As it became known to Kommersant, the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of a high-profile criminal case against the former head of the internal security department of the prosecutor’s office of Ingushetia, Nurdy Doklaev. According to investigators, the defendant for bribes and for ideological reasons actually acted as a defender of the militant wing of the vird of followers of Batal-Khadzhi Belkhoroev, who was recognized by the court as a terrorist organization. From him, the militants learned about the upcoming actions of the security forces, and the prosecutors supervising them received tasks to check the legality of both the operations themselves and the arrests carried out during them.
According to Kommersant’s information, in a criminal case being investigated by the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR, Nurdy Doklaev is being held together with an alleged accomplice of the militants, Usman Kartoev. Both are charged with Art. 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in a terrorist community), Mr. Doklaev – Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe on an especially large scale), and for Mr. Kartoev – also a terrorist act (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Now, being in custody in the pre-trial detention center of Vladikavkaz, the defendants are getting acquainted with the materials of the criminal case, which contains about 90 volumes. They categorically deny their guilt.
According to investigators, from November 2013 to December 2018, Nurdy Doklaev assisted the leaders of the terrorist community, passing them information about the activities of law enforcement agencies “aimed at suppressing and investigating crimes” committed by Batalkhadzhins.
Mr. Doklaev received these data in accordance with his position – the head of the department of his own security of the prosecutor’s office of the republic.
It should be noted that the future defendant served in the prosecutor’s office since 1979 after graduating from the law school in Sverdlovsk. He worked as an investigator, deputy prosecutor of Nazran, and from 2010 to 2020 he headed the department of personal security and physical protection of the prosecutor’s office of Ingushetia.
At the same time, according to the investigation, the chief security officer of the oversight advised the leaders of the combat wing of the Batalkhadzhins Khasan Polonkoev, Tukhan Zyazikov and others on what to do in the event of a possible exposure.
So, according to the case file, in the fall of 2017, having learned that one of the residents of Ingushetia may have decided to testify against alleged terrorists, the prosecutor’s office officer advised Mr. giving evidence.
Already after the mass arrests of members of the military wing, in June 2020, prosecutor Doklaev, according to the ICR, tried to interfere with law enforcement agencies. Having learned about the detention of three regular batalkhadzhins, who were part of the entourage of the leaders Polonkoev and Zyazikov, he demanded that the supervising prosecutor take measures to protect them.
It is interesting that, according to the investigation, being an accomplice of the leaders of the Batalkhadzhin vird, prosecutor Doklaev acted far from disinterestedly even for “his own”.
Thus, the indictment says that in December 2018 he received a Volkswagen Touareg worth more than 4 million rubles from Tukhan Zyazikov, which became the reason for the accusation of bribery. The bribe-giver Tukhan Zyazikov, by the way, is on the wanted list.
After the start of the proceedings, the prosecutor’s office, as Kommersant was told in the TFR, provided the investigation with the necessary assistance.
The second person involved in the completed case, Usman Kartoev, according to the investigation, in 2019 not only tracked down the main opponent of the military wing of the vird, the head of the center for countering extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, Ibragim Eldzharkiev, but also organized the residence of his relative Kureysh Kartoev in Moscow. The latter shot the policeman along with his brother, after which he fled.
It is assumed that the criminal case of Nurdy Doklaev and Usman Kartoev, after the approval of the charges by the prosecutor’s office, will go to the Southern District Military Court (YuOVS) in Rostov-on-Don.
It is already hearing a criminal case against Khasan Polonkoev and a whole group of militants who staged a series of attacks on Major Eldzharkiev – during which, in addition to a policeman and his brother, a member of the National Guard was killed, and several other people were injured.
At the same time, on the basis of the verdicts already passed by the court, the SAAF recognized the military wing of the Batalkhadzhins as a terrorist organization, banning its activities on the territory of Russia. This means that the members of the organization and those who assist them are now facing criminal prosecution under Art. 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for punishment up to life imprisonment.