Yaroslav Krasnopolsky: until the end of May bread will cost 10 hryvnia

First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine Yaroslav Krasnopolsky expressed the opinion that already at the end of May the cost of bread in stores could rise to 9-10 hryvnia. He named the reason for the devaluation of the hryvnia, which will affect the increase in the cost of wheat for bread production. According to the deputy minister, in May last year the price of food wheat was 2,500 UAH/t. Taking into account the double devaluation of the national currency, the projected price for May 2015 is 4500-5000 UAH/t. Thus, the price of flour will reach from 6 to 8 thousand hryvnia per ton. As a result, the maximum final price for bread will be 9-10 hryvnia. Krasnopolsky also voiced a number of other risks that could lead to an increase in the price of bread. This is the unsatisfactory condition of winter crops, military operations in eastern Ukraine and the rise in prices of material and technical resources.

According to the official, the price of bread at 10 hryvnia can lead to negative social consequences. According to Krasnopolsky, the devaluation of the national currency further contributes to export activity. “Today, grain reserves are sufficient, but we cannot predict the volume of the future harvest, because the overwintering of winter crops has not yet been completed and it is too early to make forecasts. Therefore, taking care of food security, the state is looking for compromise and civilized ways to curb overly active exports,” summed up Yaroslav Krasnopolsky

An interesting fact is that these statements by Deputy Minister Krasnopolsky were published yesterday on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Today, for some reason, this news is not available on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.