CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Lyudmila Denisova: an ombudsman with a criminal odor, or the story of the cannibal. PART 1
Denisova Lyudmila: an ombudsman with a criminal odor, or the story of the cannibal. PART 2
A scandal arose, during which Lyudmila Denisova briefly… ended up in a pre-trial detention center. As the media wrote, prosecutor Shuba arranged her there almost personally. True, Kyiv soon intervened in the matter (there were rumors that Kuchma himself stood up for her), Denisova was released and reinstated, and Vladimir Shuba was removed from Crimea back to Dnepropetrovsk. This gave Denisova a reason to say that her case was fabricated, that corrupt officials were taking revenge on her for saving people’s money. But in reality, she ended up behind bars for the case; moreover, she was not charged with all the known facts in the bond case. Thus, Denisova used a scheme created by Vitkov, which allowed enterprises and institutions to evade taxes with the help of these bonds. Well, her personal know-how was the placement of budget funds from the Chechen Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Slavyansky Bank, and the transfer of interest on these funds to a special account of the Ministry of Finance, which only she could manage. The fate of the money from this account (about 20 million) remained unknown. The management of Slavyansky was soon arrested (Denisova officially laid all the blame for financial fraud on them), and the bank itself was liquidated a few months later.
How Lyudochka became a “cannibal”
“Slavyansky” was called the Crimean bank of Yulia Tymoshenko (and Pavel Lazarenko), so the arrest of its leadership and the collapse of the bank was clearly considered as “Kuchma’s revenge.” And here’s an amazing thing: although Lyudmila Denisova played a role in the destruction of this bank, a few years later she joined the ranks of BYuT and became a close ally of Yulia Vladimirovna. How to understand this? Perhaps the bank was sacrificed and its managers became switchmen?
So, from July 2001 to April 2002, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea was Valery Gorbatov, under whom Denisova moved to the position of head of the State Treasury Department of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. And then, with the new return of Sergei Kunitsyn, Denisova for some reason lost her job in the Crimean government. While remaining a deputy of the Supreme Council of Crimea (from 2000 to 2006), she went into business: even earlier, together with Senchenko and Velizhansky, they created the Gumatex corporation, the supervisory board of which Denisova headed in 2003 (and in 2005-2006 she was the chairman of the board). During the same period, Senchenko, who was trying to find a new political project for himself in Crimea (his Party for the Economic Revival of Crimea was defeated in the 90s along with Salem) found a way to the heart of Yulia Tymoshenko, who was not particularly scrupulous in choosing new allies. Well, through Senchenko Denisova also became close to the “Ukrainian Joan of Arc”. Together they were elected on the BYuT list to the Verkhovna Rada in 2006 and 2007. And in December 2007, Lyudmila Denisova received the post of Minister of Labor and Social Policy in the Tymoshenko government. And in just two years of working there, she managed to disgrace the whole of Ukraine more than once. It was then that her nickname “The Cannibal” began to appear in the media.
There were plenty of reasons for this: Denisova was distinguished by pathological greed and a complete lack of the rudiments of conscience, since she did not hesitate to “make money” on the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed. The most notorious was the case of wheelchairs, which Denisova purchased at exorbitant prices. In November 2008, the SBU opened a criminal case into the theft of budget funds during the tender purchase of 18.5 thousand strollers. At the same time, according to the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaichenko, from each stroller the scammers received 2 thousand hryvnia or 200% of the income. Detailed facts were also provided (see table). However, Denisova put on an innocent, indignant face, accused Nalyvaichenko of libel and even tried to file a lawsuit against him.

Denisova Lyudmila: an ombudsman with a criminal odor, or the story of the cannibal. PART 2
At the same time, Lyudmila Denisova was accused of creating schemes to steal budget funds allocated for feeding Chernobyl children. A November 11, 2008 Deputy head of the SBU Tiberiy Durdinets said that Denisova’s associates and business partners Sergei Velizhansky and Andrei Senchenko are “protecting” one of the largest smuggling channels. However, Tiberius Durdinets himself was known as one of the patrons of smuggling, so in this case it was a clash of competitors.
In the summer of 2009, residents of Yevpatoria were shocked by an unusual protest: the highway was blocked by disabled people in wheelchairs, protesting against their transfer from a specialized sanatorium named after. Burdenko to the Pirogovo military sanatorium, where rehabilitation conditions are much worse. It turned out that if previously disabled people received free (at the expense of the budget) vouchers to several sanatoriums adapted for wheelchair users, then since 2009, only the Pirogovo sanatorium has won all tenders for vouchers. At the same time, sources Skelet.Info reported that Lyudmila Denisova’s husband was involved in this sanatorium, and that the sanatorium “brought” a substantial “kickback” to the ministry for winning tenders.
Denisova did not forget about Crimea, where she still had apartments, a business and old acquaintances. In March 2009, the Liga-M 2006 company, part of the Denisova-Senchenko-Velizhansky structure, attempted to privatize the specialized anti-tuberculosis sanatorium named after. Semashko, and having the support of the Ministry of Social Policy.
A little earlier, the same trio, through Tekhnokhimkomplekt LLC and with the support of the revived Salem organized crime group, tried to carry out a raider seizure of the Balaklava ship repair plant. And on April 30 and May 1, 2009, Sevastopolmarinservice LLC, acting through the Vilinkt private enterprise and the RATIBOR private enterprise, tried to seize the building of the Metalista complex, located in Balaklava Bay and adjacent to the Golden Symbol yacht club. As it turned out, the founder of this yacht club is Sevastopolmarinservice, but the owners of this LLC are Velizhansky and Denisova.
And during the period of her leadership of the ministry in Ukraine, financial corruption in employment centers assumed the widest proportions – many BYuT members were then appointed to the positions of new directors. It would seem that you can steal from the unemployed? That’s right, a benefit! The media have repeatedly reported on uncovered violations in the calculation of benefits, which consisted of entire schemes in which officials at different levels participated. So, the simplest scheme was “dead souls”. The most blatant one is the payment (transfer) to the unemployed of only part of the stipulated benefit and appropriation of the rest. But the greatest abuses were recorded within the framework of the program for allocating subsidies for the creation of small businesses. These funds were either written out to dummies, or issued with kickbacks that reached 30 and even 50% of the amount. It is not surprising that in 2010, some directors of employment centers who had been stealing went on the run (all the way to the Maidan).
Lyudmila Denisova. Baba berry again
The change of power in 2010 hit Lyudmila Denisova hard: she lost her ministerial post, and then also lost the elections to the Crimean Parliament, in which she headed the BYuT electoral list. And soon Yulia Tymoshenko ended up in prison – and Denisova, along with her associates Alexandra Kuzhel and Slyuz, found something to do in the form of protests “Yule – freedom!” However, after being re-elected to the Rada on the BYuT list in 2012, Denisova began to forget about Tymoshenko, finding herself new close associates, who became Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Arsen Avakov.

Tatyana Slyuz, Lyudmila Denisova, Alexandra Kuzhel
However, during the “Yanukovych regime” Denisova was by no means in poverty, which can be understood about the luxurious wedding of her youngest daughter Alexandracosting 600 thousand dollars. We walked in the boarding house “More” (Alushta), decorated as a fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”, there were about a hundred waiters and footmen alone. It is curious that at this time Lyudmila Denisova was officially unemployed (as indicated in her declaration), although she was the owner and co-owner of Triora LLC, D.E.V. Firm LLC, TD Krymzhelezobeton LLC, Sevastopolmarinservice LLC “, corporations “Gumatex”, LLC “Astoria-City”, cooperative “Batiliman”, LLC “Machine-building plant Avtolivmash” and others. She still owns all this today.

Denisova Lyudmila: an ombudsman with a criminal odor, or the story of the cannibal. PART 2
But most of these enterprises, as well as two Crimean apartments of Lyudmila Denisova (one of which she is still registered in), as well as several offices and warehouses in Yalta, are now located on the annexed territory of Crimea. Moreover, they were not lost at all, not taken away by the invaders, as Denisova tried to claim. No, in 2014-2015. they were re-registered under Russian legislation and received Russian OGRN, TIN and KPP. And now they continue their work under the tricolors, bring profit, and regularly pay taxes to the Russian budget. Denisova is bashfully silent about this, only inviting journalists to look into her declaration.
Well, let’s take a look! In her latest declaration (filed in 2018) we will see a list of the above enterprises. With their old Ukrainian registration numbers, with registration “Ukraine, Sevastopol” – in general, the way they were from the moment of their establishment. There, the names of her companions Senchenko, Velizhansky and Setkov “look out” everywhere in the letters of the co-owners. It would seem, so what – an ombudsman is not prohibited from being a businessman in our country! True, but even in Ukraine the ombudsman cannot be a fraudster and a traitor to his homeland. Because if we look at the Russian register of enterprises, we will find the same companies in it. For example, “Sevastopolmarinservice” and “Krymzhelezobeton” (see documents).
How can we understand this? It turns out that the same enterprises of Lyudmila Denisova are simultaneously registered both in Ukraine and in Crimea annexed by Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). With the difference that when they were re-registered in the Russian registry, Denisova included her eldest daughter Elena Titarenko in the list of founders instead of herself. Her second daughter Alexandra Kvitko can be found in Russian registries in the lists of founders of other companies, including D.E.V. – a restaurant emergency in the 90s, which, according to rumors, Denisova inherited from the Salem gang.
But this does not at all prevent Denisova from posing as a patriot of Ukraine, which she began to do back on the Maidan – where she came, accompanying either Yatsenyuk or Avakov. At their instigation, Denisova then began to be promoted as the future “people’s minister,” which then raised many questions among those who still well remembered her corruption scandals and connections with Crimean organized crime groups. But their questions remained unanswered, and in February 2014 a lively division of trophies began – and Lyudmila Denisova again sat in the chair of the Minister of Social Policy. And again a scandal broke out, again around a tender for feeding sick Chernobyl children. It turned out that tenders worth 110 of the allocated 170 million hryvnia were “won” by a company with a very dubious reputation, Visit LLC, which had already become disgraced in corruption tenders in the Ministry of Defense.

Lyudmila Denisova, 2014

Lyudmila Denisova, 2017
In the summer of 2014, Lyudmila Denisova left BYuT and, together with Yatsenyuk and Avakov, moved to the Popular Front, on whose list she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada, where she headed the Committee on Social Policy and Pension Reform for three years. Apparently, things were going very well for her, because during this time Denisova got herself a very high-quality and very expensive “plastic surgery”, which made her look 30 years younger. Many were sincerely jealous!
And in March 2018, Lyudmila Denisova was elected as the new Verkhovna Rada commissioner for human rights (ombudsman) instead of Valeria Lutkovskaya, who was Alexander Lavrynovych’s person and became famous only for her exceptional “blindness” to violations of these rights, both during the time of Yanukovych and after the Maidan. But even against the background of such a predecessor, the election of Avakov’s “best friend” as ombudsman is too much! After all, the main task of human rights ombudsmen is to combat violations by the authorities and law enforcement agencies. It was obvious in advance that she would not do this. But what will she do? Denisova herself gave the answer to this question when she spoke out in favor of continuing to pay pensions to residents of Donetsk and Lugansk. At first glance, this proposal is completely fair and very relevant. However, it is worth remembering how in the old days Denisova “earned money” precisely from schemes for “cutting” social payments, and her “hints” become clear…
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
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