When orderlies won’t help: Almaz-Antey’s property went to a fantasy state

Why do law enforcement agencies not respond to numerous appeals about squandering the objects of a strategic enterprise?

When orderlies won

The editors of The Moscow Post received new letters about very dark deeds in the labyrinths of the Almaz-Antey East Kazakhstan region.

The sensational nature of this message, signed by very real people, employees of the Almaz-Antey concern, is that one of the former heads of the Almaz-Antey concern, whose murky activities The Moscow Post spoke about in several journalistic investigations at once, was put on the international wanted list. And today Interpol is dealing with the person of Igor Ashurbeyli. And along with the activities of Mr. Ashurbeyli, the contribution to the creation of the space country of Asgardia and other high-ranking officials, in particular, Rossotrudnichestvo, is being investigated today.

Recall that after the departure of Mr. Ashurbeyli from Almaz-Antey, the controllers missed 2/3 of the property of the once super-powerful concern.

But Mr. Ashurbeyli was replaced by his “disciples”, who, as employees of the Almaz-Antey concern write to the Editorial Office, continued the work of a person who has long been interested in “orderlies” … And now, it turns out, not only “orderlies”, but and law enforcement agencies, in particular, the Ministry of the Interior and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, since it was in this country that Mr. Ashurbeyli launched a stormy “space” activity. “He even announced some resident fees of 100 euros … This is told by a video sent to The Moscow Post.

The authors of the letter to the Editor also ask to return to the sale of real estate of the Almaz-Antey concern once again. And they are asking to focus attention not only on the central “office” in Moscow, but also to take a closer look at the murky affairs of the Almaz-Antey branch in the city on the Neva, where the Deputy General Director of the Almaz-Antey Concern VKO has been playing with impunity for a year now like Count Cagliostro. Antey” Mikhail Podvyaznikov.

The correspondent understood the scandalous details The Moscow Post.

Prosecutor Melnik plays silent?

In one of the fresh letters that came to The Moscow Post, there was a complaint to the prosecutor of St. Petersburg V.D. Melnik from O.A. Vasilchuk. And postscript – sent 7 times!

We quote part of Oleg Vasilchuk’s complaint to prosecutor Viktor Melnik: “On August 12, 2022, I received from the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at especially important (OV) and sensitive facilities (RO) a response to my complaint to the prosecutor’s office of St. of the Investigation Department and the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs … to carry out the necessary procedures required by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation for the formation of an evidence base in criminal case No. radio equipment” (ZRTO).

The case was dismissed personally by the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on 03/09/2021.

When orderlies won

Prosecutor of St. Petersburg Viktor Melnik. Photo: https://sankt-peterburg-gid.ru/news/obschestvo/na-dolzhnost-prokurora-peterburga-naznachili-viktora-melnika.htm

It follows from the answer that “under the influence of official immunity of unidentified officials” of ZRTO JSC, authorized persons of the SO MO Ministry of Internal Affairs … did not collect, in accordance with the procedure established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, all the necessary factual data on the activities of the above-mentioned officials in embezzlement of funds from the budget of the Russian Federation intended for execution defense order.

“I also ask you to pay attention to the fact that the response of the SO MD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs … dated 11.08.2022 does not refute the presence of an organized criminal group of unidentified persons at ZRTO JSC to create a system for withdrawing funds from the budget of ZRTO JSC,” summarizes Oleg Vasilchuk, – which gives grounds to believe that authorized persons have a justified reluctance to carry out the necessary criminal procedures to prevent damage to the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The editors of The Moscow Post have already twice in previously published investigations “Unidentified Podvyaznikov on Yana Novikov” and “Shackled by Antey: a team of budget masters dissolve criminal cases” asked questions to the prosecutor of St. Petersburg Viktor Melnik …

Alas, the prosecutor of St. Petersburg, Melnik, does not respond to our publications.

OPG Podvyaznikov?

The criminal case opened against “unidentified officials” of JSC “Radio Equipment Plant” on the withdrawal of huge budgetary sums, about which Mr. Vasilchuk writes to prosecutor Melnik 7 times in a row, strangely began to be blown away almost immediately after its opening!

According to Mr. Vasilchuk, Mikhail Podvyaznikov, General Director of Radio Equipment Plant JSC (ZRTO JSC), and Maxim Nazarov, General Director of Radiotekhkomplekt JSC, may be involved in the case. These strategic enterprises are part of the Almaz-Antey concern.

It turns out that high-ranking officials, by prior agreement, bypassing the tender procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, continue to master millions from the state budget?

When orderlies won

Mikhail Podvyaznikov. Photo: https://fcalmaz-antey.ru/club/directors/

Recall the essence of the story. Back in February 2021, an inspection was carried out at the Radio Equipment Plant by the Intermunicipal Department (MO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at especially important and sensitive facilities.

On March 9, the investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at especially important and sensitive facilities in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region “against unidentified persons”, including from the officials of ZRTO JSC, a criminal case was initiated. But on the same day, this criminal case was unexpectedly terminated.

As Oleg Vasilchuk notes, the initiation of a criminal case indicates that “certain unidentified persons”, including those from the officials of ZRTO JSC and Radiotekhkomplekt JSC, could indeed steal an impressive amount from the budget.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

According to the testimony of former employees of the company, the deputy general director of the Almaz-Antey concern, who is also the head of the North-West Regional Center (NWRC) and the general director of ZRTO JSC Mikhail Podvyaznikov, created a group that earned easy money under the guise of a “roof” Concern “Almaz-Antey”.

Moreover, according to our informants, Mr. Podvyaznikov is the purse of the Moscow “family” Almaz-Antey, more specifically, the CEO Yan Novikov.

Petersburg even sent a decision to initiate a criminal case and accept it for proceedings on March 9, 2021.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

This paper also contains the name of the senior investigator of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at especially important and sensitive facilities in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: this is Major of Justice A.S. Fadeev.

This document lists the names of those who may be involved in the “withdrawal” of budget billions. And the first name is Mikhail Podvyaznikov.

But already a few hours later, apparently, on a “call”, senior investigator Fadeev received “certain instructions.”

And the criminal case was put on hold.

10 golden years of Ashurbeyli

Our informants from St. Petersburg recalled that all this pandemonium at the defense enterprise began at one time with the light hand of Igor Ashurbeyli, who ruled the Almaz-Antey concern for 10 years. And, it turns out, raised a “worthy” change.

Indeed, how can one forget about Mr. Ashurbeyli, the creator of the planet Asgardia?

Recall that back in 1998, Igor Ashurbeyli became the first deputy general director of NPO Almaz, and later a member of the executive committee of the Russian-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry. And this is with the first form of admission! After 2 years, Ashurbeyli took the chair of the director general of NPO Almaz. Then he ended up in the Almaz-Antey concern as a general director. Since then, the concern has become a kind of big “black hole”.

They say that it was Ashurbeyli who could be involved in the withdrawal of assets.

When orderlies won

King of Asgardia. Photo: https://pv-ros.ru/news/article/10-let-svobody-osobennyy-yubiley-igorya-ashurbeyli-17854

To do this, he established KB-1 OJSC and re-registered many real estate objects for this office: out of 152 real estate units, the Almaz-Antey concern had only … 11.

Then Ashurbeyli took up the additional issue of shares of OAO KB-1. And he took 76% of the assets. Then he transferred these assets to the offshore WVRE Limited through World Villas Real Estate Limited.

In the spring of 2001, Mr. Ashurbeyli, on behalf of the concern, concluded 54 sales contracts and transferred 85 thousand square meters. m to the side.

But to whom exactly? It is still a mystery shrouded in darkness!

Recall that Mr. Ashurbeyli was asked to leave because of the failure to meet the deadlines for the delivery of defense products. It turns out that Mr. Ashurbeyli left behind capable students?

Historic Petersburg went “hands”?

A few years ago, there were reports in the media that the Almaz-Antey concern in the city on the Neva plans to put up for sale a territory of almost 48 hectares, including in the elite districts of old St. Petersburg for 15 billion rubles. And Mikhail Podvyaznikov was going to sell his treasures at the maximum price.

When orderlies won

A photo: Rusprofile.en

There were thermonuclear addresses on the list for sale! House number 2 on Rastrelli Square. This old building should be vacated by the Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time.

Further. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Equipment in Shkipersky Protoka and Nalichnaya Street: the area of ​​the plots is more than 12 hectares. Next – OAO “Design Bureau of Special Machine Building” on Lesnoy Prospekt, a plot of 2 hectares. Plant of radio equipment – 6 hectares near the Obvodny Canal.

Another part of the buildings on the territory of the Obukhovsky district was put up for sale – 25 hectares.

Of course, the most desirable places for developers are Rastrelli Square, Lesnoy Prospekt and Vasilyevsky Island. And the most optimal use of the territories is development for elite housing.

Thus, JSC “Radio Equipment Plant”, JSC “Design Bureau of Special Machine Building”, JSC “All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment”, JSC “Russian Institute of Radio Navigation” and others moved to the new buildings.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

And they quickly sold the house on Rastrelli Square. Acquired this house bank “Russia”. The amount of the transaction is more than 2.2 billion rubles.

Whose big pocket did the money go into?

The role of Yan Novikov

But back to our sheep.

The criminal case opened against “unidentified officials” of JSC “Radio Engineering Equipment Plant” on the withdrawal of huge budgetary sums, began to “go down the brakes”, after only 24 hours after the opening.

It was with the arrival of Yan Novikov – the authors of the letter to the Editorial Office emphasize – that incomprehensible events began to occur in the Almaz-Antey concern. And the real sale of “non-core assets” began, and Almaz-Antey has a lot of them. And in the city on the Neva, they are also actively getting rid of “non-core assets.”

When orderlies won

Jan Novikov. Photo: https://news2.ru/story/627499/

At the same time, several suspicious companies appeared near the concern, the founders and leaders of which are both close relatives of Yan Novikov (mother and daughter) and Mikhail Podvyaznikov (son).

Several schemes were attached to the letter sent to The Moscow Post, according to which budget billions are withdrawn.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

We also recall that back in February 2021, the creation of the North-Western Regional Center (NWRC) of the Almaz-Antey concern was completed in St. Petersburg. And 6 St. Petersburg enterprises of the concern (“Obukhov Plant”, “Radio Equipment Plant”, “Design Bureau of Special Machine Building”, “All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment”, “Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time” and “Navigator Plant”) were integrated into a single cluster.

Below, in the certificate, the positions of Mikhail Lvovich Podvyaznikov, his participation in various companies, as well as shares in these offices are indicated.

When orderlies won

A photo: Rusprofile.en

As you can see, Mr. Podvyaznikov has many responsibilities, as well as companies.

Perhaps, therefore, part of the duties was taken over by his son – Andrei Mikhailovich Klimentyev.

Andrei Mikhailovich Klimentyev is directly related to the Lira and Flamingo companies, the founder of which is the daughter of the head of the Almaz-Antey concern, Ksenia Yanovna Novikova.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

In the same “company” and other persons – the mother of Yana Novikov – Anelya Vitoldovna Novikova and the daughter of a former employee of the Almaz-Antey concern Tatyana Vladislavovna Menshchikova.

Together with her mother, Yana Novikov, Ms. Menshchikova became the founder of Galax LLC.

LLC “Galax” is also soldered to LLC “Flamingo” and “Lira”.

When orderlies won

A photo: Rusprofile.en

Podvyaznikov’s son is associated not only with Lira and Flamingo LLC, but also with Luch LLC. This company was formed a long time ago by Valery Gerber, who had previously allegedly been in close relations with both Novikov’s and Podvyaznikov’s relatives.

When orderlies won

The document was sent by the author of the letter

“Commercial enterprises Lira LLC, Flamingo LLC, Luch LLC and others, write the authors of the letter, are interesting in that the counterparties are enterprises of the Almaz-Antey concern, or these are related enterprises.

What is known about the company “Flamingo”? It is located in the Leningrad region, in Kirovsk, on Naberezhnaya street, 1. The company was registered on August 7, 2017. The main activity of “Flamingo” is “Manufacture of paper products for household and sanitary purposes”.

One of the main activities of these enterprises (“Luch”, “Lira”), as indicated in the registration documents, is, among other things, the production of electronic equipment elements.

The legal address of these enterprises is the Moscow region, the rural settlement of Bulatnikovskoye, 21st km of Varshavskoye Highway, house No. 1. In fact, this is the address of the mass registration of firms such as “Horns and Hooves”.

It is also interesting to follow the activities of Galax LLC (the company is registered in Moscow, Chernyshevsky lane, 15), the founders are the mother of Yana Novikova and the daughter of Vladislav Menshchikov.

When orderlies won

A photo: Rusprofile.en

And in the scheme they are all the same – Ksenia Novikova, Andrey Klimentyev, Anelya Novikova …

But the name of the son of Mikhail Podvyaznikov also pops up in another sequence: FSUE “ZRTO” – JSC “Radiothekomplekt” – LLC “New Technologies and Materials” – LLC “Luch” – Klimentyev Andrey Mikhailovich.

Thus, the questions remain the same: when will criminal case No. 121014 006 0000012 be unfrozen? And when will Oleg Vasilchuk receive answers to his requests?

And why does the “curly” business of Novikov – Podvyaznikov so far not raise any questions from the investigation?

As for the “king” of Asgardia, Ashurbeyli, with his stormy “space” activities, including at UNESCO, he led to several more high-ranking employees of both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rosssotrudnichestvo …


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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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