Yuri Reilyan called his own soul to court

As it became known to Kommersant, a trial began in Irkutsk, one of the defendants in which is the former general director and owner of Spetstransstroy LLC and ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation Yuri Reilyan. He, along with other defendants, is accused of embezzling 1.5 billion rubles. in the performance of contracts with Russian Railways, one of the largest contractors of which was Spetstransstroy. Yuri Reilyan does not admit his guilt, while experiencing serious health problems. In addition to lawyers, his daughter, who received the status of a public defender, will defend his interests.

On April 17, the Kirovsky District Court of Irkutsk began a criminal case on embezzlement (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of more than 1.5 billion rubles, allegedly committed by the ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the former general director and owner of Spetstransstroy LLC » Yuri Reilyan with the assistance of other defendants.

The criminal case was submitted to the court in December last year, but the hearings were not scheduled for several months due to the fact that the defenders of the defendants tried to challenge its territorial jurisdiction.

At the same time, at the first meeting, acquaintance with the materials of the prosecution did not begin due to the absence of Yuri Reilyan due to illness and the upcoming hospitalization, which will take place, presumably, from April 20 to 27, and due to the absence of another defendant.

Judge Dmitry Salikov, who is considering the case, only managed to interview other defendants – five residents of Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Irkutsk, who hold or previously held senior positions in structures associated with Russian Railways and construction contractors.

The defendants in turn informed the court about their income, marital status, the presence of minor children, credit obligations, chronic illnesses, and other personal data. It should be noted that they are charged not only with fraud, but also with taking bribes, abuse of office and forgery (art. 290, art. 285 and art. 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The lawyers present at the meeting also made a number of motions, in particular, to involve the so-called public defenders in the process. One of them was the daughter of Yuri Reilyan – Christina.

According to the girl, who is a producer of films and sports programs, she intends to help her father with some kind of “economic advice.”

The parties to the process also agreed on a preliminary schedule of court hearings for the next two months. Ten dates were chosen in May and six in June. “I do not intend to delay the consideration. Meetings will be held three times a week from 10 am to 6 pm,” said Dmitry Salikov.

The state prosecution in the process is represented by the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor’s Office.

As previously reported, Yuri Reilyan was detained in Moscow in the fall of 2021. The Eastern Investigation Department of the ICR on transport charged him with fraud on an especially large scale, the damage from which RZD exceeded 1.5 billion rubles. Among other things, the case refers to the alleged theft of an advance payment in the amount of 900 million rubles sent to the company for the construction of a railway line at BAM. Investigative actions involving Yuri Reilyan, including searches in his apartment and country house, were carried out in Moscow, after which he was taken to Irkutsk.

Currently, Moscow has completed the investigation of another criminal case related to Spetstransstroy LLC. His defendant is also Yuri Reilyan and former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vladimir Tokarev, who previously held the post of first deputy general director of this organization. According to investigators, he was involved in the theft of 400 million rubles. during the construction of one of the facilities commissioned by Russian Railways.