Naka get Khromchenko

The head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov, found how to solve forestry and housing issues for the country, himself and his beloved.

Naka get Khromchenko

It was hot yesterday in Moscow. And not only because of forest fires, on the topic of the elimination of which the President held a meeting. It was hot for the officials who were at that meeting. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was especially sweaty. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. But nothing, he endured. Endured like a partisan. After all, he had to defend his own, dear – money. Meanwhile, Putin continued to ask questions.

It was about the need for additional resources, that is, money to put out fires for the regions. So the head of state asked the minister whether he considered these needs or not.

But Anton Germanovich, apparently, does not know any needs other than natural ones. “What do I want to say – Siluanov began to be pretty nervous, while droplets of sweat began to flow down his head (and under the President’s gaze, not only sweat will flow), while his hands were tangled in their own papers – There is not enough money – let’s set the task to obtain additional resources from these specially protected areas, where extra-budgetary activities can be developed: tourism, I don’t know, development of these territories.”

Naka get Chrome

Siluanov did not look the President in the eyes, and his hands were tangled in the papers. Photo: Kremlin press service

Evona as bent, we thought in The Moscow Post. Develop budgetary activities in specially protected forest areas. What is it like? Let’s go to the sanitary zone and let’s eat shish kebab there?

It seemed to us that even the President was a little dumbfounded by such a proposal.

Naka get Chrome

From the proposal of Siluanov, the President could be taken aback. Photo: Kremlin press service

“Are you ready to “color” these funds somehow?” Putin asked, jabbing his question almost like a sickle on the minister’s sore spot. And, probably, understanding this, he explained – “the Ministry of Finance has always been against some kind of coloring.”

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are not what, perhaps, directly by law [готовы] “paint”,” Siluanov thought to himself.

And rightly so, what does the law have to do with it, and what is money in general, “Easter eggs” to paint them. According to Anton Germanovich, probably, they should not be painted, but earned, and better unaccounted for, and preferably in cash and right away. And once again confirming this idea, he continued: “But how much the specially protected area will receive from the off-budget … this is not some kind of fiscal function for the budget.”

That’s right, Anton Germanovich, why “fiscal” if we are talking about unaccounted for, which someone needs himself, and voluntarily shares.

Our reader will ask why we are all divorced here. Well, in fact, a boring meeting about some kind of forests, money, budgets.

Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the head of the Ministry of Finance, a person who is obliged to worry about the budget, that not a single penny is left unaccounted for, suddenly offers to earn extra-budgetary money in specially protected areas, which will not be recorded anywhere.

And what good is it for him anyway? He, that as a cashier will stand at a forest protected and closed to the public, selling tickets for entry in this way to earn money?

Everything turned out to be much easier. Easier than twice two (and when it comes to personal money, our finance minister knows how to calculate better than at work, where he should do it).

We have written more than once about Anton Siluanov’s close friend, Olga Khromchenko, who, according to rumors, has allegedly even become his wife.

In general, after meeting Siluanov, much in her life has changed. In 2019, Khromchenko receives a stake in Rusdor-Finance LLC. And almost immediately, state contracts begin to pour into the company like from a cornucopia of government contracts. It is building a toll road “Solntsevo – Butovo – Vidnoye – Kashirskoye Highway – Molokovo – Lytkarino – Tomilino – Kraskovo – Zheleznodorozhny”, where the fare is 10 rubles per kilometer. Then the subsidiary of this office, Odintsovo Toll Road, is building an overpass near the village of Savvinskaya Sloboda. As the media wrote, Khromchenko is affiliated with Stupinskaya Toll Road LLC, Shaturskaya Toll Road, Akulovskaya Toll Road, Sergiev Posad Toll Road and Shchelkovo Toll Detour, and so on and so forth.

Khromchenko also conducts business with Mikhail Skigin, whose father was a well-known St. Petersburg authority. We have already written about the possible plans of Skigin and Khromchenko to build a bridge from Sakhalin to the mainland. As they wrote, Gazprombank can allocate 2.25 billion rubles to a company associated with Khromchenko. They also talked about her possible attitude to the capture of the Paranai port on Sakhalin, with the participation of an authoritative businessman Traber, known in certain circles as the “Antiquarian”.

That’s where the money really does not “paint” in any way, and if it “paints”, then only with blood. And here we are talking about some kind of ignoramus.

When Putin spoke to Siluanov about colored money, he probably put a lot of meaning into these words. Most likely he knew what caused the interest of the minister, extra-budgetary money from specially protected forests.

Apparently, this time Anton Germanovich, together with his girlfriend, “swung” as far as the closed forest lands of the country.

But the “casket” opens simply. The fact is that Ms. Khromchenko is a co-owner of another company called Unicom LLC. To the news with her and other persons, the owner of this office is Igor Nak, the son of a well-known Tyumen deputy and United Russia member Grigory Nak. The name of the latter was associated with the theft of money from Gazprom, and he is also known for the phrase that “It is necessary to steal from the state beautifully.”

The son did not go far from his father. Their joint structure with Khromchenko has grown well to the state, receiving contracts from VTB to create applications for IOS.

So, Nak Jr. and his brother Vladimir are co-owners of Nikolin Les LLC. This structure owns vast forest lands in the Krasnogorsk region of the Moscow region.

On a plot of 20 hectares of forest, leased from the Naks and their partners, realtors began selling cottages for 50-85 million rubles. Moreover, these lands are allowed to be used only for recreational activities.

Local residents, of course, stood up “on the ears.” They wrote letters to the prosecutor’s office, the Investigative Committee, in short, wherever they wrote.

When they began to sort through the papers, it turned out that supposedly there were only temporary buildings made of brick and on reinforced concrete piles. Such a sickly makeshift for 60 million rubles. Meanwhile, the law directly prohibits the placement of cottage settlements on the lands of the forest fund.

After the prosecutor’s office was “excited”, the authorities near Moscow also began to stir, because they really didn’t want to be extreme and go under investigation, and they ran ahead of the prosecutor’s office to the court to terminate the contract with partner Khromchenko and others.

Naive, did not know who they were dealing with. After all, when it comes to giving an apartment to a war veteran, for example, it will take decades until the veteran himself passes away. But with the Nakami, you will get such a science with Khromchenko, in addition, that it won’t seem enough.

In a word, just a month before the trial, the State Construction Supervision Authority established that “the indicated buildings are not objects of capital construction” and the court, based on this decision, dismissed the claim.

Naka get Chrome

Photo: Decision of the Krasnogorsk Court

Now, at least build a palace there for the same Khromchenko, it will be listed as a temporary hut on stilts, and she, referring to difficult living conditions, will receive a subsidy from the state.

Here we are at the beginning, a little with irony, said about Siluanov, but he is still a brave man. At a meeting with the President on the elimination of forest fires, he could try to wrap these same fires in his favor. Now I understand why he was sweating so much. Not for yourself, but for your loved one. Real knight!

Of course, as always, we are not authorized to state anything, and everything written is the author’s exclusive estimated opinion, but we want to remind you that everything is going to daddy. You will learn the color later, Anton Germanovich.

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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