Why was the authoritative deputy Sergei Ivanov shot?
Saturday morning July 2 was not calm. In some media, there was news about the murder of Sergei Ivanov, a deputy of the Syzran Duma. At first it became known about the murder itself, but when the data of the murdered person leaked to the press, it immediately became clear that the case would be resonant.
The murder took place early in the morning. On the VKontakte page of Sergei Ivanov, it can be seen that yesterday the deputy spent an active day – the public organization “Rally” honored veterans of hostilities.
One of the last photos from Ivanov’s page
Also, thanks to the social network, we can establish that the murder took place early in the morning, because Sergey Ivanov last visited VKontakte at 4:30 am (5:30 local time).
There is no confirmation of his death on the official websites and pages of state institutions of Syzran, the public association headed by Ivanov.
Also, the resonant execution in the Investigative Committee has not yet been commented on. All this raises many questions, such silence can be logically explained only by covert investigative actions. As you know, it is already evening, 12 hours have passed since the murder, but the killer has not been detained, there is no official information.
Deputy Sergei Ivanov
For the Samara region, Sergei Ivanov was a very famous person: an athlete, a public figure, a deputy. If you do not delve into the profile of the deputy, one gets the impression that he lived only for the sake of others. But is it?
In 2016, Ivanov was elected president of the Syzran Boxing Federation. In the same 2016, Ivanov joins United Russia. In 2018, he was elected to the Duma of the city of Syzran, where, in turn, he became chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports.
Ivanov was elected to the post of President of the Boxing Federation of Syzran not by chance. Until 2016, the Federation went into total stagnation. There was no investment, the athletes did not receive proper support from the body. Therefore, the main goal of Ivanov’s election was to attract investment in boxing. At his introduction, the former head of the federation announced that Sergei Ivanov’s candidacy should be supported, because this is a chance for athletes to receive proper funding from the new president of the Federation. The meeting of participants of the Boxing Federation unanimously elected Sergey Ivanov as the new chairman.
Conference on the election of Ivanov to the post of President of the Boxing Federation of Syzran
If you carefully follow the news about Ivanov, one gets the impression that he is generally a saint. Ivanov bailed out a boxer who committed a crime in order to make a man out of him. Ivanov personally solved the problem of landscaping at the city cemetery.
In the local Syzran VKontakte groups, this is frankly mocked.
Indeed, if you delve into Ivanov’s biography, he received orders, awards, and other rewards almost every month.
The image of Ivanov is built exclusively positively.
But here the logical question is: where does the money come from? A lot of information about the public activities of the deputy. And everywhere The point is that he is an entrepreneur, has his own business, but there is no specification.
Versions of the murder
The version about the murder of Ivanov as a political figure immediately disappears. He did not achieve sufficient weight in political terms, so the motive disappears. As a public figure, he also did not interfere with anyone.
Only 2 versions of the murder remain:
- Criminal showdowns. Sergei Ivanov is a rather secretive person in terms of work. There is no official information about where he gets the funds for social and political activities. Ivanov, a native of the 2000s, has a serious reputation among criminals in Syzran. Therefore, the murder of a deputy may be part of a redistribution of power in the power structure of the city’s criminal gangs or an attempt to seize the Boxing Federation.
- personal motives. It is known that Sergei Ivanov is married and has 2 daughters. Nothing more is known about the MP’s family. They don’t look for the truth in a strange family, so the personal motive for the murder cannot be discarded.
So far, nothing is officially known, except that Ivanov was shot this morning near the village of Nizhnee Sancheleevo, Stavropol region. The investigation does not comment on the incident. We will closely follow the progress of the investigation of the resonant murder of the Syzran deputy.