Who framed Tamara Klimina?
After the publication of the lists of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region from the LDPR, in the blogosphere of Ust-Kut and its environs, someone tried to stir up a scandal related to the absence of the former “northern star” of the Zhirinovites, the ex-mayor of Ust, in the lists of both single-members and party groups -Kutsky district Tamara Klimina.
Timidly there were hints that United Russia and the INC had a hand in this, allegedly fearing that Klimina would be able to compete with the main candidate, who, according to many political scientists, is Tatyana Molostova.
Let’s say right away: thrash did not work. Some city lunatics in chat rooms tried to dismiss “screams of indignation”, but the sensible majority understands that the time of Tamara Alexandrovna, who has long since exchanged her seventh decade, has irretrievably gone.
Nevertheless, a few days ago, probably in pursuit of a train inexorably running away from her, Tamara Klimina herself decided to remind her of her existence by telling the story of the “betrayal” of party members.

In general, she said that she did not want to go as a single-mandate member, but wanted to help the party that “cured” her of schizophrenia in her time and was ready to become the first number of the group. But the insidious enemies, of course, in the person of United Russia and the INC that joined them, spent a lot of money so that her “corrupt” party members would not be taken to their team.
The humpbacked grave will be corrected, and even modern psychiatry is not capable of helping Tamara Alexandrovna. Intrigue – has always been her strongest trait of character (as opposed to efficiency). Many remember how she brushed off the medical report, which was undoubtedly genuine, because “her roof is really leaking.” Klimina received a piece of paper for business preferences (such cases are common in those parts), but when the certificate surfaced and caught her as mayor, she blamed everything on the machinations of the United Russia. They rot the “people” …
Another case, nicknamed by the people Lupilovsky. This is when she sent her first deputy to Dushin for “slaughter” and a lady who joined him, a well-known lady in narrow circles, who, after the federally publicized episode, was nicknamed Katka the Bloody.
The most interesting thing is that, by chance, someone warned Dushin himself about the raid and a couple were waiting there. In fact, it was this that first knocked Alexander Viktorovich out of the contenders for the post of mayor (read, the main rival of Klimina), and then from the chair of the head of the city. True, Klimina herself did not help this local “success” to sit in the mayor’s office. She failed miserably in the elections.
But, what is most ridiculous, six months later, she rushed to the elective place of Dushin himself, and even tried to get support from him (including financial!), By offering a settlement with her subordinates who had suffered in Lupilovo. But Alexander Viktorovich, despite being then in a pre-trial detention center, did not fall for her “cunning” plan, and she did not become the head of Ust-Kut either.
But, as they say, you can’t drink away skill and the next elections, this time to the Legislative Assembly, Tamara Klimina decided to use to return to power through the back door. But here, even not seven spans in the forehead of colleagues in the party did not work out. In her indignant comment, she, as usual, tells almost the whole truth, except for the final ending.
Absolutely, she was offered to go to a single-mandate district. You don’t even need to go inside to understand the whole logic of the proposal: he can defeat Klimina only by a miracle and only if he invests serious funds in the campaign and plows from dawn to dusk. And, therefore, the second party bulletin of the Liberal Democratic Party will definitely pass through her work.
But she understood that she would not be able to win (she was not ready to invest or plow), but to sit first and, possibly, a passing number on the LDPR list is always welcome. But what if? And she is in the kings, and all the young and zealous ldprovites can wait.
It turned out that not always young, but early representatives of the local LDPR, headed by Denis Nekipelov, had their own ideas about who should be a deputy by chance, if the stars in the sky converge in the right coordinates. And they didn’t fall for Klimina’s next attempt to be “smarter than everyone” and left her behind this electoral hzikhidtidekrt campaigns.
But from the auditorium, Tamara Alexandrovna did not forget to throw in her three kopecks on the subject of the presence of “climinal fear” in United Russia and the INC. Still, Soviet medicine, which made psychiatric diagnoses, was not in vain considered the best in the world.