Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic policeman became a judge having become related to a family of corrupt Judge Cranes
Judge clans continue their dirty deeds. In 2017, judges of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine published declarations of family ties on the website of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine. A third of the judges had dashes, and the remaining 44 judges had relatives in related areas (courts, prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, the bar, notaries, deputies) or even worked in the same court, writes the ORD.
It turned out that the family of judges Zhuravli is the largest judicial dynasty.
The judge of the VSSU Valentina Zhuravel has a husband and brother of her husband – judges, a daughter – a notary, a son-in-law – was a traffic policeman and immediately became a judge, another daughter and wife of her husband's brother — clerks in court.
Valentina Ivanovna Zhuravl Husband Valeriy Alexandrovich Zhuravel, since 2010 judge of the Kyiv District administrative court.
Daughter Pravosudova Marina Viktorovna, since 2011 a private notary of the Kyiv notary district.
Daughter Anokhina Anna Leonidovna, 2013 specialist of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, since 2013 secretary of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine.
Son-in-law Anokhin Andrey Nikolaevich ,2007-2013 Inspector of the traffic police of the Goloseevsky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, since 2013, a judge of the Kozeletsky District Court of the Chernihiv Region.
Husband's brother Alexander Zhuravel , since 2005, a judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal.
Husband's brother's wife Zhuravel Elena Anatolyevna, since 2006, head Department of the Court of Appeal in Kyiv.
In this list, the person of Anokhin Andrey Nikolayevich, who unexpectedly in 2013 becomes a judge of the Kozeletsky District Court, looks very strange.
Information about persons with whom family ties are
Anokhina Anna Leonidovna (wife) Appellate Court of Kyiv Leading Specialist March 2013 September 2013
High Economic Court of Ukraine Court Secretary September 2013 February 2018
Kyiv Court of Appeal Secretary of the court session February 2018 December 2018
Kyiv Court of Appeal Secretary of the court session December 2018 still
Zhuravel Valentina Ivanovna (wife's mother) High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases Judge December 2010 November 2017
Supreme Court (Civil Court of Cassation) November 2017 up to now
Zhuravel Valery Alexandrovich (stepfather of the wife) Kyiv District Administrative Court June 2010 until now
Pravosudova Marina Viktorovna (sister wife) Kyiv notarial district February 2011 until now years so far
Therefore, to become a judge, it is enough to marry the daughter of a well-known corrupt judicial couple …
But that's not all.
After that, Mr. Anokhin very quickly takes off up the career ladder. The former inspector goes on a business trip to the Obolonsky Court of Kyiv, and soon finds himself in one of the most “prestigious” courts – the Podolsky Court of the capital.
And this is not a consequence of professionalism or high qualifications. It's just that the gentleman is married to the daughter of corrupt judges. You can’t talk about the judicial qualifications of a traffic police officer. But it is worth remembering the greed for bribes of these characters.
Cranes are judges who became famous during the Euromaidan period for their illegal decisions, who continue to remain in their mantle and administer justice in Ukraine. As practice shows, in most cases they have no problems with passing the qualification assessment of judges. Although its main task is to cleanse the judicial system of such persons.
Meet the judge of the Kyiv District Administrative Court — Valeriy Aleksandrovich Zhuravel.
Valery Aleksandrovich Zhuravel
In 1985 he graduated from Odessa State University with a degree in jurisprudence. Immediately after receiving his education, he became the commander of a motorized rifle platoon in Armenia, where he probably received the status of a “combatant”. Nothing special, he just killed Armenians as part of the Soviet army. Currently, Valery Alexandrovich regularly receives social assistance. After completing his service, he went to work as an investigator in the military prosecutor's office. A few years after the proclamation of independence by Ukraine, Valery Zhuravel moved to a new place of work – to the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine as a forensic prosecutor, where he climbed the career ladder.
Judge Zhuravel took the oath in 2010, when by the Decree of President Yanukovych he was delegated to the Kyiv District Administrative Court. Consequently, Valery Alexandrovich works exclusively in the public service.
According to the declaration of family ties, Valery Zhuravel has a large judicial dynasty. His wife Valentina Ivanovna recently worked at the VSSU, successfully passed the competition for the Supreme Court, so now she is doing justice in the newly established institution. Many other relatives also work in the courts.
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/c01316f1e963d8837a67385a08a950a3.jpg" class="wpg_image" title="Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic cop became a judge by becoming related to a family of corrupt judges Zhuravli" width="569" height ="469" alt="Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic policeman became a judge, having become related to the family of corrupt judges of the Cranes" Judge Cranes
Questions arise both in the declaration and, accordingly, to the integrity of Valery Alexandrovich. The document, which the judge must fill out annually, should contain information about decisions regarding the restriction of people's rights during the Maidan. In the judicial dossier, we found two declarations filled out on the same day. However, their marks differ.
At first, the judge did not confirm that he did not take, alone or at the panel of judges, the decisions provided for in Article 3 (in relation to the participants in mass protests on the Euromaidan) of the Law of Ukraine “On the Restoration of Trust in the Judiciary in Ukraine”, but by the second document he corrected it to “I confirm” . So it’s a completely logical question, why are there two documents and which one is reliable?!
As seen from the decision made by Judge Zhuravl, the Irpin City Council of the Kyiv region asked the court to ban protests in support of the Euromaidan to a number of public organizations along Shevchenko Street 2 and force them to move to another part of the city, they say, along the street. Shevchenko 2 is home to many citizens and pickets will disturb their peace.
Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic police officer became a judge having become related to a corrupt family Judge Cranes
However, the calmness of the people is more like an “excuse” because the protesters wanted to picket the Irpin City Council as a local authority. It is she who is located at this address. Despite this, the court, represented by Valery Zhuravl, granted the request of the city council, who wanted to protect themselves from the pressure of the protesters.
Already after the Revolution of Dignity, disciplinary proceedings were opened against Valery Aleksandrovich for illegal determination of the protesters. According to the disciplinary chamber, it is seen that Judge Zhuravel, when deciding to ban the protests, violated the norms of procedural law.
If everything is so obvious, why is Valery Alexandrovich still in office and trying to stay in the judge's chair?! He was just lucky, because the High Council of Justice closed the case due to the expiration of the statutory period for prosecution.
We analyzed the declarations of Valery Zhuravlya for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. He reports on the judicial salary and a considerable pension. The judge declared UAH 702,781 of official profit (this amount also includes: income from the provision of property for rent, interest from bank deposits and from teaching activities).
Valentina Zhuravel's wife earned UAH 387,390 in the now liquidated Supreme Court of Ukraine and UAH 295,568 in the Supreme Court. Last year, she also received her father's inheritance in the form of a land plot of 4.0431 hectares, a ZAZ car and a Dongfeng tractor. At the same time, Valentina Ivanovna did not provide information about the value of the received property.
As a result, last year's income of the spouses amounted to UAH 1,500,926.
Judge Zhuravel owns a land plot in Snegirevka, Mykolaiv region for 2.82 hectares and a plot of 989 sq. m. in a gardening and dacha cooperative in Kyiv. In addition, he declared a garage, the right to use the apartment and part of the house.
However, Valery Alexandrovich is also listed as the owner of real estate, which is not in his property declaration. In particular, two hereditary apartments: 56 sq. m. in Snegirevka and a two-room metropolitan. The property rights to them were fixed in 2011, but the judge has not shown them for some reason since 2015. It is known from the interview that Valery Zhuravel seems to have shared the inheritance with his brother Oleksandr, a judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal. However, according to the documents, he is still the owner, therefore, he must declare the indicated apartments.
Wife Valentina Ivanovna has four land plot, house 214 sq. within the Kyiv region and the right to use a capital apartment.
The apartment, by the way, is quite large — 95 sq. m. and was registered with the minor granddaughter Anokhin Darya Andreevna. This apartment was received by the judge due to her status as a judge, but privatized for her granddaughter. Probably, the judge has already used her right to privatize, so the apartment, provided specifically to meet the housing needs of the judge, was privatized in this way. Interestingly, there is no granddaughter in the declarations of cranes. But if privatization took place on it, then it must be registered in this apartment, and therefore reflected in the declarations of judges.
The Zhuravel spouses have a large house in Kyiv with 491 sq. It was built in 2014 in a cottage town, but for some reason it was not included in the paper declaration.
The family of judges has two adult daughters, one of them, Righteous Marina, now works as a private notary. She is the happy owner of a part of a three-room apartment in Kyiv, Marina Viktorovna privatized the apartment.
Anokhin's second daughter Anna works as a secretary court sessions. Her husband Andrei Anokhin, as you know, is also a civil servant – he was a judge of the district court in the Chernihiv region. Then, as we wrote, he moved to Kyiv. In 2010, Anna Leonidovna was presented with an apartment in the capital with an area of 66 sq. Often in such cases, the donors are close relatives. By the way, it is the minor daughter of Anna Anokhina who owns the previously mentioned apartment in Kyiv.
Valery Zhuravel also owns a Honda car CR-V 2011 release. Since 2011, his wife Valentina has owned a newer Mazda CX-7 for UAH 365,000. Daughter Anna Anokhina and her husband drive the same Honda Accord, purchased in the same year, but at different prices.
The HQCC recognized Valery Zhuravl’s colleague Oleg Viktorovich Basai as capable of delivering justice, a person involved in the investigation, whose wife earns tens of millions working as a notary and knows how to certify documents fantastically quickly. He also has an influential father who was caught taking a bribe.
As for Valentina Zhuravel, it is significant that she entered the TOP-10 of the HONESTLY anti-rating, in which activists included those applicants, in respect of which there is information in open sources about their making dubious decisions, involvement in corruption or human rights violations, opacity or redundancy conditions that do not correspond to income or are seen in unethical behavior, have family and commercial ties that may lead or have led to a conflict of interest.
And here is Judge Zhuravel's property 817 sq. M!!!
Valentina Ivanovna Zhuravel from the Civil Court of Cassation declared a house in Kyiv with an area of 491.2 sq.m (common property of the judge and her husband), a house in the village of Bolshoi Karashin in the Kyiv region with an area of 214.9 sq.m (the judge’s property), an apartment in Kyiv with an area of 95.5 sq. m (“other right of use”, the property of a third party), as well as a garage in Kyiv with an area of 16.3 sq.m (man's property).
Land – 989 and 1085 sq.m in Kyiv, 2500 and 6070 sq.m in the village of Bolshoy Karashin, Kyiv region, 28,200 sq.m in the Nikolaev region, 40,431 in the Chernihiv region.
Let's return to former traffic police officer – Judge Anokhin.
Judge Andrey Anokhin
It is significant that he becomes a judge in 2013, when the Cranes clan is dealing with the affairs of the Maidanovites.
In his declarations 3 cars two Honda Accord and Audi Q-5
Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic policeman became a judge by becoming related to the family of corrupt judges Cranes
3 apartments. The last one is almost 100 sq. m. acquired in 2016
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/a699ecfa0ac386b59b61130c48e226a5.png" class="wpg_image" title="Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic cop became a judge by becoming related to a family of corrupt judges Zhuravli" width="1284" height ="947" alt="Judge Andrey Anokhin: how a simple traffic police officer became a judge, having become related to a family of corrupt Juravli judges" Judges Cranes
And what is very interesting is some kind of loan from some Babushkin Sergey Yuryevich for UAH 540,000.
It is significant that this Babushkin stopped his entrepreneurial activity in 2017. And before that, he earned as much as UAH 21.7 thousand.
Also, since 2017, he has not worked anywhere. The last enterprises where he was the head were ARBOZA LLC and LOGISTIK AUTO 2017 ” width=”1044″ height=”440″ alt=”Sergey Babushkin, Andrey Anokhin” />
Status: Registered #39915382 Chernihiv Head (Historical data)
Status: Registered #41197192 Zaporozhye Head (Historical data)
Zaporozhye FLP has been discontinued
By the way, FLP Babushkina also had signs dummy
Consequently, the origin of Judge Anokhin’s fortune is also a big question, given the pathological greed and propensity to bribe former traffic policemen.
In Odessa, the judge illegally helped the brother of the vice-mayor to recover 1.85 million dollars
Scandalous judge Mykola Khudik lobbies Ukraine business of his brother, a high-ranking official in Belarus