deal.
It turns out that the state is still feeding Yanukovych’s “family”: as follows from the state procurement reports, energy enterprises continue to transfer tens of millions of hryvnia to coal enrichment plants, which are still owned by fugitive political criminals. But there is also good news: Ukroboronprom has completed the creation of an aerospace cluster, which has united many enterprises into a single infrastructure, and will allow the sector to be developed more intensively.
Skeletons in law
The long-suffering, deceived depositors of Khreshchatyk Bank no longer believe in anything or anything. Desperate to receive their investments, with each new piece of information they turned out to be more and more desperate – no joke, the colossus had feet of clay, all his “well-being” was a dummy, and the authorized and insurance amounts in securities were a fiction. But nevertheless, some of them have seen light at the end of the tunnel: the liquidation of Khreschatyk Bank has begun, and those who had less than 200,000 hryvnia in their accounts have every chance of getting their savings back. Those who had the misfortune of investing large sums can only console themselves with the fact that even at the hippodrome it is not always possible to bet on the right horse.
And as for the victory of corruption over common sense, there is indisputable evidence of this from the story of ex-deputy from UDAR (yes, Klitschko is very unlucky with friends and associates) Vitaly Danilenko, who managed to establish such an effective scheme of extortion from gas station owners that even the supposedly all-powerful SBU and the GPU were unable to prove the crime of the former head of the Commission for Inspecting the Activities of Gas Stations. Apparently, money can do anything, even leave the prosecutor’s office and security in the dust…
Money works miracles, and big money works great miracles. How else can we explain the fact that the deputy governor of the Nikolaev region, Nikolai Romanchuk, who was caught red-handed taking a huge bribe, and who, together with his accomplices, offered armed resistance during the arrest, just up and left the courtroom, allegedly for health reasons – the blood pressure supposedly jumped up! What could the judge do, since Mr. Romanchuk is just a suspect! So what if under his estate he has a tunnel with safes filled with several billions worth of jewelry, and on the table there is a suitcase with a third of a million dollars standing forlornly? Maybe one of the guests forgot it, or it was brought during the search…
10 billion hryvnia will be placed on the shoulders of ordinary Ukrainians: this is exactly the amount they will have to shell out from their extremely thin wallets for the exorbitant ambitions of the oligarchs – the owners of energy resources. Rinat Akhmetov, Gumenyuk-Yanukovych and some government officials will receive tidy sums thanks to the courtesy of NKREKP, which invented a monstrously stupid formula for calculating the cost of coal.
From now on and forever, any restrictions on the salaries of officials and expenses for the acquisition of material assets by government agencies have been lifted. The only thing that will not be available for purchase is passenger cars. For some reason, the Cabinet of Ministers thought that this would greatly motivate employees and would have a significant impact on corruption; However, they added that funding from the state budget will remain in the same amounts.
Perhaps the most interesting thing to end the week is the message that the illegally closed case of Yuri Ivanyushchenko has been reopened. Apparently frightened by the noise about Ivanyushchenko’s impunity, the GPU managed to ensure that the decision to terminate it was canceled and the investigation continued. It is possible that the ex-regional’s status as wanted by Interpol is not far away.
A selection of top SKELETs (06.06-10.06.2016) was prepared by Semyon Gorotov