Yeltsin’s ally described the politician’s birthday with the phrase “modestly, without fireworks”

Yeltsin’s ally described the politician’s birthday with the phrase “modestly, without fireworks”

The first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, did not like noisy companies and random guests, but he always treated his birthday and the birthdays of his relatives and colleagues with care.

This was announced in a conversation with URA.RU by his adviser and closest associate in 1991-1992, Russian State Secretary Gennady Burbulis.

“[Ельцин] could sing along when it came to some kind of human, friendly emotions. He patiently and calmly treated congratulatory speeches, accepting all the joy and conventionality of these traditions. Boris Nikolayevich was absolutely open, accessible and sincere in this respect,” said Burbulis.

He added that Yeltsin celebrated his birthday modestly, and described it with the phrase “without fireworks and rallies.” “It was worthy when they treated each other with respect and understanding, reverence for the birthday man. It was always good and pleasant to communicate, ”said the associate of the first president.

Earlier in January, the widow of the satirist Mikhail Zadornov, Elena Bombina, named the reason for the comedian’s conflict with Yeltsin. According to her, Zadornov began to be pushed aside by politicians after his refusal to “be in the same team with them.”

February 1 is Boris Yeltsin’s birthday.