The recent noise made in the media regarding the use of offshore schemes by senior Ukrainian officials, including the President, looks like it will become a regular fluff. The Verkhovna Rada did not support the project, which could have formed an investigative commission with powers to investigate fraud at the highest level. And this is very suspicious, especially considering that offshore companies have become a very popular topic discussed by the public in Ukraine.
Out of the required number (226 votes), only 108 deputies voted for a positive decision, and draft resolution No. 4704 “On the formation of the Temporary Investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the investigation of facts published in the media regarding the use of offshore companies by the President of Ukraine and other senior officials , authorized to perform the functions of the state” was successfully rejected.
It was assumed that the newly formed body would include 19 deputies, and the VSK would be headed by Oleg Lyashko. Throughout its six-month existence, the commission would have to carefully analyze the facts presented in the media and make a verdict – whether they have serious justification or are just a simple “stuff”. Alas, either the deputies do not want this activity, or are afraid of becoming involved in the case – it is impossible to say for sure, and it is unlikely to become known in the future. Unless, of course, there is a re-vote on the issue.