Not long ago, a new fashion brand Zlocci appeared in Ukraine. The entire center of Kyiv is now covered with its boards and city lights. This brand produces mainly belts and shoes made from the skin of all kinds of African and other exotic animals. In the style of “early Yanukovych,” who at the beginning of his long political career, I remember, loved to shock European politicians with expensive “shoes” made of ostrich skin. Apparently, this brand became successful due to the influx of a large number of Viktor Fedorovich’s fellow countrymen to Kyiv, who left their native Donbass and fled to the capital with their families and money.
But do these guys with a specific taste know that the gold Zlocci plaque on their belt is not the name of an Italian designer (like Gucci or Zegna), but the name of a Ukrainian official?
And he began his career when the Donetsk boys who wear crocodile skin shoes today were still young “lookers” in the districts or opened the first stalls. That is, back in the late 90s, Zlocci, oh, sorry, Nikolai Vladislavovich Zlochevsky was already part of the so-called “Kyiv group” and his partners were Viktor Medvedchuk and Grigory Surkis. The one who was involved in many different interesting projects. For example, trusts, as it was called then, such as “Ometa” or “Ometa-Inster”. In fact, these were ordinary pyramids that scammed tens of thousands of people out of money. But there is no direct evidence that Zlochevsky participated there, just as there is no evidence of the participation of the same Surkis and a number of other senior officials. Be that as it may, it was Nikolai Vladislavovich, as well as his friend Nikolai Lisin and their company Infox, who were considered junior partners of the then insanely influential Medvedchuk. The partners were engaged in oil transportation and development of the Sakhalin field in the Kharkov region. Then Lisin, in his Lamborghini at a speed of 200 km/h, flew into the price tag of a gas station and Zlochevsky remained the sole owner of the business. It’s strange, but an investigation into the death of Deputy Lisin was never carried out. Many say that he was not a street racer or a fan of fast driving.
But, as they say, “not by gas alone.” In addition to gas, the company actually owned by Zlochevsky won a competition in which it was given land not far from Khreshchatyk, in a park above European Square. The land in this area can safely be called “golden”, given its cost. At the same time, despite the crisis, this value practically did not fall. This land was intended for the construction of a Ferris wheel and was allocated in 2013. Well, any Kiev resident or guest of the capital can walk along Khreshchatyk, reach European Square and see with their own eyes that there is no Ferris wheel there. Where did the land near the “Museum of Water” go? Where it needed to be, it went there, remained in place, only now it does not belong to the people of Kiev.
Speaking of water. You can also make money on it, as proven by Nikolai Zlochevsky. Back in 2003, his company Infox was given a concession to the Odessa water utility. They gave it for 49 years with the condition that the company would invest 500 million hryvnia in this utility enterprise. Let me remind you that this was 2003, and even half a billion hryvnia was a lot of money. Since then, Odessa has been suing and trying to terminate this concession, since Infox has not fulfilled any of its promises. And they litigated until 2008, and then they concluded a settlement and somehow resolved it. It seems that Odessa did not take the water utility from the company, and the company did not take money from Odessa. But two years later, in 2010, Zlochevsky was appointed Minister of Environment. And then Odessa forked out again: in 2011-2012 alone, state and municipal enterprises of Southern Palmyra gave Nikolai Vladislavovich’s company almost 132 million hryvnia for water supply services.
So, we can say that Zlochevsky’s main profit comes not from water or land, or even gas, but from the use of his official position for personal purposes. In principle, he was always close to politics. Back in 2002, he entered parliament on the SDPU(o) list, like most members of the “Kyiv group”. However, already in 2006, he replaced the red rose of the “football lawyers” with the blue banner of the Party of Regions and entered parliament on their list. And, apparently, Nikolai Vladislavovich easily found a common language with the Donetsk people. Because he was first appointed to the grain-earning position of head of the State Committee for Reserves, and then to the no less grain-bearing position of Minister of Ecology. He was removed from current politics only in 2012, replacing him with his own for the “young Donetsk” Eduard Stavitsky. Zlochevsky was sent to the honorary but non-profit position of Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.
And the fact that Nikolai Vladislavovich earned good money in high government positions can be illustrated with several stories. So in 2012, the State Committee for Reserves entered into an agreement for a third of a billion dollars with Zlochevsky’s company, Ukrspetstrans LLC, this came to light because Kolomoisky’s companies participated in the tender, which offered a lower price, but they were “leaked”, citing the lack of any certificates. That is why this corruption story came to the surface. Or here is another company of Nikolai Zlochevsky called “Big Keys”. This company owns a huge estate in the Vyshgorod district of the Kyiv region. Zlochevsky himself and his family live there. Those who were there say that it is slightly smaller than Mezhyhirya. In principle, there is nothing surprising in such a desire for bad luxury among a Ukrainian official and businessman. We all remember the Pshonka Palace and the office of Yuri Ivanyushchenko. But Nikolai Vladislavovich’s palace was built within hydraulic structures that are located in the system of protective zones of the reservoir. Local environmentalists sounded the alarm about this. But who are local environmentalists if the house belongs to the Minister of Ecology…
Speaking of corruption. Zlochevsky, apparently, understands perfectly well that it is necessary not only to take. We must give. And here he can safely be called an expert on corruption on an international scale. For example, in his company Burisma Holdings, a certain R. Hunter Biden is a member of the board of directors. This is the son of the Vice President of the United States. Has this top manager ever been to Ukraine? Nobody knows about this, but the second person in the United States, let’s agree, the “roof” is not bad. Another member of the board of directors of the same Burisma Holdings is called Alexander Kwasniewski. Yes. This is the former president of Poland, and now a great friend of Ukraine, a friend of the United States and a person speaking (and perhaps responsible) for the friendship of Ukraine and the United States. The “roof” is also quite good at the international level.
However, even such intercessors cannot completely protect Zlochevsky from criminal prosecution. In October 2014, the UK seized the assets of Nikolai Vladislavovich and began to investigate a criminal case against him. And after Britain, after about a month and a half, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office opened a case and even put him on the wanted list. But, according to the tradition already established in our prosecutor’s office, Zlochevsky was put on the wanted list when he was not on the territory of Ukraine, and his business and his family members were not touched, also according to tradition.
So his business is not in danger. This is evidenced by the already mentioned Zlocci billboards and the good profitable reporting of Burisma Holdings. This means that the boys from Donetsk, these new residents of Kiev, are not ashamed to wear the Nikolai Vladislavovich brand. And perhaps even prestigious. After all, these shoes were not invented by some Italian, but by our own, native Ukrainian corrupt official.
Denis Ivanov, for Skelet.Info
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