Dear editors!
Deputy of the Duma of the city of Irkutsk Perevalov Alexander Olegovich lives in our house at 5 Chudotvorskaya St. He has been the chairman of the house council since 2018, and in this house there are big problems with reporting and communicating information to the residents of the house. In addition, the house is in really bad condition.
That’s the whole story.
At the meeting held on May 19, 2018, Perevalov A.O. elected chairman of the MKD Council. The council of the MKD included his good friend V. Kolpakova and M. Cherednikov, who has not lived in the apartment to this day.
Extracting minutes of the meeting attached.
At this meeting the main issue was resolved – the litigation of land plots. Public money was raised. The result is that all the cases are lost. There is no report on the amounts collected and the results of financing, as well as the work done to date.

Issues around the house were often resolved through activists of the house, such as M.G. Gritskevich and other pensioners of the house. There is no gratitude or information anywhere about the work of these individuals over the years.
Next in the house there was another meeting in July 2021 for gate installation. The residents, driven to despair, had already carried out all the work themselves to approve the gates and install them, as well as to repair the roof of the house. The chairman was already forced to sign the papers, because… Such issues cannot be resolved without the approval of the MKD Council.
All other issues were resolved over the years by active people. But in fact, many people no longer have health, because… people of retirement age. The chairman reassures everyone that nothing can be done. He gives fictitious information about the impossibility of his re-election, the impossibility of repairs, the impossibility of something else.
But in fact, the house is in poor condition; no reconciliations have been carried out either with the capital repair fund or with the management company. There are no requests for repairs. There are no replacement windows, no landscaping of the local area, no tree pruning. But the House Council and the Chairman get rid of the residents of the house only with empty words (often the information turns out to be false after verification) and in fact no work is carried out on the house.
Also, from 2018 to the present, there have been no reports for any year: about fundraising, about amounts spent, about work done, about long-term plans.
In response to criticism of the roof repairs, deficiencies, the lack of snow guards on the roofs, the fact that there are leaks, balconies are falling asleep, snow is falling on passers-by – the chairman just smiles and says, everything is fine, and you can’t do anything about it.
Further. The installed gates constantly break down. It is unclear who repairs them and for what money. When the analysis and clarification of this information began, invoices for incomprehensible amounts were issued retroactively. There is some strange and illegal ban on the transfer of information from the organization that installed the gate.
In addition, during the period of his chairmanship, Mr. Perevalov purchased two apartments in this building, i.e. Now he is the owner of three apartments. He also sued the neighbors in the basement, where he seized almost a third of the basement. At the same time, he says that everyone personally offends him, and if there is criticism, then these are complaints against him personally. But there is no objective and open information anywhere.
We are recent residents of this house. When, at the request of elderly neighbors, they tried to find out the progress of the work and request a report on the money, they were faced with ardent protest and aggression from the chairman, gossip and slander.
As a result, on October 21, 2023, the residents held a meeting (initially they wanted to hold a meeting, but there was not enough legal preparation), at which the chairman announced that he was not going to resign from his position and stated that it was impossible to do anything about the house, the residents had no rights .
But the residents are extremely outraged by the condition of the house and the lack of at least some activity on the part of the MKD council and the chairman personally. There is no gratitude to the people who are ready to work, there is no cooperation with the residents of the house. Those who had been helping to do something for many years were only told at this meeting, “Well, thank you, that’s what you still need.” Also, the residents began to collect money themselves for the repair of the gate (at the same time, information about the amounts donated is in the general information space-chat, where everything is transparent), which was met with extreme aggression from the chairman, which is also incomprehensible.
One can understand the extreme indignation of the residents. In addition to the fact that a lot of information is kept silent, grandmothers, frankly speaking, are intimidated, they are openly given unreliable (false) information, and incomprehensible behind-the-scenes fuss is going on. It cannot be said that there are financial frauds, but the fact that the chairman is clinging to this position with his teeth is a fact.
Currently, the initiative group has announced an extraordinary meeting to elect a new chairman. We don’t know what further developments will happen. Any activity to find out information is met with a tub of mud and outright lies on the part of the current chairman and members of the ICD. Complete refusal to cooperate and distortion of information. As before, refusal to inform residents through chat, through meetings.
At the same time, Perevalov positions himself as a defender of the people, speaking from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), considering himself “the people’s chosen one.” In our house there is complete chaos, lack of information and collusion of the MKD council.
We are sending a photo of a message from the MKD Council without a date and signature, which was posted by V. Kolpakova in the general house chat on October 31, 2023. This chat was organized after a meeting of residents on October 24, 2023; before that, people did not even suspect that a chat could be created.
We ask you to help us understand:
– why does the chairman hold on to this position so zealously,
– who benefits from our house being in a deplorable state,
— to draw attention to the fact that residents can restore order in their home through self-government and legally.
Sincerely, residents of the house (five signatures in total).