“Under the conditions of the sanctions imposed against Russia, the reform of control and supervision should continue,” said Mikhail Romanov, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Control Committee, member of the United Russia faction, as part of the discussion platform “Effectiveness of financial instruments of support” forum “Entrepreneurship in the new economic reality”, which was held in Moscow on May 26.
The event was initiated and organized by the United Russia party. Speakers of numerous thematic discussions were the Chairman of the United Russia Party Dmitry MedvedevSecretary of the General Council of the party Andrei Turchak, head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik, heads of Russian regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators, experts, etc. The event took place in person and via video conferencing.
As part of his speech, Mikhail Romanov emphasized that the reform of control and supervision activities, which started during the work of the 7th convocation of the State Duma, gave unprecedented results, which, on the one hand, made it possible to significantly reduce the administrative burden on business, and, on the other hand, to increase the level of consumer safety .
“The reform was launched by two important laws adopted in the last convocation. The law “On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation” changed the entire system of supervision, establishing the priority of preventive control measures over punitive ones. The law “On Mandatory Requirements in the Russian Federation” played a huge role, thanks to which we managed to modernize the entire system of benchmarks and get rid of unnecessary, outdated, meaningless requirements imposed by controllers on business. Thus, we legalized the “regulatory guillotine”, eliminating useless and redundant norms ”, Mikhail Romanov emphasized.
The parliamentarian noted that at the stage of discussion, these laws caused serious discussions in the State Duma. However, the results proved the effectiveness of the measures taken.
“From the moment when a risk-based rather than a punitive approach began to be applied, that is, from July 1, 2021, when compared with the pre-pandemic year 2019, the number of inspections has more than halved (from 1.5 million to just over 700 thousand), although inspections were not prohibited. As for the “regulatory guillotine”, over the course of a year the government, deputies, the business community and experts analyzed more than 300,000 requirements established by the norms governing control and supervisory activities. Almost half of these requirements – 143 thousand – were recognized as irrelevant and have already been canceled today. Another 55,000 have been updated,” said Mikhail Romanov.
The MP expressed confidence that today it is premature to talk about the completion of the reform.
“In the context of the sanctions imposed against Russia, the relevance of the reform of control and supervision is only increasing. Today’s counter-sanctions work is largely based on the dialogue between the government and business in establishing order in regulatory mechanisms. And the experience of cooperation between government agencies and entrepreneurs in the course of the reform of control and supervisory activities in this context is very relevant,” Mikhail Romanov emphasized.
The parliamentarian also noted that the task of legislators is not only to reduce the number of non-working norms in the field of control, but also to create new effective mechanisms that would not interfere, but would help business develop, increase turnover, increase the number of jobs, increase their contribution to the national economy and the welfare of citizens.
“The State Duma Control Committee and the United Russia party are ready to provide comprehensive support for the formation of all the necessary conditions for the development of domestic entrepreneurship,” Mikhail Romanov summed up.