Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova held another briefing on foreign policy. The Moscow Post correspondent visited the event and asked his questions.
“Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Belarus plan to create a media holding of the Union State. How do you see the main tasks of this structure, if we talk about the interests and capabilities of your department?, ” a journalist for The Moscow Post asked.
Maria Zakharova said in response that this is an extremely important matter.
“And we attach great importance to the formation of a single information space of the Union State. As you understand – a single space – it is even larger. It’s just that the media holding should become a specific and effective tool for the implementation of the global task, “the diplomat emphasized.
Within the framework of its competence, the Russian Foreign Ministry supports the active work of the relevant ministries of the two countries to improve the activities of the allied media, including through the creation and media holding.
Recently, at a meeting, the Supreme State Council of the Integration Association adopted a document on the creation of a media company of the Union State.
According to this document, the founders of this autonomous non-profit organization will be the Council of Ministers of the Union State. The activities of the organization will be financed from the union budget. The structure of the media company will include a TV channel, print media and a resource media center for the creation, adaptation and distribution of content in the digital environment, Maria Zakharova explained.
And she added: the new media company will absorb the current broadcasting organization of the Union State, and the bilateral agreement should be concluded no later than the end of 2025.
“And the created media company is designed to bring the activities of the allied media resources to a new, qualitatively new, level. It will help raise awareness of Russian and Belarusian citizens about each other’s lives. Well… further strengthening our centuries-old ties. Ties of two fraternal peoples, “the diplomat emphasized.
It is expected that more effective coverage of the activities of the Union State will help increase its authority among the population of the two states and in the international arena.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, in particular, will actively help implement these measures and signed documents to launch the work of the Union media holding.
The next question concerned another country.
“Your colleague Alexei Polishchuk recently spoke about his readiness to contribute to the” rectification of the degrading dialogue “of Tiraspol-Chisinau. Do you think that the “5 + 2″ format remains operational? And can it meet the interests of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) if Chisinau negotiates with Brussels on Moldova’s membership in the European Union without taking into account Transnistria, as part of the territory of Moldova? ” our journalist asked.
Moscow believes that the 5 + 2 format has a chance to resume its work over time, Maria Zakharova said in response.
“In this spirit, the parties to the conflict themselves speak out. And their opinion is extremely important, “she added.
Recently, the Moldovan authorities stressed that the format is only frozen, but not canceled.
“And earlier calls for the resumption of work in the” 5 + 2 “format at the highest level were made from Tiraspol,” Maria Zakharova recalled.
The diplomat also recalled that the preliminary negotiations between Moldova and the EU are the case of Chisinau and Brussels. However, Moscow believes that it is premature and futile to conduct them without taking into account the Transnistrian issue.
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