Security forces across Russia are seizing the low-alcohol drink Mister Cider, which, according to preliminary data, has already killed 28 people in the Volga region alone. The manufacturer’s management has been suspended. What is known about him?
What happened in the Volga region
The founder of the manufacturing company “Andi” Anar Huseynovhis managers Anton Frolov And Ramil Aslanovand chief accountant Polina Uskova detained in the case of mass poisoning with a low-alcohol drink under the brand name “Mr. Cider”. The death toll in the Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk regions and Udmurtia has already reached, according to some sources, 28 people. Perhaps this number will grow. All of them, shortly before their death, consumed the ill-fated drink.

A wave of deaths from alcohol poisoning began in the Ulyanovsk city of Dimitrovgrad, where 14 residents aged 29 to 53 were hospitalized to medical facilities in a day. Despite the assistance provided, people died one after another. Then the count of deaths was opened in neighboring regions. In Novokuybyshevsk, before the arrival of the ambulance, two friends died at home, who drank “Mr. Cider” with the taste of “Blue Lagoon”. In Samara, the lifeless bodies of a married couple, surrounded by empty poltorashki, were found by their student daughter.
The most recent case: doctors could not pump out a 20-year-old boy from Udmurtia, he also drank the same cider.

More than a hundred people are still in intensive care in critical condition: among them a pregnant woman and a 16-year-old orphan from an orphanage. Many poisonings, but so far, fortunately, no victims in the Penza region and Chuvashia. As it became known to the SHOT telegram channel, all those who were poisoned were diagnosed with “convulsive syndrome and the toxic effect of an unknown substance,” and methanol was found in the blood of those who died in the Nizhny Novgorod region – this is the most dangerous poison for humans. It serves as a solvent and an intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals, dyes, and photoreagents. However, underground bootleggers use it to make homemade alcohol to make the process cheaper.

The dubious drink is now being withdrawn from sale throughout the country, including in Moscow. At the moment, several hundred 30-liter kegs of “Mr. Cider” have already been arrested. In Samara, a truck with invoices for almost 19,000 liters of the drink was detained. The marking, which has become mandatory in Russia since April 1, was not applied to the kegs. The Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market has already blocked the EGAIS for the products of this manufacturer.
Who produced “Mr. Cider”
Investigators initiated a criminal case under the third part of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence). Punishment – up to ten years in prison. Four people have already been arrested in the case. Investigators are looking into their arrest.
As law enforcement officers have already found out, Mister Cider was supplied to the country’s stores by a brewery managed by Andi LLC. Its revenue for last year is almost 10 million rubles, net profit is much less – about a million. The legal address is a private house on Central Street in the Samara village of Stary Buyan. The actual place where the drink was produced is a brick building on Garazhnaya Street in the neighboring village of Vintai. The experts are already there.
The founder and sole owner of the business is 32-year-old Anar Huseynov. He was the first to be arrested. Huseynov is registered in the same private house where his company “Andi” is registered. And he lives in the center of Samara in a prestigious by local standards new building residential complex “City of the Sun”, from the windows of which there is an excellent view of the Volga. This housing can cost up to 22 million rubles on the secondary market. Anar Huseynov has a SamGU diploma of higher education. His father is a farmer. Sister is a medical doctor.
From the file cabinet of the Arbitration Court of the Samara Region shouldthat Anar Huseynov’s business was already checked by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year and serious violations were found. So, Huseynov sold alcohol without “certificates of conformity, invoices and certificates for waybills.” He was brought to administrative responsibility, fined ten thousand rubles. Their products were confiscated and destroyed. In particular, they talked about low-alcohol drinks Whiskey Cola, Sangria, Pina Colada, Mango Passion Fruit and Rum Cola.

Using his phone number, Anar Huseynov posted vacancies for the Varka brewery in Samara: he was looking for regional salespeople in Saratov and Saransk. The mentioned plant is located at the same address as Huseynov’s production. But the official management of “Varka” is completely different people – the father and son of the Nikolaevs. In the phones of other people, Anar Huseynov is often written as “Anar Beer Nehilo”. Perhaps his company “Andi” LLC and the Samara brewery “Nekhilo” are one and the same production. But if you believe the social networks “Nekhilo”, then this brand belongs to the “Varka” of the father and son of the Nikolaevs.
Who else was in charge of production
Managers 27-year-old Ravil Aslanov and 36-year-old Anton Frolov were also detained in the case. It is known about the first that he is engaged in martial arts, lives in a shabby Khrushchev on the outskirts of Samara, previously worked on the farm of Anar Huseynov’s father and sold bulls, cows and ducks. There is such information about the second one: he loves hockey, tattoos and traveling, he is married, has a baby daughter, he is registered in a five-story panel in the Industrial District of the city.

Almost nothing is known about the fourth detainee in the case, 28-year-old Polina Uskova. She worked as a chief accountant at a brewery where Mister Cider was brewed. She has a husband, a daughter and an apartment in Khrushchev.

So far, there is no information about the detention of the general director of production, 37-year-old Rafik Mudarisov. Perhaps, having heard about the consequences, he disappeared.
Investigators have already seized all the documentation at the factory and ordered the necessary examinations that will help find out how the company worked, how the technological chain was followed, and how poisonous components turned out to be in the drink. In addition, employees of regional regulatory authorities, who were supposed to control the production and compliance of the product with all safety standards, may be under investigation.