While Zhirinovsky is ill, he is actively replaced by Yaroslav Nilov. But is Vladimir Volfovich’s young “falcon” able to replace him and not become a toy in the wrong hands?
According to the correspondent The Moscow Post, On March 25, Deputy Chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, Yaroslav Nilov, is to meet with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Against the backdrop of illness, the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Nilov calls one of the contenders for leadership in the party. But some of Nilov’s connections allow us to believe that he can be a figure extremely dependent on the opinions of others. Potentially, Nilov is even capable of falling into the “strong embrace” of systemic liberals, whose influence has recently weakened. But they are unlikely to be ready for revenge. Nilov may well provide “sislibs” with such an opportunity.
Yaroslav Nilov has been a member of the LDPR since 1997, that is, from the age of 15. From 1998 to 2003 he was an assistant to a State Duma deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky on a public basis. Although Nilov received his higher education only in 2005, in fact, Zhirinovsky was engaged in his political education, practically from an early age he brought Yaroslav Nilov closer to himself.
Site authors “Defector” they say that Nilov, while still a school student, in 1997 invited Zhirinovsky to one of the school events, where they could get to know each other and talk normally.
From 2003 to 2007 Nilov was an assistant to Zhirinovsky as deputy chairman of the Duma, and from 2007 to July 2011 he was the head of the secretariat of the deputy chairman of the State Duma. As you can see, Zhirinovsky singled out Nilov among other young and promising “falcons”.
In July 2011, Nilov received a mandate as a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation. He was also a deputy of the VI convocation, and now he is a deputy of the VII convocation, he is the deputy chairman of the LDPR faction.
It is known that leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky is ill. As writes RBChe was hospitalized on February 2 with a positive diagnosis for coronavirus.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / Global Look Press
While Zhirinovsky is in the hospital, Nilov actively replaces him. Today, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin began consultations with the leaders of the Duma factions before the annual report to the State Duma. From the Liberal Democratic Party Nilov was delegated to the meeting.
Non-random connections
Despite his involvement in the affairs of the Liberal Democratic Party, Yaroslav Nilov also, apparently, was engaged in business. At least Rusprofile indicates that on June 9, 2021, it ceased to be the founder of Garant Corporation CJSC. On September 23, 2021, Garant Corporation CJSC was liquidated. The company was established in 2003 and was engaged, in particular, in the trade of food, beverages and tobacco products.
Information about the change of founders of CJSC “Corporation” Garant “. Photo: rusprofile.ru
At the same time, Rusprofile does not disclose data on Nilov’s participation in other commercial organizations. Nevertheless, if a deputy received any remuneration in the State Duma from a budgetary account and at the same time did business in the Garant Corporation, this can be seen as signs of a violation of the law. That is, potentially, Nilov can even only have a deputy mandate. perspectives became the first number of the Liberal Democratic Party, you can say?
Yaroslav Nilov. Photo: duma.gov.ru
Let’s pay attention to Nilov’s business partner in the Garant Corporation – Vladislav Volkov. He actively participated in various organizations. Volkov is the business manager of a private institution called “Management of the All-Russian Association of Trade Unions – the Union of Trade Unions of Russia.”
Volkov was also the chairman of the board and the founder of the regional public organization “Center for the Promotion of Socio-Economic Development of Pridnestrovie.” The last organization has already been liquidated. But Volkov’s connections with Pridnestrovie may not be accidental, why – a little lower.
At the same time, the Union of Trade Unions of Russia, whose affairs are managed by Volkov, who is well known to Nilov, is headed by economist Mikhail Delyagin. In 2006, he was expelled from the Rodina party, as he wrote “Kommersant”“in connection with the repeated failure by Mikhail Delyagin to comply with the decisions of the leading bodies of the party and the instructions of the presidium, as well as in connection with the refusal to follow the recommendations of the leaders of the “Motherland”.
In general, Delyagin is an ambiguous character. In the 1990s, he worked in the office of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Delyagin was considered a fan of the ideas of the liberal reformer Yegor Gaidar. In fact, Delyagin can be considered a prominent member of the informal circle of so-called systemic liberals.
Mikhail Delyagin. Photo: IA REGNUM / Daria Antonova
However, despite such “achievements”, on September 19, 2021, Delyagin was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth party. That is, he got the opportunity to communicate a lot with Nilov, even, perhaps, to influence him, especially now that Nilov was left without his mentor Zhirinovsky.
Khudyakov ready to return?
Turning again to Vladislav Volkov, the business partner of the contender for the first role in the Liberal Democratic Party Nilov, it can be noted that he also tried himself in the political field. For example, in 2019, Volkov tried to participate in the elections to the Moscow City Duma from the Chestno party. This was reported on the district website. “Khamovniki” Moscow. Volkov was walking along district No. 33. And in constituency No. 37, Roman Khudyakov, a native of Tiraspol (Pridnestrovie), nominated from the Chestno party. Shortly after the elections, namely on January 24, 2020, the Chestno party was liquidated by a court decision.
Khudyakov was by no means a novice in politics. Back in 2003, he became the leader of the republican social movement “LDPR of Transnistria”. In August 2006, the movement was transformed into a political party of the same name, Roman Khudyakov was elected its chairman. In this sense, Volkov’s desire to promote the “social and economic development of Transnistria” is not at all accidental. As you can see, Volkov was walking with Khudyakov in the same direction.
Roman Khudyakov. Photo: Kommersant / Dmitry Dukhanin
Moreover, in the same 2003, Khudyakov became an assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In fact, a colleague of Yaroslav Nilov. Zhirinovsky trusted Khudyakov and made him his confidante during the presidential campaign.
In 2006, Khudyakov was elected to the City Council of People’s Deputies of Tiraspol. And already in 2012, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, where his paths once again moved with Nilov.
But in 2016, Khudyakov showed himself not to be the most principled politician. He announced his intention to participate in the preliminary intra-party voting (the so-called primaries) of United Russia to select candidates for deputies of the Tambov Regional Duma. And, as a result, in June of the same year he was expelled from the Liberal Democratic Party “for betrayal.” He was also denied participation in the primaries.
In 2016, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation already from the Rodina party, but did not get into the State Duma. But also in 2016, from the Rodina party, he was elected a deputy of the Tambov Regional Duma of the VI convocation. However, on April 14, 2017, he was deprived of his deputy mandate, as he did not provide a declaration of income within the time limit prescribed by law.
Khudyakov made another “feint” when he got the opportunity to run from the Chestno party as a candidate for the presidency of Russia in the elections on March 18, 2018. In this party, as already noted, he crossed paths with Yaroslav Nilov’s business partner Vladislav Volkov.
In 2020, Khudyakov decided to create the Decent Life party, where he decided to include the singer Alexander Berdnikov, who, like Khudyakov and Volkov, went from the Chestno party to the elections to the Moscow City Duma. Wrote about it Lenta.ru. In fact, Khudyakov’s political career went downhill. However, it is possible that if Nilov heads the LDPR, then Khudyakov will be returned to the party.